AmareTech SolarEclipse350 experience??

my ASSumption ? I made no ASSumption I asked a question

your sitting here defending amare and yet you don't even know what the case is made out of ?

now who is making ASSumptions.

Why would someone LIE about what the case is made of? That is about as stupid as saying the sun isn't in the sky.It would be so easy to prove or disprove it. You really think a company would risk their reputation and sales by doing something like that... They wouldn't stay in business very long if they did.
On their SolarSPEC™ SS.260 page they are 3w Top bin Epistar (as long as they are genuine Epistar...this isnt that bad) with Cree upgrade option
You guys can actually tell if a case's aluminum or steel under that paint? Damn, that's impressive! lol. But if this was apache or a51, it'll be legit, right?

remember at the time, the indulgent self promoter here, bless their heart, had only the Epistar equipped version early in the game, they cheaped out because the Cree's were too much :bongsmilie: :bongsmilie: ....are they still offereing that option?

The difference between a CREE and and Epistar's only about a buck a chip, so yeah, maybe they can't afford it so they went with the Epistar. lol Cheap bastards! The CREE was always an option, and the Epistar was just to make the panel more affordable.

Interesting, they were one of the first commercial panel to to adopt the cxa's and first cobber to use monochrome to tune the standard COB spectrum. There's no difference in the spectrum between CXA/B spectrum, just wattage with the B being a little more efficient. They chose the efficiency route by using lenses to increase the intensity vs. wattage. Plants has no preference on the amount of wattage applied, only the net ppfd @ canopy.

According to this vid, BML's Spyder1200 put's out a very unimpressive 1100umol@12" vs. the Eclipse with 1861umol@12" @ 3x the price. So much for efficiency, be it cost or performance. They also have a SolarSystem600 that will put out nearly 2x the par at 60w and $1200 less the Spyder1200. 3k for 600w light generating a wimpy 1100umol@12" is ridiculous.


They weren't top bin to begin with, haven't changed and are still selling for top bin prices....are you arguing that? lol ...its not what works with LED, they all work, its picking the best, based on the specs of the Bins....See the 1st part of this rebuttal....

You are talking about something else in lieu of what I wrote......lots of crap lights have a great center umol rating! show me the coverage... PPFD chart for whatever size area it is supposed to fit.....Data data......
How much does a case, power supply, drivers, power cord and manufacturing etc... cost.
Yeah and 6 months after it hits the market it will be obsolete... You don't think AMARE couldn't use the same chip or another company. This is always a never ending argument "my D**** is bigger and better than yours....

What does all that have to do with buying a superior product for less money? I think the Amare is over priced for what it is plain and simple.
how come all these dudes with new lights be tripping an sounding like experts on their funky lights. ya can't grow a plant like a normal mofo and show something real? 2520s with no bins and color ids on little leds stick out like a sore thumb when you askin 900 smackers. theres at least 20 dudes on here sporting little colored leds around their big dick cobs. just thought id point it out in case you noobs didn't notice color tuning is old news here

the solar special is aight doe. half price be good like 4fitty :mrgreen:
The difference between a CREE and and Epistar's only about a buck a chip, so yeah, maybe they can't afford it so they went with the Epistar. lol Cheap bastards! The CREE was always an option, and the Epistar was just to make the panel more affordable.

Interesting, they were one of the first commercial panel to to adopt the cxa's and first cobber to use monochrome to tune the standard COB spectrum. There's no difference in the spectrum between CXA/B spectrum, just wattage with the B being a little more efficient. They chose the efficiency route by using lenses to increase the intensity vs. wattage. Plants has no preference on the amount of wattage applied, only the net ppfd @ canopy.

According to this vid, BML's Spyder1200 put's out a very unimpressive 1100umol@12" vs. the Eclipse with 1861umol@12" @ 3x the price. So much for efficiency, be it cost or performance. They also have a SolarSystem600 that will put out nearly 2x the par at 60w and $1200 less the Spyder1200. 3k for 600w light generating a wimpy 1100umol@12" is ridiculous.


They weren't top bin to begin with, haven't changed and are still selling for top bin prices....are you arguing that? lol ...its not what works with LED, they all work, its picking the best, based on the specs of the Bins....See the 1st part of this rebuttal....

You are talking about something else in lieu of what I wrote......lots of crap lights have a great center umol rating! show me the coverage... PPFD chart for whatever size area it is supposed to fit.....Data data......[/QUOTE]

Compare this to the apache or any other light on the market in it's wattage. It's not just the center peak. There's no much difference with this and the 3070 or 3590 except wattage. You can either use lenses or wattage to deliver the ppfd to the canopy, because plants have no preference on how you deliver it.
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They weren't top bin to begin with, haven't changed and are still selling for top bin prices....are you arguing that? lol ...its not what works with LED, they all work, its picking the best, based on the specs of the Bins....See the 1st part of this rebuttal....

