almost got robbed by a ripper

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I'm looking at one of those for my S&W M60 snubby. Hard to hit anything past 10ft with it, grip laser would be just the ticket. I kinda want to leave my 1911 as i found it for sentimental reasons....
Understood - I've had my 1911 since the early 70's & she's seen very little action other than that one time after Hurricane Andrew - but that's another story.
I've also got a really sweet S&W 696 that I won't give up for anything. S/S 5 shot .44 Spl.
She's bad ass.
I have pretty much left this 1911 just as I found it caked with mud under a dead VC. except the barrel. The barrel was rusted smooth inside, no rifling left. So it has a new barrel and now it drives tacks. I have cleaned the gun a few times but i don't shoot it much any longer. I purposefully have never cleaned the grips, they still have mud (and maybe a little blood) from that rice paddy in Vietnam..
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I actually lost the pistol for several years.
A kid took my truck & rolled it (violently) and the gun was ejected & buried - cops found it 3 years later & had to use a mallet to open the cylinder to unload it.
My buddy is a S&W certified armorer & went through it replacing the rear sight, misc springs & grips (went with a Hogue).
She's in the middle between a couple of other of my best friends.
The girls.jpg
Don't play around.

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