almost got robbed by a ripper

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Rule #1 dont tell anybody
Rule #2 dont tell anybody
Rule #3 dont tell anybody
....smh ready to die for some shit you burn...stop it✋ ran and called for help so your not ready to die...

Firstly we dont have three rules just two and after the first rule of Rollitupclub 'dont tell anyone' the second was forgotten so we added a more modern rule which was 'lift weights, learn to fight and get ripped enough until no fucker wants to rob you ever again'.

Three rules for stoners is one rule more than we will ever remember, shit bro some noob might fuck up and think rule three was 'tell everyone about you super cool hobby that your now defining your life with like you are that player in your dreams'.

Yer so i think theres a sticky you missed on all these rules when you joined, re-read and then try submitting your application for Rollitupclub.

Without retaliation or threat of retaliation they may return, especially if there are more than one. There are ways to bring hell down on them without risking you or your harvest.

Rumors, tell their girlfriend or wife they are cheating. Get a war dialer and leave it running for days. Tell their relatives they are using drugs. Slash tires. Call their work and say they have been stealing. The options are endless.
Offer a reward. That's what I did. 500.00 for someone to find out and take care of it for me with a confession (before or after the beating)on tape. or leave 500.00 in my mailbox. Then spread the word, you have a couple people step forward to take care of it. And don't care who it is. You don't want involved in that part, just payment when they bring me their strong hand's thumb. You will have the neighborhood involved. lol
Make them look over their shoulder for a while. Mess with their heads.
It's someone you know.
Remember, a drunk will feel guilty if he steals your wallet,
a thief will help you look for . lol
Offer a reward. That's what I did. 500.00 for someone to find out and take care of it for me with a confession (before or after the beating)on tape. or leave 500.00 in my mailbox. Then spread the word, you have a couple people step forward to take care of it. And don't care who it is. You don't want involved in that part, just payment when they bring me their strong hand's thumb. You will have the neighborhood involved. lol
Make them look over their shoulder for a while. Mess with their heads.
It's someone you know.
Remember, a drunk will feel guilty if he steals your wallet,
a thief will help you look for . lol

He has already had people come to the address twice. This isn’t a stolen puppy scenario kid. It’s shoot or get shot at this point. Take your candy floss back to the shop.
Firstly we dont have three rules just two and after the first rule of Rollitupclub 'dont tell anyone' the second was forgotten so we added a more modern rule which was 'lift weights, learn to fight and get ripped enough until no fucker wants to rob you ever again'.

Three rules for stoners is one rule more than we will ever remember, shit bro some noob might fuck up and think rule three was 'tell everyone about you super cool hobby that your now defining your life with like you are that player in your dreams'.

Yer so i think theres a sticky you missed on all these rules when you joined, re-read and then try submitting your application for Rollitupclub.

u should include a few others with todays tech

rule 4 turn off your GPS and location tagging in your phone because if u do not the data is included with every copy of the pic if u know where to look and how ......cops or ppl looking to rip u off

rule 5 if u post a pic be running a onion router or a VPN program (this site will have to legally comply with any warrant and turn over posting info) this only ever happens if cops are building a major case on u depending on some states like MD that was known for parking at the only grow store selling certain products ...they copy your plate down and do a trash search for any proof they can get to raid

and to avoid getting ripped off u need to build a Reputation for being a Crazy ass willing to do what it takes when someone messes with your shit
it could be as simple as
planting drugs in a car waiting for the person to get in and call in a tip when they are near a school zone
putting a dead animal down the well head of the person house
filling a squirt gun with high proof ALC (anything at or above 100 proof lights on fire).....gas in one of those in Jail time if caught with but not ALC ( no one wants to burn alive)
kicking in the door of the person and shooting everyone in sight with bean bag rounds then get the cash owed
or the classic 2x4 to the face when they come around a corner
just rem it is only 22 lbs of pressure to rip off a ear 68 lbs to snap a neck and depending on the person 25 to 32 lbs to close off a troat

then u have thousands of other things u can say to freak the person out
personal fav is
i will be back one day when i am bored and u have forgotten about me ...just so u know it is possible to keep a person alive for several days as u slice parts off aslong as u use a hot knife to seal off the veins from bleeding
I just had this happen 3 weeks ago there little Bubu.
did u get robbed and know who did it
set their car on fire and leave msg pay on ground (that will set off all kinds of shit for the person with the cops looking into the their back ground)

if u are the guy getting ppl coming into your house
shoot them it is 100% legal in every state just make sure u say in fear for your life and body falls inside your house (no running and gunning u go to jail)
shotgun no wait no need to register it (just get the 18 inch barrel models and replace the stock with a combat) it will be little longer then a sawled off but 100% legal
finally got it

TLDR most of it. For YOUR, repeat, YOUR situation, no guns, no booby traps, cheap perimeter alarm system, motion sensor lights and game cams you can get and set up in one day. Camp out in your grow with your friend til harvest. Take it all as a life learning lesson to be better prepared for your next grow. Don't die for weed.

