All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

Maybe, I need to use smaller doses but more often?
100%. With heavy feeders, can easily push the limits upwards to 2- 2.5%, but after trying both ways, I think its best to repeat 0.5% applications of say kelp monthly for 4 months, as an example, vs doing the full 2% at the beginning.

As for your rabbits, yeah I would definitely separate. They pee like horses..I was only interested in the full spectrum droppings, myself, not the urine or any moist bedding, so what I was gonna do was leave newspaper on angled shelves, just for soaking up urine, letting only rabbit turds to tumble off the newspaper directly into worm farms.. but by the time I got the whole dang room built, my rabbit had pee'd everywhere enough that I knew it was so high in calcium and salt that it was a big wild card factor which I didn't like.. walls turning white, yellow and dark orange stains FML lol... and I collected enough poop (pails full) that I was like, damn, I can sell this cute rabbit now, I have what I needed, haha. You can always make a Fert for your outdoor garden, something really acidic like blueberries might like the bedding compost, but for smokeable medicine, a half gallon of rabbit droppings per cf should ensure almost no deficiencies, but even then, its best rinsed of urine, then dried, and powdered.. that is the ultimate form. But for me, I would rather mess with borage and comfrey vs rabbits, for my composting needs, god they are messy, I hope your rabbits are outside bro!

Anyways, is your Mn def showing up in all strains, or just in a heavier eating strain?

And lastly, have you found the Excel calculators that go with Solomon's research, cause those save a LOT of math..

And have you ever done epsom foliars? Not just great for a terpene enhancement when timed, but also great for boosting photosynthesis and greening up a sad lady

By the way.

GRD is usually over 1% Na, so that means 10,000 ppm right there.
Gaia is over 17, 000 ppm
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Couple grandpa's with GAME.. lol

More hard to find and good vibes / big tunage on the DP Raggamuffin Reggae thread..
Good memory, bro. Thats the one I think. Still liking Reindeers compressed bricks? I liked the texture of them. Short but kinda reddish, pretty damn consistent and fluffy from what I recall. That CocoGrow had some nice thin 3/4" stringy fibres too, which I really liked for how they held and broke down.

Yea i think it was CocoGro @DonTesla .
I switched to the stuff i got from Reindeers though...

I stand corrected, brother @MustangStudFarm
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I think a blend is a good idea.. get the best from both worlds.
@ShLUbY is it you that started blending the peat and coir in your base, hows that been working for ya brotha?

@DonPetro was it Botanicaire that uses rain for two years outside before packing their coir, if you recall? I believe the writing was mostly green on a mostly white bag..
I really liked the coir you got me on to, but I don't think they carry it anymore for some reason..

I haven't used liquid kelp yet, but generally speaking cold pressing is where its at. Olive oils, etc etc. You can get kelp with 1 and 2 % potassium so yours seems stronger.. about twice as strong.

I would be tempted to go light with in, in your overall base, and then experiment with spikes and or in liquid cases, follow up applications..

speaking of which, when you have pushed your mixes, with Ca / dusts and meals like kelp, etc, that was done globally, as in mixed in fully hey, no splices or nothing?

Yeah I have some mixes going that have both but I mean honestly... it can’t last that long lol. IMO, the mix completely turns to compost after a couple recycles anyway... and compost holds moisture well so yeah I’d say my coir is long gone :) pretty sure I’ve been running these batches of soil over a year now. I had to toss my original mixes to the garden beds because of alkalinity. I didn’t feel like trying to repair them, needed immediate results, not a remediation program haha. I’ve been paying a lot more attention to inputs now.

Speaking of inputs... @DonTesla do you follow Joshua steensland on IG? He said he’s on the fourth run with no till 10 gal containers with no added amendments, only topdressing compost. Pretty fuckin nuts. Really making me question all the additional inputs upon recycle. So I’ve decided I’m going to just take these two used 5 gal pots and combine them into a 10 gal, pop a plant in them and see what happens. If I see good results... I guess I’ll start going on a every other run recycle program! I need to make the switch to 10 gal pots though. Time to invest into some more soil! It doesn’t look like he’s growing small plants either. I mean I’ve been definitely testing the limits of my 5 gal plastics I feel lol. But if he can do 3 runs in a 10 gal with no problems, and great looking fourth run, then I should be able to get another run out of these two pots combined. It’s not like I see deficiencies at harvest... I just see natural looking scenecense.
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100%. With heavy feeders, can easily push the limits upwards to 2- 2.5%, but after trying both ways, I think its best to repeat 0.5% applications of say kelp monthly for 4 months, as an example, vs doing the full 2% at the beginning.

As for your rabbits, yeah I would definitely separate. They pee like horses..I was only interested in the full spectrum droppings, myself, not the urine or any moist bedding, so what I was gonna do was leave newspaper on angled shelves, just for soaking up urine, letting only rabbit turds to tumble off the newspaper directly into worm farms.. but by the time I got the whole dang room built, my rabbit had pee'd everywhere enough that I knew it was so high in calcium and salt that it was a big wild card factor which I didn't like.. walls turning white, yellow and dark orange stains FML lol... and I collected enough poop (pails full) that I was like, damn, I can sell this cute rabbit now, I have what I needed, haha. You can always make a Fert for your outdoor garden, something really acidic like blueberries might like the bedding compost, but for smokeable medicine, a half gallon of rabbit droppings per cf should ensure almost no deficiencies, but even then, its best rinsed of urine, then dried, and powdered.. that is the ultimate form. But for me, I would rather mess with borage and comfrey vs rabbits, for my composting needs, god they are messy, I hope your rabbits are outside bro!

Anyways, is your Mn def showing up in all strains, or just in a heavier eating strain?

And lastly, have you found the Excel calculators that go with Solomon's research, cause those save a LOT of math..

And have you ever done epsom foliars? Not just great for a terpene enhancement when timed, but also great for boosting photosynthesis and greening up a sad lady

By the way.

GRD is usually over 1% Na, so that means 10,000 ppm right there.
Gaia is over 17, 000 ppm
You gave me a lot to think about!
Are you going to make good on what i sent you or do you feel that people other then yourself are responsible for your well being and should support you. I didnt realize that you were a millenial that needed his bum wiped. You’re a bottom feedin piece of shit brah. Seems like you got all kinds of time to preach your bullshit instead of earning a life for yourself and paying your debts. Good luck! Fingerprint
Took care of your woman and you. Broken leg, no phone. I mean everything. Your a fuckin joke!