all the buffoonery

If you can't see there is a difference between posting a dick pic and posting a song that says i'm a problem after you called me a problem you don't have very much common sense.

I simple don't look at Dicks.

It seems all these dicks is making you uncomfortable. You got a little baby peen?

What you fail to acknowledge is this site is intended for adult use. Kinda makes since there would be adult humor.
Where are you plants at homie? Post them up.

Talk shit about me growing?

My girl is a better fgrower than you.
I din't talk shit about your growing I've never seen your grow. It only makes sense that if you're a honda fan boy you like to lie to yourself about inferior products being better than they are.
I din't talk shit about your growing I've never seen your grow. It only makes sense that if you're a honda fan boy you like to lie to yourself about inferior products being better than they are.

Hahaha. That car in my avi, the turbo is 5k.

It has a darton block. I know you don't know what that is. It is ok.

Dude my steering wheel setup is 1k.

I have well over 50k in that civic.

Now do you want to see my new pro charger for my 2016 mustang. It's was fairly cheap at 20k.