Almost Ak-47 Harvest Time!!!W/Pics


Well-Known Member
Very true, I hope I get some seeds out of mine. Do you think I will get any without any males??? And I also wanted to know if you had any perfected cloning techniques I could use, I have yet to keep a clone alive, or even to get one to grow roots. Your help would be greatly appreciated and will receive some +rep. Thanx bro...


Well-Known Member
Very true, I wanted to know if you think I will get any seeds without males??? I also wanted to know if you have any perfected cloning techniques, I have yet to keep a clone alive, or get it to grow roots. Any of your help is appreciated and will get +rep. Thanks bro...


Well-Known Member
Im thinking maybe two weeks instead of one,the buds are still kinda airy. Jah will provide bro!!!


Well-Known Member
I use ROOTS root stimulator gel. you have to follow these instructions perfectly otherwise they will die in an hour. buy some rockwool plugs or peat pucks. use a heating pad on low setting. place a towel between heating pad and clone dome. always use the kind of dome that comes with the peat pucks or rockwool plugs. pick your clones and cut them on a sharp angle. dip them into the rooting gel and place them1/2 inch into peat puck or rockwool plug. dip about 1/2 inch into gel. peat puck or rockwool cube should not be soaking wet. just wet with some air in there. place in dome onto heating pad and only mist the clones and peat or plug with very mild hydro veg nutes mixed in water. mix it about 10% strength. make sure they are never soaked. just damp. they need air. in a few days they'll grow through for sure. if you need pics i'll clone a male lowryder right now


Well-Known Member
oh yah place dome under weak flouro light until roots appear. few days. you have to leave dome on at all times except for watering or they will wilt and die in an hour literally. keep the dome on.


Active Member
Very true, I wanted to know if you think I will get any seeds without males??? I also wanted to know if you have any perfected cloning techniques, I have yet to keep a clone alive, or get it to grow roots. Any of your help is appreciated and will get +rep. Thanks bro...
i cloned a few from my plant but i didnt feel like dealing with them so i tossed them out. 2 were for sure females too but my lease ends in june and i dont have time for those but i used clonex. i made crappy cuts and the rockwool was f'd up soi really did not do a good job of cloning. i did use clonex or whatever it is clone-x maybe idk but all 5 of my clones, most of which looked dead ended up rooting, at least a little bit. just give it time tho mine took like 2 1/2 weeks and i did a shitty job. it was expensive but they had little $5 packets that was enough for the clones i needed then. that was my first cloning experience too. dont listen to too much of my advice tho cuz im still a n00b and growin medicine. and both of u have amazing looking plants. gratz!


Well-Known Member
if you clone from a female than they are all guaranteed female. you don't have to worry. if you cloned and knew that 2 were female than they all were.


Active Member
clonex is great. its the same thing
yeah it doesnt really matter that was the first one i saw and i knew it had a good rep. im just sayin that i did it really sloppy cuz im stupid and tho it took awhile and it looked like they were dying, they still rooted.


Well-Known Member
Well the thing is I took the clone from a power skunk that has not been sexed yet. I put the cutting in root gel after preparing the stem, then into cloning powder with fungicide. After this I put it into a rockwool macro plug (presoaked in ph water with superthrive added), now Im letting sit for 24 hrs to readjust from shock, then Im going to us a heating pad and a 45 watt flourescent light bulb on a humidity dome... Sounds full proof, any other suggestions???


Well-Known Member
same here bro. it'll work. keep it clean. i'm talking to a chick in another post. hell ya!! growing chick!!


Active Member
same here bro. it'll work. keep it clean. i'm talking to a chick in another post. hell ya!! growing chick!!
ive never even really heard of a growing chick. its like do u ever really see any girls that shred on guitar. i mean they are out there but u never see them.