TLDR most of it. For YOUR, repeat, YOUR situation, no guns, no booby traps, cheap perimeter alarm system, motion sensor lights and game cams you can get and set up in one day. Camp out in your grow with your friend til harvest. Take it all as a life learning lesson to be better prepared for your next grow. Don't die for weed.

all my friends and family is 200 mi away. the only one who will is my brother but he works. only me and my gf and 2 small dogs here.
all my friends and family is 200 mi away. the only one who will is my brother but he works. only me and my gf and 2 small dogs here.

here get these
they are loud and non lethal......100% legal u just need to use fishing line or invisible tread ....trip line ....a old can will make the sound louder angle the can towards where u are
these u load with the pepper shell (non lethal just a blast of pepper)..........these need to be about ball height and angled upward to the face .......will make a cloud they walk into....again 100%legal and non lethal

outer and inner defense .....if the sound does not scare away the blast of pepper in the face will make it easy to find them

the hard part is going to be the paths u use ........i set that up with lights/camera and signs only ( trespassers will be shot private land all the good and legal signs u need ) government has to post so do u....make sure they are many and clearly seen from several points before get near field 360 degrees around (unless gorilla grow then just the defense )

again rem i was in fear for my life or your gfs that is why u shot .......rem that and repeat so it is first thing out of mouth

oh edit where the lines are take pisses around it will keep the animals from tripping the lines as offen (or cut chunks of irish spring works used it to keep plants safe from deer)
here get these
they are loud and non lethal......100% legal u just need to use fishing line or invisible tread ....trip line ....a old can will make the sound louder angle the can towards where u are
these u load with the pepper shell (non lethal just a blast of pepper)..........these need to be about ball height and angled upward to the face .......will make a cloud they walk into....again 100%legal and non lethal

outer and inner defense .....if the sound does not scare away the blast of pepper in the face will make it easy to find them

the hard part is going to be the paths u use ........i set that up with lights/camera and signs only ( trespassers will be shot private land all the good and legal signs u need ) government has to post so do u....make sure they are many and clearly seen from several points before get near field 360 degrees around (unless gorilla grow then just the defense )

again rem i was in fear for my life or your gfs that is why u shot .......rem that and repeat so it is first thing out of mouth

oh edit where the lines are take pisses around it will keep the animals from tripping the lines as offen (or cut chunks of irish spring works used it to keep plants safe from deer)
that's a good idea actually.
that's a good idea actually.
i am a crazy ass but i do know alot of helpful things and harmful if u need them

if u are in a non fire danager area .......u could set up some of the shotgun lines with a flare that will shoot in the air (tho u might need to modify it so has a bit of a barrel for height and directional )
what's your best advice for meth head tweakers who knows your grow op well. so far so good no problems tonight. I don't think they are cooming back
oh the lights ......most of the motion lights are set for 18inches off the ground (so dogs and other animals do not set off ) u want the models without that or a switch allowing u to turn it off

not going to lie i was a horrible kid i raided some grows of assholes i knewn back in the day that little bit of info is what allowed me to do it (skate borad glide under go in do the work quite and then run like hell once cut they are always going to trip the lights so skip it )
what's your best advice for meth head tweakers who knows your grow op well. so far so good no problems tonight. I don't think they are cooming back
oh no Meth or Crack heads are not like normal ppl they do not think it is all about money for the next score .......this is good but bad at same time (once they know they can score money for what they want they will sooner or later get so bad off they got to try) but makes them pretty dumb and easy to handle

the defense line fence in your area with bobwire atleast on the top part so they get cut if climb over (makes them scream)
other then that it has to be someone up and ready to handle shit 24/7 .......coming at night is not the only choice and they get bad off (crackhead robbed me for a few lbs just took it off the table and ran set up a deal and just run with it ....casued my little brother and buddy to get in a car crash got away that day but got him in the end ....took a mob trick and smashed knee caps with baseball bat i know it should be a electrical drill but bats where just easier )
the only ppl u really have to worry about is the gangs or cartels if u are a big op underground .........guy out in west virginia grew fields of weed was my older brothers hook up .....well he got way to big and noticed from what i was told they rolled up on this place with automatics shot high into his house ......yelled in we are taking the weed u can come out and die or stay in there and live .......found out a few years later he was the main suppler for the pagans in the area (biker gang on east coast use to run heroin coke and weed in pa wv va de md )
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