Am I the only one that doesn't want weed to become legal?

how many?

What, you don't like an honest answer?
Eat a dick, go fuck yourself, suck shit through a bendy straw.
Your parents should have eaten you while your bones were still soft.

Would you like me to explain to you why you are such a dumb asshole or have you figured that out??
I mean "dumb asshole" philosophically of course.
I am sure you are a reasonably intelligent person.
What, you don't like an honest answer?
Eat a dick, go fuck yourself, suck shit through a bendy straw.
Your parents should have eaten you while your bones were still soft.

Would you like me to explain to you why you are such a dumb asshole or have you figured that out??
I mean "dumb asshole" philosophically of course.
I am sure you are a reasonably intelligent person.

so,you disagree and this is how you handle it/yourself? Kinda makes you look like the names you are calling him.Ironic,isn't it?
so,you disagree and this is how you handle it/yourself? Kinda makes you look like the names you are calling him.Ironic,isn't it?

You're talking to someone that wants crack, heroin, bath salts, lsd, meth and anything else readily available for everyone and their kids in the supermarket.
You're talking to someone that wants crack, heroin, bath salts, lsd, meth and anything else readily available for everyone and their kids in the supermarket.

hmmm,that makes sense if you don't think about it:mrgreen:hnx for the info kinetic
I sure as hell won't be buying it off a shelf. Grow my own and smoke some perfectly cured bud for about 50 dollars an ounce. Why the fuck would I want to pay 4-5 dollars a pack for dryed out flavorless weed?
This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I can't stand the thought of weed becoming completely legal in the US. Hear me out, this is from a grower's standpoint. If I didn't make part of my income from growing, I probably would love the thought.

The price of weed will drop so low, it won't even be worth growing to sell. You won't be able to compete with companies that grow cannabis to package and sell joints by the billions. Look at Tobacco or any other cash crop today. You wouldn't hold a candle growing your own Tobacco and selling it to people today. Why would someone want to buy tobacco from you, when they can just go down to the corner store and buy a pack of cigarettes for a few bucks.
Anyway, I'm curious to see if someone else feels the same way. Or perhaps, enlightens me with some good points.


Yes, in the beginning I wasnt happy at all. Price wars began and ended. Friends opened clubs and open competition started. I could tell you all about the movement here, how it started and where it's going.
Put it this way- if you can't beat them, join them. That'll be the way forward. Work at a high level. Either open your own dispensary or make sure you have great contacts to sell through. Get licensed, do things properly. It's actually a world of opportunity for you depending on how you play it.
Quality won't go down. And it won't be seeded. If it becomes legal federally and big corporation farms take it on you can bet it will be like any other mass produced crop. Genetically modified. Generic but still good enough for most people. Most people don't buy exotic apples and tomatoes. The go to jewel or Wal-Mart. Some will pay extra for "boutique" pot but the masses will settle for the cheaper easily obtainable store bought stuff. I personally will never stop growing or depend on cannabis to make me money so it doesn't really bother me. My 2 cents
Yeah, the small time grower won't be able to make as much money from growing and selling. But you're forgetting about one key factor... Experience in a brand new, BIG industry... There's going to be a lot of jobs available, and as someone else said, RJ Reynolds is not going to offer 35 strains... I don't think the cannabis industry will follow the way normal capitalism works because of the fact that there is so much variety. Mass production means hydroponics no doubt. There's going to be a market for organically grown strains they don't have... We'll all be able to do what we do, we're just going to have to do it in a different way.

Don't forget about the ability to breed and SELL these strains to those big corporations...
if you have a name for growing that good shit, then you'll be fine. people may explore other options but they always like the personal touch better. yeah mcdonalds is a billion dollar a year industry but wouldn't you rather eat at a family place? we have lizards thicket. home cookin. anyways you see what I mean?
I didn't read the thread except for your post, so excuse me if this has been covered.

Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You

X 1,0000

eat a dick too

Trousers I'd really appreciate it if you'd update to insulting in scientific notation. For example your previous insult could have been stated thusly:
3.1 (Fuck You) x 10^5
