...All Things Vero...

Would you consider buying a VERO after reading through some of the posts?

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Ap. My lights were not too high. Gg touched on it. Its really was too much light per sqft. I think light sickness at the start slowed my progress down. My current round is better but not scrogging.
Also, I have more area to start w the lights up high and move them down gradually.

FYI. I run my LEDs pretty close compared to others. My low yield came because of excess watts In a space to small. IMO no more than 35/40w per swft

Pic of current led tent. 4*4
View attachment 3310243

I'm just going off what I've seen work for me SG, I didn't intentionally mean to ruffle any of your feathers but I can sometimes be blunt about my views and you were incidentally my victim. Sorry mate :(. I got mad respect for your position here in the forums :eyesmoke:.

I'm still very new to indoor growing (under but close to a year's worth of doing it).

These VERO 18's are much better at working than the BlackStars and Chromes!!!

I'll throw up some numbers in my Crown thread in the coming week(s). It should be interesting to compare my current grow (VERO 18's and BS 240 V2) with my last grow (BS 240W and 2x Chromes).

BTW - your current tent grow looks great!

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I agree with you that there are multiple exceptions on growing your plant to it's fullest potential. I've mounted lights to the ceiling (~10FT) before and I've had lights on chains/strings draped down closer to the canopy (Within 2FT from seedling/plant). Without factoring quality of LEDs and quantity, such as W/ft/^2, it's clear that bringing the light source TO your plant is much more lucrative than having your plant reaching for the ceiling (I'm sure your on the same page with me on that one).

(If I've missed your point or wandered off track, please redirect me)

Do you believe in using supplemental side lighting? I ask because you come off as housing many years of indoor growing experience and I enjoy hearing different beliefs.
11 years coming up this spring. And in many different full size operations...and actually never been on a micro scale(6x4 was my smallest garden)

How is it clear???? and why is it working??? what does high mean??...what does low mean?...things you don't have answers to...but the answers exist and explain the effects you are seeing. The answer will more than likely come down to the µmols that the canopy is receiving based on the height.
Too high really means that there is not enough intensity...
Too low really means there inis too much intensity and/or not enough coverage...
Neither of which do the heights matter per say... height is just a way you can adjust those actual factors.

People ask me all the time why my lights are so high...well that is because the provide the correct intensity and coverage at that height. Close...far...what ever you want to call it...the fact is it provides the correct µmols...and the height is not very important as long as the coverage is there...and for me it is. Moving it closer will not have a positive effect and nor will farther way...because it's already in the ideal range.
So when people tell me to drop my lights because they run their hps low...well their hps has to be that low to get the numbers I can get farther away with leds and lenses. Plus with mine being farther, has the better penetration potential*. As well as spectral blending when using mono additions to whites. But with no lenses you have to be "lower" to get the same intensity and in turn effect(the growth from high intensity light).

If anything I believe that the higher you can hang lights and get the intensity required is the better they will perform.

I'm just going off what I've seen work for me SG, I didn't intentionally mean to ruffle any of your feathers but I can sometimes be blunt about my views and you were incidentally my victim. Sorry mate :(. I got mad respect for your position here in the forums :eyesmoke:.

I'm still very new to indoor growing (under but close to a year's worth of doing it).

These VERO 18's are much better at working than the BlackStars and Chromes!!!

I'll throw up some numbers in my Crown thread in the coming week(s). It should be interesting to compare my current grow (VERO 18's and BS 240 V2) with my last grow (BS 240W and 2x Chromes).

BTW - your current tent grow looks great!
I mean this with all do respect to "your position here in the forums"...Yes you are new...3 months ago you were looking into adding an ion8, a couple weeks ago you thought your vero's were running 50% efficient...now you are recommending DIY to everyone and their brother...which is fine, but I would suggest sitting back and taking it all in slower and actually getting some solid grows under it...or even just one...before going as hardcore as you have been recently.

@SomeGuy... I really think that if you had more plant mass in there...like same thing, but 15"-20" of canopy depth...that you would not have had too much light for the space...but for the plants that were in that grow, yes it was more than they needed. But you did killer regardless. For reference...I only got .8g/w on my drone first round...and that was with a generous lack of trimming.
11 years coming up this spring. And in many different full size operations...and actually never been on a micro scale(6x4 was my smallest garden)

How is it clear???? and why is it working??? what does high mean??...what does low mean?...things you don't have answers to...but the answers exist and explain the effects you are seeing. The answer will more than likely come down to the µmols that the canopy is receiving based on the height.
Too high really means that there is not enough intensity...
Too low really means there inis too much intensity and/or not enough coverage...
Neither of which do the heights matter per say... height is just a way you can adjust those actual factors.

People ask me all the time why my lights are so high...well that is because the provide the correct intensity and coverage at that height. Close...far...what ever you want to call it...the fact is it provides the correct µmols...and the height is not very important as long as the coverage is there...and for me it is. Moving it closer will not have a positive effect and nor will farther way...because it's already in the ideal range.
So when people tell me to drop my lights because they run their hps low...well their hps has to be that low to get the numbers I can get farther away with leds and lenses. Plus with mine being farther, has the better penetration potential*. As well as spectral blending when using mono additions to whites. But with no lenses you have to be "lower" to get the same intensity and in turn effect(the growth from high intensity light).