You are talking about something else in lieu of what I wrote......lots of crap lights have a great center umol rating! show me the coverage... PPFD chart for whatever size area it is supposed to fit.....Data data......[/QUOTE]

Compare this to the apache or any other light on the market in it's wattage. It's not just the center peak. Are you for forgetting these are COBs and the disperse light much more efficiency than the single chips?[/QUOTE]

Pass....although better than the 3w's.....I am sure!
Let's compare the actual number for shits n giggles. A R/W150 at $398 @155w = $2.56/w vs. an Eclipse350@$895 @350w = $2.55/w. The Eclipse is actually lower. lol. Hmmm, wish there was a way to know the actual cost and margin between these two. Now that'll be interesting. Now which one is "outdated" as you guys put it. Value wise, IDK:)

All this tech talk's boring and worthless. Line them up, break out the parmeter and let's see.

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comparison ends early since 51 at least tells you exactly what your getting. can't compare what ya don't know ya know but maybe ya know cause i don't know or really care. hows them run ons. point was anyway in case someone can't afford the limo they can buy a whole lotta parts and come out ahead like way ahead, help the small folk ya know i don't worry about peoples business endeavors thats their business but lest i remember this was a forum and not a ad. but if its an ad than so be it but until then enjoy the debate
Let's compare the actual number for shits n giggles. A R/W150 at $398 @155w = $2.56/w vs. an Eclipse350@$895 @350w = $2.55/w. The Eclipse is actually lower. lol. Hmmm, wish there was a way to know the actual cost and margin between these two. Now that'll be interesting. Now which one is "outdated" as you guys put it. Value wise, IDK:)

All this tech talk's boring and worthless. Line them up, break out the parmeter and let's see.


Match the diode datasheets from the A51 to the 350....the A51 has greater photon output in the bins they use....its that same price as pointed out above ^.......So for each watt...the A51 is putting out more photons...SE could have went that route and they do offer a high bin, so they tried...great looking fixture by the way......
I believe the CXA 2520's put out 100-110 lumen's / watt?

Church cxb2530's he runs are a lil north of 49% efficiency, so probably 160 lumens/watt.....and they have ran them for a while now too........ 4-6+ months?

Why don't they run those diode's? Up until recently, they were only a few $ more than the cxa 2520/30's...They could have added those months ago for probably less than 10% in cost and increased output over 10% when comparing K temp to K temp.....they were literally already setup for that change, just the diode needed removal....

That would have killed and gotten more people to buy their lights in all probability....

Of course, they will continue to grow great cannabis for those users...but if someone could choose a light at the same price per watt and the competitor is achieving greater output...those possibilities have to be weighed, now, with all the new tech out....
Whatever panel(s) we bought, we did on our own accord, be it a smart or stupid purchase. Like you guys, I've been around and invested a lot of time and resources using and testing a lot of these theories and myths in the business, including number crunching specs to find out which are best. As you guys know, the factory specs are just that, spec and parameters. In real life applications, there a lot of variables that will effect the final output of the chip itself, including heat, longevity, and reliability concerns that will determine the amount of current you're able or should be running at. They are the 2530, you can email and verify yourself, I was told to look at the rest of the page, it's shows 2530, not 2520 like the first typo. They started with the 2520 and then went to the 30's later. It doesn't matter what is use really, what matters is the net ppfd delivered to the canopy regardless of the tech that grows plants. Putting out 1861umol@12" and 1065@24" pulling 350w makes it a very efficient set-up by any standards.

As far as not knowing what they're running, it's all on their website, the 2520/2530 was just a typo. They're straight guys, hit them up and find out if you want to know for sure or any other info. Other than that, good luck everyone with your green-thumbing experience. Peace out of the discussion and get back to my retirement now. :peace:bongsmilie

Hell, I'm all for even a 470/660 ufo if it grew fat juicy donks:)
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The negativity and attacks on this forum make visiting here and reading less enjoyable than in other forums. I'm not sure why there is such negativity. That would especially be true for newbies who would serve to only be confused. And they, more than most, could really benefit by a calm discussion.

I own Amare lights and am very happy with them. I came from owning TopLED lights which are subpar in comparison. And I still use my TopLED lights to expand my area. Sure they don't produce as well, but they still have life left within them. I favor not throwing away my money. (However I did have my electrician open them and clean out a large amount of aluminum shavings that came gratis with those lights - LOL. A serious fire hazard.)

