almost got robbed by a ripper

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I saw 2 to 3 jump out the suv
Why does your “pusher” have all this info on you and know where you grow they don’t need any of that info that’s rule #1. But seriously if this is really going on and they are real “gangsters” just stop before you get hurt or worse. How many of them “came” this time? If they came
Make sure u hold it like a GANGSTA! None of that pussy two-handed crap!


.. lmao! That's gonna leave a mark! :mrgreen:
if it comes down to it I am prepared to die
You are prepared to do what?

I have watched highly trained full grown men sob like a baby when push comes to shove and they were there for a cause...WTF are you ready to die for , and what makes you think it is worth it?
I think I'm seeing the light here (shakes crystal ball)
Some methhead got corrupted into growing an illegal grow for somebody else and his methhead friends are raiding his grow and so now he is declaring his dying (on the interweb / google machine )
in case they are reading
Did I get that right?
Otherwise you are just stone cold stupid giving up life on a weed
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