If anything I believe that the higher you can hang lights and get the intensity required is the better they will perform.

I mean this with all do respect to "your position here in the forums"...Yes you are new...3 months ago you were looking into adding an ion8, a couple weeks ago you thought your vero's were running 50% efficient...now you are recommending DIY to everyone and their brother...which is fine, but I would suggest sitting back and taking it all in slower and actually getting some solid grows under it...or even just one...before going as hardcore as you have been recently.

@SomeGuy... I really think that if you had more plant mass in there...like same thing, but 15"-20" of canopy depth...that you would not have had too much light for the space...but for the plants that were in that grow, yes it was more than they needed. But you did killer regardless. For reference...I only got .8g/w on my drone first round...and that was with a generous lack of trimming.

Lol what can I say .. I like to go HARD!!

As for everything I said that you retorted to.... :clap:

Great, you have a long history of experience in this subject (I never doubted it). I'm glad you went as far as going in-depth of the matter, as I didn't feel like going "hardcore" at the time of posting.

Your memory is right on point though! It's amazing what one can learn in just a short time span.

The truth is, I'd rather be wrong and learn from my mistakes instead of just 'taking it easy'. I hope you can understand.

I've just heard from guys at EBV Elektronik that Bridgelux is to release a new CoB in January/February 2015. Couldn't find any other info though. Anyone?

Traditionally, the lighting industry uses Color Rendering Index (CRI) as a primary measure of light quality; however, CRI only measures color distortion. Gamut Area Index (GAI) measures color saturation and strength to more accurately reflect the holistic effect of light and how a person will perceive color. Bridgelux Décor Series Class A is engineered at the optimal GAI and CRI combination based on human perception of light.

Bridgelux Vero Décor Series Class A arrays will be available in 4000 K and 3000 K CCT. They’re designed for applications including high-end retail, hospitality, museums and commercial spaces.

For more information about Class A Color research and development, please visit:

- See more at: http://www.bridgelux.com/press-rele...c-chip-board-led-arrays/#sthash.GKBtckXX.dpuf

It would appear to me that this new product is being sold solely on the concept of GAI. The question now is, how will GAI affect our grows? Certainly we will see our plants under clearer lighting but to what degree will our plants be compensated?

For high-end retail? Sounds like it's going to be an expensive COB series sold to those with the most dough... :?
The current generation of CXAs and Veros are going to be two years old this spring. Definitely cool new stuff coming Real Soon Now even if this isn't it.

I'm looking forward to seeing some new line ups. It will be interesting to see what the next chapter of COB lighting (for growing-related purposes) will bring, as the current, imo, is fantastic!
So what are your toughts?
Running 1.4A both V29 - 3500K
Later i think i will add 3070AB...
Cab is 80x50x105cm inside parameters, so there will be place for some diodes... Hope to get those 100g's by harvest :)

This what i made up:\
'' Screen Shot 2014-12-10 at 21.32.59.png

Soo, this cab, with lockable doors will be ready after week/two, guy will make this out for me from cuttings. cool.
So what are your toughts?
Running 1.4A both V29 - 3500K
Later i think i will add 3070AB...
Cab is 80x50x105cm inside parameters, so there will be place for some diodes... Hope to get those 100g's by harvest :)

This what i made up:\
'' View attachment 3310853

Soo, this cab, with lockable doors will be ready after week/two, guy will make this out for me from cuttings. cool.

How tall is the tupperware container? While the cab is around 40 inches in height (~3FT), I wonder how much distance will be available for your plants to grow.

BTW I'm liking the photo. Did you create that yourself??!
125cm height...
2x 2galon buckets...
This container is definitely too big...
Container height: 40"
Height from this container to lights - 16"

Ok, could try to do 125cm... or 50"

@AquariusPanta - Yes, Google Sketchup!

Just to put things in perspective, I ran my VERO 18's as close as 3-4" from the heads of my lady (during mid-budding). It did cause a little bleaching, so I moved em' up to 6" without any further bleaching. My VERO 18's run with 1050mA drivers (~30W each). In the case of the bleaching, the head was right under the light (a new no no in my book).

With VERO 29's, running at 1400mA, your going to have to give your plant(s) a good 8-12", I'm guessing, of distance without having any obverse effects, such as bleaching aka 'too much light'.

from previous discussions, vero 29s basically need about 60cm (2 feet) above the canopy. Instead of Vero29s you should be looking at vero 10s like in MrFlux's cabinet


Multiple VERO 10's or 18's would be ideal for your situation.
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I believe you @AquariusPanta
i'l have 8-20" space... i have feeling that it is ok, too...
And i feel that 60centimeters are too far...

from previous discussions, vero 29s basically need about 60cm (2 feet) above the canopy. Instead of Vero29s you should be looking at vero 10s like in MrFlux's cabinet
i allready have 3500k v29