All of the "stars" in the sky are actually UFOs, and I have a video to show you what it looks like!

All of the "stars" in the sky are actually UFOs, and I have a video to show you what it looks like.

I have been seeing these "stars" move since September of 2013.

All of the "stars" in My night sky actually move like in this video that I will play in a moment.

I can see the "stars" in My night sky move in any direction, except I can't see them move closer or farther away, because they are far away. I have seen these UFOs move in any possible direction, like left and right, and up and down, or any direction in between.

It usually take a momemt to notice that the "stars" move, and sometimes the UFOs stay still, but the movement is noticable enough.

I live in Massachusetts, so I don't know where else these UFOs hang out, but I would imagine these UFOs would be global, but I don't know for sure.

You can't see these UFOs when its too cloudy outside, because these UFOs are above the clouds.

I would suggest that you stare at your "stars" in your night sky too, to see if they are actually UFOs too.

So, in conclusion, I have been seeing these UFOs in Massachusetts since September of 2013, so its been about a year and a half since I first noticed that all of the "stars" in My night sky are actually UFOs.

Now I promised that you will see a video depicting how these UFOs move, and what they look like, so you guys can be aware too. Here is the video now...

Ufos desguised as night stars

Any questions, comments or concers are welcome in My thread. For the record, I have also see these UFOs move in a nearly straight line, and then fade to black, but that is very rare, and I have only seen that a handful of times. Enjoy.

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I took this picture of the UFOs in My night sky about a few weeks ago.

You can only see one UFO in this picture, because the other UFOs were not as bright, but there were other UFOs in My sky, but My camera just didn't pick them up.


give in to your sub-conscious george
those are the aliens coming to probe your asshole. By posting that video, you have been targeted.

We don't know if UFOs are alien or some sort of advanced military project that is above top secret, but its either alien or the government.

I can't conclude if these UFOs have beings inside the UFOs, or if they are drones.

Its also possible that some of the UFOs are terrestrial military craft, and some are alien craft.

We just don't know the above top secret military technology that the government has.

For the record, I believe I saw an alien-like being in the year 2012, and this alien-like being was on top of My neighbors roof. I saw this translucent alien-like being for 3 through 6 hours or so... it was a very long time that I was observing that alien-like being. The reason why I stopped watching the alien-like being was because it got too dark outside.

I made a video about My encounter with that alien-like being, and I will play it for you guys.

I made a couple of mistakes in that video. At first I said that the alien was in a tree, and then I corrected Myself to say that it was on top of My neighbors roof: and it was on My neighbors roof. Also, I said that I saw the black cloud on the eve of black Friday, but it was really the eve of Good Friday.

Here is the video...

The SIGNS of the TIMES!

I made this video towards the end of the year 2012, and that was before I realized that all of the "stars" in the sky are actually UFOs: because I would have mentioned that in the video.

Ps ....... A friend of mine used to go night fishing and he used to tell us that the stars that look like the're moving are just satellites george that's all :)

Ps ....... A friend of mine used to go night fishing and he used to tell us that the stars that look like the're moving are just satellites george that's all :)


I don't see why satellights would glow like a star and move around.

Plus, these UFOs are in the place of constellations, i.e., the big dipper, etc..

You should really watch one "star" at a time for a few minutes to see if it moves around. Just stare at one "star" for a few minutes, and then stare at another "star".

I highly doubt that I am seeing satellights, and stars are not suppose to move around.

I've seen the space station, camping out at South Point on the Big Island of Hawaii.
It's not even that big of a deal, just got to be in a remote area, away from cities, and have it cruising overhead.

12th of feburary 1979 i found out Santa Claus wasn't true :)

you know what i mean mister George ?

Okay, I read your link and I found out that satellights can be seen with the naked eye, but that link doesn't say that satellights appear to move around in a noticable way and in every direction.

Did you watch the video I posted in the first post? Because that is exactly what I see. It might be hard to see the "light" move on a small screen, but I am sure its more obvious on a bigger screen. Thats what I see.

I am not condescending you when I tell you, you are not mad George. The disclosure project and its facets are trying to release information at every level. But..... Misinformation is everywhere.
About 45 years ago I had a job at Boeing as a sheetmetal mech . I had top secret clearance, not because I worked on secret projects, but because I worked their facilities dept, working on the buildings & stuff, so I had to have the clearance. Back in the early 70's, long before Star Wars, I saw some wind tunnel models of some wild ass looking space ship gulf wing aircraft....then 30 years later I saw my first Stealth bomber & that was it....