Almost Ak-47 Harvest Time!!!W/Pics


Well-Known Member
wowza. they are lookin good:hump:
sorry to hear about the cop scare though. hopefully your neighbors will quit being douches and lighten up a bit.

keep us updated on the weigh in a smoke report!!

Keep on growin


Well-Known Member
So I trimmed my buds and now there hanging on a hanger drying!!! The small ass popcan plant yielded 90 grams wet, thats right 90 fuckin grams people, Im still in amazement!!! The larger ak-47 yielded slightly under 90 grams wet. I will post some poics in abit, I gotta get some batteries for the camera!!!


Well-Known Member
I wanted to lower the temps on mine to get a nice colour but dont think its possible. Def the colour looks cool. Never grew anything that came out a cool colour. It took 2 weeks though? Cant wait to see the yield on this 1. i'll say 119 wet. thats my guess. looking sweet.


Well-Known Member
The purpl colour you want must be brought out chemically. The reason amcs plant turned purple is because the plant was realising its life was near over. Once the plant stops making chloraphil which is green. its next most abundant colour is the glucose ( sugars produced through photosysnthesys ) The cold temps and lack of chloraphil change the sugars brown red PURPLE orange etc. just like fall leaves. Your plant naturally has more of this pigment. lowering the temps for a few days and giving the plant less light for a shorter number of hours could promote this. I def believe that you need to find a way to break down extra chloraphil that naturally wouldnt have been. at the end of the plants life. the colours should really come out then


Well-Known Member
thats very interesting dude.. is there something i can add to the water that would speed up this process? This is my first grow and if it turns out purple ill be fuckin stoked. I do have the door open on some of the nights and with the fan on. This has been keeping my grow around 70 degress by night and sometimes colder. But in the mornings if my door is shut then the room heats up to 80 and is humid as heck. Also my lights are on 12/12 mode (150 W HPS). Is there anything i can change to promote the purple more then what im already doing.

The purpl colour you want must be brought out chemically. The reason amcs plant turned purple is because the plant was realising its life was near over. Once the plant stops making chloraphil which is green. its next most abundant colour is the glucose ( sugars produced through photosysnthesys ) The cold temps and lack of chloraphil change the sugars brown red PURPLE orange etc. just like fall leaves. Your plant naturally has more of this pigment. lowering the temps for a few days and giving the plant less light for a shorter number of hours could promote this. I def believe that you need to find a way to break down extra chloraphil that naturally wouldnt have been. at the end of the plants life. the colours should really come out then


Well-Known Member
Cut an hour off the light cycle. it tricks the plants into really thinking the season is ending. They might have a chloraphil remover thats for hydro. but be carefull buying it. what other plant would you have any reason to do this? theyll def know. I'm not even sure if they have it though. I'm sure you could find out what chemicals break it down but i dont know. search yahoo and see. but if you try this i would be carefull. maybe try 1 plant with the chemical first in small doses. youre getting into some science here if you want more thans natural. i'll try and find something out.


Well-Known Member
ok here it is. dont hate me!!! lol you can do it. sort of!!! its like rocket science

Structure and Reactions of Chlorophyll

James Steer


Chlorophyll is a green compound found in leaves and green stems of plants. Initially, it was assumed that chlorophyll was a single compound but in 1864 Stokes showed by spectroscopy that chlorophyll was a mixture. If dried leaves are powdered and digested with ethanol, after concentration of the solvent, 'crystalline' chlorophyll is obtained, but if ether or aqueous acetone is used instead of ethanol, the product is 'amorphous' chlorophyll.
In 1912, Willstatter et al. (1) showed that chlorophyll was a mixture of two compounds, chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b:
Chlorophyll-a (C55H72MgN4O5, mol. wt.: 893.49). The methyl group marked with an asterisk is replaced by an aldehyde in chlorophyll-b (C55H70MgN4O6, mol. wt.: 906.51).
The two components were separated by shaking a light petroleum solution of chlorophyll with aqueous methanol: chlorophyll-a remains in the light petroleum but chlorophyll-b is transferred into the aqueous methanol. Cholorophyll-a is a bluish-black solid and cholorophyll-b is a dark green solid, both giving a green solution in organic solutions. In natural chlorophyll there is a ratio of 3 to 1 (of a to b) of the two components.
The intense green colour of chlorophyll is due to its strong absorbencies in the red and blue regions of the spectrum, shown in fig. 1. (2) Because of these absorbencies the light it reflects and transmits appears green.

