all the buffoonery

I din't talk shit about your growing I've never seen your grow. It only makes sense that if you're a honda fan boy you like to lie to yourself about inferior products being better than they are.
I was going to simply enjoy my popcorn while you guys fought back and forth.
until you said that..
Anyone that knows a wrench from a hand grenade knows that Honda probably makes the best damn 4 stroke combustion engine on the planet. (although it is too bad they suck at making automatic transaxles)
And I happen to know a thing or two about em.
What do you drive man?
Saying categorically obtuse comments like that won't get ya far with us people that use factual shit to base our arguments on.
but carry on.
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I drive a truck because i'm a man. big block ford. Working on a 84 cutlass right now dropping a bbc into it.
right... a truck because you are a "man"
That truck of yours would get it's doors blown off by like 85% of the FOUR cylinders made today..
cars with a third of your displacement or less.
This is weird, you are painting yourself as a tiny dude with a big truck and a tattle-tale personality
Bet you kill it with the women...
The ones you happen to be taller than.
right... a truck because you are a "man"
That truck of yours would get it's doors blown off by like 85% of the FOUR cylinders made today..
cars with a third of your displacement or less.
This is weird, you are painting yourself as a tiny dude with a big truck and a tattle-tale personality
Bet you kill it with the women...
The ones you happen to be taller than.
lmfao I'd love to see a 4 cylinder car pull a 2-5 ton trailer nearly everyday for over 15 years. I've been married for 10 years. They don't even make hondas in my size I'm 6 ft 5. It would be like me driving in a t bucket it just aint gonna happen.
lmfao I'd love to see a 4 cylinder car pull a 2-5 ton trailer nearly everyday for over 15 years. I've been married for 10 years. They don't even make hondas in my size I'm 6 ft 5. It would be like me driving in a t bucket it just aint gonna happen.
well shit, i feel ya there man
i'm 6'4" and 200 lbs.
I have driven EVERY Honda made in the last 20 yrs.
and you can probably fit in all of them man
Hell the crv, accord, civic, all those are HUGE inside considering.
Only vehicles I have issues with are miatas, all early 90s compact pickups (hilux and nissans)