AllDayToker's Adventure of Greener Living - HPS Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Guess you dont understand the rules,they can shut RIU down for trading,not to mention Adm does like it!
hell, I was under the impression I was straight but oh boy did I find out different. I'm just glad that shitstorm is starting to settle down a little bit. I know its never been a problem before as long as everybody was on the same page so's to speak. At least the big trouble is gone :mrgreen:

I don't know bout everybody else but I'm keepin this nose clean on rollitup from now on. I've been a member for 3 years and never had a problem till I met the one that shall remain nameless.


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Took a couple lines of some really good blow last night. So that was fun.
sounds like fun. it has been a few months since did a couple.

it is funny you bring this up. i was gifted 1/2 gram last xmas and i just realized i have 1/2 of that left. lol

go figure with a name like mine i should do it more but i do not. but i will smoke you all up if i ever get a chance.



Well-Known Member
sounds like fun. it has been a few months since did a couple.

it is funny you bring this up. i was gifted 1/2 gram last xmas and i just realized i have 1/2 of that left. lol

go figure with a name like mine i should do it more but i do not. but i will smoke you all up if i ever get a chance.

I wish we could be more free bout what we do, there has to be all kinds of fucking bad ass people out there that I've yet to meet.

Probably walk by half of them on the street and don't even know.