Fig. 1 - The uv/visible adsorption spectrum for chlorophyll. Due to the green colour of chlorophyll, it has many uses as dyes and pigments. It is used in colouring soaps, oils, waxes and confectionary.
Chlorophyll's most important use, however, is in nature, in photosynthesis. It is capable of channelling the energy of sunlight into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. In this process the energy absorbed by chlorophyll transforms carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen:

CO2 + H2O <IMG alt="------>" src="" align=middle> (CH2O) + O2
Note: CH2O is the empirical formula of carbohydrates.

The chemical energy stored by photosynthesis in carbohydrates drives biochemical reactions in nearly all living organisms.
In the photosynthetic reaction electrons are transferred from water to carbon dioxide, that is carbon dioxide is reduced by water. Chlorophyll assists this transfer as when chlorophyll absorbs light energy, an electron in chlorophyll is excited from a lower energy state to a higher energy state. In this higher energy state, this electron is more readily transferred to another molecule. This starts a chain of electron-transfer steps, which ends with an electron being transferred to carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, the chlorophyll which gave up an electron can accept an electron from another molecule. This is the end of a process which starts with the removal of an electron from water. Thus, chlorophyll is at the centre of the photosynthetic oxidation-reduction reaction between carbon dioxide and water.
Simple reactions of chlorophyll

Treatment of cholorophyll-a with acid removes the magnesium ion replacing it with two hydrogen atoms giving an olive-brown solid, phaeophytin-a. Hydrolysis of this (reverse of esterification) splits off phytol and gives phaeophorbide-a. Similar compounds are obtained if chlorophyll-b is used.

Overall reaction scheme for the hydrolysis of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll can also be reacted with a base which yields a series of phyllins, magnesium porphyrin compounds. Treatment of phyllins with acid gives porphyrins.

Overall scheme for the reaction of alkaline with chlorophyll. Extraction of chlorophyll from plants

In plants chlorophyll is associated with specific proteins, for example, chlorophyll-a binding proteins are referred to as CP I, CP 47 and CP 43. With improving biochemical techniques for use on the membrane systems there has been an ever increasing success in the isolation and characterisation of these proteins.
Initially, detergents are used to break down the membrane into fragments, and these fragments are further broken down by the use of different detergents. These detergents work by replacing the membrane lipids which surround integral membrane proteins. The resulting particles are separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (a standard biochemical method) in the presence of sufficient detergent to keep them 'solubilised'. The activity and polypeptide composition can then be assayed as the particle is purified. The detergents work by substituting lipids at different spots in the membrane, this is also affected by the concentration of the detergent. One such detergent that is very commonly used is SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide). This is generally used as it has several advantages over other detergents: the separation can be carried out fairly rapidly and it also gives a good overall picture of the distribution of chlorophyll.
Photosystem I - Fig. 2

Fig. 2 - Photosystem I showing the constituents of PS I-110 particles. This figure shows a schematic representation of the major subfractions that can be isolated from thylakoid membranes. In PS I (photosystem I) an initial solubilisation produces large particles (called PS I-110). These particles contain two chlorophyll-protein complexes: the reaction centre chlorophyll-a protein (CP I) and a chlorophyll a+b complex (LHC I, light-harvesting complex) (3). PS I-110 also contains 6 to 8 polypeptides of lower molecular weight (8 to 25kDa, where 1 dalton=1 a.m.u.) that do not bind to chlorophyll, called Subunits II-VII. CP I, the reaction centre P700 chlorophyll-a protein, can be isolated from any of these mixtures by treatment with SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) or LiDS (lithium dodecyl sulfate) followed by electrophoresis.
Initial experiments done by Ogawa et al.(4) and Thornber (5) isolated two complexes by SDS-PAGE from SDS-solubilised membranes. One of these complexes, CP I, had a high apparent molecular weight and contained only chlorophyll-a. CP I is the most stable of the complexes and retained the photochemical activity of P700, the reaction centre of chlorophyll in PS I. It has a chlorophyll to P700 ratio of ~45 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10) and a beta-carotene to P700 ratio of ~8.
The nature of the reaction centre of chlorophyll, P700, is still unknown, as there is conflicting evidence. It has been suggested that this could be explained if there is a pair of electronically interacting chlorophyll-a molecules in the ground (reduced) state (P700), and that the unpaired electron of the P700+ (oxidised) state is localised on only one of the chlorophyll's (11). The other 40 to 50 chlorophyll-a molecules of CP I act as antennas, and are thought to be responsible for the 721nm fluorescence emission maximum (12, 13).
Photosystem II - Fig. 3

