Nuclear is fine and dandy, but personally I very much like the idea of local power generation. I like it for the same reason Big Energy doesn't like it- no Monopoly on power any longer.
I'm with you on everything except for cities everywhere in every form. Too many damn people already. How bout remove some cities, reduce the population a bit, and then work in those billion acres of hemp farms where there used to be shithole metropolises.I like nuclear power, geothermal energy, hemp biodiesel for vehicles, and other renuable energy like wind, tidal energy, wave energy, solar, etc..
Personally, if I were the King of the world, I would invest a lot of capital into nuclear fusion power. If we can just take water, and use fusion to create nuclear power from just water, what would be better? The ocean is full of water.
If I were the King of the world, I would grow millions of square miles of hemp farms, and harvest the hemp for biodiesel, plastic, clothes, building material, paper, food and protein, etc.. But the fact that hemp can produce plastic is My favorite. I would create billions of mansions made from hemp plastic, all over the world: homes would become "dirt cheap". Plus, you can always recycle plastic and its a renuable resource if we grow lots of hemp.
I have some prophecies for the future.
EDIT- And lets not forget that water can be turned into hydrogen (and oxygen) via electrolysis. If I were the King of the world, I would create thousands of nuclear (fusion) power plants, and extract as much hydrogen from the ocean until liquid hydrogen was free. Free power would benifit everyone except big oil and whatnot. If fuel was free, people would spend their money on better things like their children, healthier food, and bigger abodes. If fuel was free, Im sure the average citizen would save thousands of dollars a year, to spend on themself. If I was the King of the world, I would grow millions more square miles of farms, to try and make food free too. I would also invest a lot of capital into creating mansions in pyramid cities, undergound cities, floating on top of the ocean cities, underwater- inside the ocean cities, under the ocean floor cities, inside of mountains cities, and outer space cities. If I were the King of the world, I would create SPACE JETS that can travel through the air, underwater, and through space too. If I were the King of the world, I would try and get rid of most taxes, or I would only tax the very rich.
If I were the King of the world, lol...
I'd vote for you...
I'd just de-centralize power production to the local level. A town should be allowed to go off-grid if it wants.
Computers / Data can be manipulated too easily though dontcha think?Thanks buddy! I would vote for Me too, lol.
But seriously, if I were the King of the world, I would implement My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT, with checks and balances.
Via My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT, you would have the same voting power as any politician, but there would be no more politicians- just public speakers. The voters- anyone over 18 years old, would be the only politicians in My Kingdom.
I would give a laptop and a smartphone to every voter, so they would have no excuse not to vote, but no one would be obligated to participate in My online government; it should be your privilage to vote in My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT. This is the pinnical, the apex of politics, where the people rule the people and not the "elite" class ruling the majority. Maybe I would make it mandatory that there had to be a 66% majority in order to pass a law. I would love to see all drugs decriminalized, that would save a lot of tax dollars because all of the drug users wouldnt be going to prison over petty crimes.
I just want the best for My people.
Maybe every big city, or small county, should have their own nuclear (fusion) power plants, so they could be independent, as you say. I could care less, as long as its safe and free. Geothermal energy is a good idea too, talking about clean energy. If sure that there is enough geothermal energy, if it was exploited enough, to power the world for millions of years, or so.
Technology is only going to get better in the future, and more options will inevitably be available.
(I edited My last post... I dont know if you read the edited part.)
I'm with you on everything except for cities everywhere in every form. Too many damn people already. How bout remove some cities, reduce the population a bit, and then work in those billion acres of hemp farms where there used to be shithole metropolises.
Computers / Data can be manipulated too easily though dontcha think?
I like nuclear power, geothermal energy, hemp biodiesel for vehicles, and other renuable energy like wind, tidal energy, wave energy, solar, etc..
Personally, if I were the King of the world, I would invest a lot of capital into nuclear fusion power. If we can just take water, and use fusion to create nuclear power from just water, what would be better? The ocean is full of water.
If I were the King of the world, I would grow millions of square miles of hemp farms, and harvest the hemp for biodiesel, plastic, clothes, building material, paper, food and protein, etc.. But the fact that hemp can produce plastic is My favorite. I would create billions of mansions made from hemp plastic, all over the world: homes would become "dirt cheap". Plus, you can always recycle plastic and its a renuable resource if we grow lots of hemp.