It is also interesting how many people here seem so concerned with price, yet so few discuss guarantee. I have not heard of anyone equaling Amare's 5 year guarantee. And that alone gives me great comfort. Maybe I am wrong about that and someone does equal it. If so, I'm sure someone will let me know. I don't tend to spend as much time in analysis as I prefer to spend what time I have living my life. I believe that we need to keep this stuff in perspective... We are talking about growing a crop (large or small) not about life itself. Most any light will work - even the old LED lights.

I like to stay up with technology at the point I decide to buy. Sure, it will be outdated 6 months later. That's the beauty of this industry. It's like the computer industry, it is advancing rapidly. For that reason I buy Apple high end computers. I know they stand by them. Are they perfect - NO, they aren't. But at least I have never had a problem that was not dealt with swiftly.

When next I buy lights, I will again evaluate the market and make the best decision I can. And at this point, I'm thrilled with my decision. The lights from Amare are rock solid, and do a great job. And with a US guarantee like they have, my mind is put to rest knowing if anything goes wrong, it will be made right. That is a lot of peace to have and when investing in lights, something I now would not do without.

My recommendation is to rise above the minutia and lock in the specifics of importance to you. Then act on that. Keep in mind that things do fail. So in making a purchase, especially if you are using all the money you have, one needs to pay attention to the guarantee. If there is none, or if it is very short, one would have to ask why that company doesn't believe in what they are selling enough to back them. Do you believe that nothing will ever go wrong? I am not that naive. Things do and will go wrong. And since lights are one of the biggest investments, it is important to me that I am protected for the life of that light. And to me, within 5 years, I'll happily buy new lights.

Paralysis by analysis does not serve me. Maybe those who are very much into teeny tiny details will be so served. Many lights work. A51, Apache and even TopLED work. Then one can raise their sites to Amare and get an incredible 5 year guarantee for about the same amount of money. Just depends on what is important to you. Heck, some may prefer to try and build a light yourself. This as well is doable for those that are handy.

Figure out what is important, then buy or build something and get to enjoying the process of growing. Don't let the details and idiotic bantering divert your attention from the real objective - the pleasure of growing something yourself.
The negativity and attacks on this forum make visiting here and reading less enjoyable than in other forums. I'm not sure why there is such negativity. That would especially be true for newbies who would serve to only be confused. And they, more than most, could really benefit by a calm discussion.


I love seeing so much passion, but I really didn't anticipate starting up such a shit-storm. I do appreciate all of the feedback and comments. There really isn't any information more valuable than experience, and that is why I wanted to bounce this off of the community.

Ive decided that I most likely will not be getting this panel (only because there are some things coming down the pipe [from Amare] geared specifically for commercial cannabis grows - and that's the route I will probably be going...until I change my mind again lol).
I totally agree. We can all do without the "shxx-storm" and lack of respect so many show here. It is strange that there does not seem to be any active moderation going on and people can get away with being rude and demean others over complete nonsense while diving into minutia and losing track of the real objective - growing some fine weed.

What you are talking about buying has me salivating and if I were in the market again right now, and if I had a bit more space, I would also look in that direction. Thank goodness I made my decision and can focus on what I love doing.

People overcomplicate buying. It really is simple - at least for me. Get the best you can afford, and pay attention to the guarantee. You may need it. Then be happy and grow until you are ready to "rinse and repeat".

Probably better to post in grasscities or another forum so as not to raise the ire of the a51 lovers and others that can't manage to keep a civil toungue. (Still can't figure out why there is such disrespect here.)

Good luck with whatever you choose. It's all about growing. Pick what works for you and jump in.
I totally agree. We can all do without the "shxx-storm" and lack of respect so many show here. It is strange that there does not seem to be any active moderation going on and people can get away with being rude and demean others over complete nonsense while diving into minutia and losing track of the real objective - growing some fine weed.

What you are talking about buying has me salivating and if I were in the market again right now, and if I had a bit more space, I would also look in that direction. Thank goodness I made my decision and can focus on what I love doing.

People overcomplicate buying. It really is simple - at least for me. Get the best you can afford, and pay attention to the guarantee. You may need it. Then be happy and grow until you are ready to "rinse and repeat".

Probably better to post in grasscities or another forum so as not to raise the ire of the a51 lovers and others that can't manage to keep a civil toungue. (Still can't figure out why there is such disrespect here.)

Good luck with whatever you choose. It's all about growing. Pick what works for you and jump in.

let me educate you then. obvious led/hid company owners were in here making violent threats towards the led so respect is earned first not freely given. now ya know your welcome. they made their bed now enjoy it.
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I don't come on here much anymore because of the b.s. and trolls. The amares do great. Better than the older a51 sgs models. I can't speak for the newer models. I still like the inda gros more. It's also amares first release. They already have newer versions in the works. They were the first company to release a panel with cobs. The new versions should be released next month.

I'm pretty sure the eclipse goes for $895 not $995.