Fig. 3 - Photosystem II showing the constituents of BBY particles. Improved extraction procedures gave oxygen evolving PS II (photosystem II) particles (BBY's). These particles are large pieces of granal membranes, probably lipid depleted (14, 15, 16, 17). Other detergent treatments have been employed to isolate the core particles from PS II. These core particles contain two reaction chlorophyll-a proteins, CP 47 and CP 43 and several non chlorophyll binding polypeptides (D1, D2), but are free from chlorophyll a+b complexes. Core particles which retain manganese have been successfully isolated with the two chlorophyll-a proteins and a limited number of other polypeptides. CP 47 and CP 43 can be purified from the other components of PS II by the use of SDS-PAGE or HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) but they have no photochemical activity in isolation.
In 1977, a minor chlorophyll-a complex was detected by SDS-PAGE. The complex was rather unstable a contained a much lower percentage chlorophyll than CP I and was named CPa. It was then discovered that CPa was really two complexes: by solubilising thylakoid membranes with octyl gluside (a detergent), Camm and Green (18, 19) demonstrated the presence of the two complexes. These complexes are now named CP 47 and CP 43.
The PS II reaction centre is significantly more complex than the reaction centre of PS I, where P700 is clearly localised on the green complex CP I. P680, the reaction centre chlorophyll of PS II, is difficult to determine because the P680+ Pheo- charge separation decays within a nanosecond. P680 is currently considered to be a chlorophyll-a dimer, at least in the ground state.
Porphyrin derivatives

Chlorophyll is essentially two parts: a substituted porphyrin ring and phytol (the long carbon chain). The porphyrin ring is an excellent chelating ligand, with the four nitrogen atoms binding strongly to a co-ordinated metal atom in a square planar arrangement. There are many examples of this including heme and vitamin B12.
Heme consists of a porphyrin similar to that in chlorophyll but with an iron(II) ion in the centre of the porphyrin. Heme is bright red. In the red blood cells of vertebrates, heme is bound to proteins forming hemoglobin. Hemoglobin combines with oxygen in the lungs, gills, or other respiratory surfaces and releases it in the tissues. In muscle cells, myoglobin, the name given to hemoglobin in muscles, stores oxygen as an electron source for energy-releasing oxidation-reduction reactions.
Vitamin B12 contains a cobalt ion at the centre of the porphyrin. Like heme, vitamin B12 is bright red. It is essential to digestion and nutritional absorption in animals.
Some other examples of porphyrin derivatives are shown below.

A porphyrin ring co-ordinating a copper ion (20, Beilstein registry number: 1168401). Another example is a co-ordinated iron species in which the porphyrin ring is also substituted:

Octamethyltetrabenzoporphyrineisen (II) (21, Beilstein registry number: 1203779).


Well-Known Member
after reading this i still think my simple answer was right. but damn well not as detailed!!! lol. if your interested i have some ideas


Well-Known Member
Crazy post man!!! It totally makes sense though.greenearth5 sorry I neglected to say I did the temp drop for what I thought was going to be my last two weeks. That seems to be most effective in my trials!!! Talk to 1982grower, he'll hook you up.


Well-Known Member
from reading this post and hearing the talk of bases. if theyre even talking the same kind of bases. I assume your overall best bet is to lower the temps, shorten the light cycle to limit photosynthesys, and most imporantly and experimentally i would add a base to your res. For the last week or so of finishing the plants add a base to the res to bring the ph up to about 7.5. that should block out anything dissolved in the water from being absorbed by the plant. after your plant has uptaken this high ph water it should start to use its own chemicals to stay alive. the chloraphyll will die eventually and cause the colour change. No idea how long this takes or if it will work. but doing all these things seems like the best way to succeed. or fail huge!!!


Well-Known Member
hell i'll try it with a plant at the end of my grow if you want and compare it to the plants i didnt do it to. who knows though? but in theory it should work. lol