I have some prophecies for the future.
EDIT- And lets not forget that water can be turned into hydrogen (and oxygen) via electrolysis. If I were the King of the world, I would create thousands of nuclear (fusion) power plants, and extract as much hydrogen from the ocean until liquid hydrogen was free. Free power would benifit everyone except big oil and whatnot. If fuel was free, people would spend their money on better things like their children, healthier food, and bigger abodes. If fuel was free, Im sure the average citizen would save thousands of dollars a year, to spend on themself. If I was the King of the world, I would grow millions more square miles of farms, to try and make food free too. I would also invest a lot of capital into creating mansions in pyramid cities, undergound cities, floating on top of the ocean cities, underwater- inside the ocean cities, under the ocean floor cities, inside of mountains cities, and outer space cities. If I were the King of the world, I would create SPACE JETS that can travel through the air, underwater, and through space too. If I were the King of the world, I would try and get rid of most taxes, or I would only tax the very rich.
If I were the King of the world, lol...
Thanks buddy! I would vote for Me too, lol.
But seriously, if I were the King of the world, I would implement My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT, with checks and balances.
Via My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT, you would have the same voting power as any politician, but there would be no more politicians- just public speakers. The voters- anyone over 18 years old, would be the only politicians in My Kingdom.
I would give a laptop and a smartphone to every voter, so they would have no excuse not to vote, but no one would be obligated to participate in My online government; it should be your privilage to vote in My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT. This is the pinnical, the apex of politics, where the people rule the people and not the "elite" class ruling the majority. Maybe I would make it mandatory that there had to be a 66% majority in order to pass a law. I would love to see all drugs decriminalized, that would save a lot of tax dollars because all of the drug users wouldnt be going to prison over petty crimes.
I just want the best for My people.
Maybe every big city, or small county, should have their own nuclear (fusion) power plants, so they could be independent, as you say. I could care less, as long as its safe and free. Geothermal energy is a good idea too, talking about clean energy. If sure that there is enough geothermal energy, if it was exploited enough, to power the world for millions of years, or so.
Technology is only going to get better in the future, and more options will inevitably be available.
(I edited My last post... I dont know if you read the edited part.)
My Kingdom would have the biggest "military" ever. The military in My Kingdom would be more like the peace core- helping less fortunate people. There would be no more war because it would be a united world. I know that some people like to play war, so My military would have paintball wars, where people dont get hurt.
Anyways, I would invest a lot of capital into "anti hacking"; so all of the computer hackers that were trying to jack with My online government would be sent to prison. The whole world would be invested into My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT, so instead of a "neighborhood watch", there would be a GLOBAL WATCH. Anyone that tried to hack into My online government would be sent to prison. I would have teams of people that were employed to keep the integrity of My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT.
Plus, its not like My government would be 100% digital, My government would be on paper too. Only the voting and forums would be digital, but anyone would be able to print that out too. The laws that My online government dictated would also be written on peoples minds, the police would have to know the laws too; and Im sure that most of the people would know most of the laws. My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT would be the safest website in the world, because it would be protected by the world.
There would be local voting, state voting, national voting, and global voting. There would be state laws that were not global laws, because I believe that people need to vote on a more local level too. Or people wouldnt have to vote at all, that could be their choice too.
My online government would have forums too, to debate about laws and to try and bias people to vote in your way. There could be a few different kinds of forums; one kind of forum could be 500 characters or less, and you can have open forums so you can type as much as you want. People would have the option to read your curtailed arguement or they could read your essay on the subject. Im sure it could be like debating on RIU, or any forum.
My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT would open up a truly free political system. For the record, I came up with this notion of My online government in 2009.
AGAIN, not my opinion. Take an economics class. If an entity has an inferior product, but a large enough share of the market, their best choice is to BUY THE COMPETITION. It is not my opinion, this is a corporate model.Proclaiming your opinions as fact doesn't make them so.
No I didn't. liar.More words with little insight kynes. Just arguments for the sake of argument and of course your desire to have people thing your especially clever.
Who ever said anything about geothermal energy generation? I simply mentioned it as a sidebar to the convo. You sound like Red1966 who deleted all his posts in this thread, I see.
I think so, too.IMO, Fusion is our only hope. We absolutely MUST crack that nut if we are to continue as a species.
I think we'll do it.