AmareTech SolarEclipse350 experience??

Ok heres the problem I have with amare now...

I have a se220 the older model,when I contacted them for information victor told me my se220 was equal to a 1k hps.Now the new se350 is only equivalent to a 600 hps...

"The Eclipses come features 120 degree reflectors and 90 degrees lenses. For the lenses picture a cone with the point on top (your light) and the cone is your light beam being 90 degrees from the lenses. You will notice the farther down cone, the footprint/coverage increase in relation to the distance. The 90 lenses also needs ~20" for each COB/monochrome diodes footprint to overlap for maximum coverage and intensity. Your Eclipse generates more peak ppfd than a 1000hps@24" so there's no need to run it any closer than 20", but we recommend 22" with the lenses installed. Your Eclipse generates 1800umol+@12" and ~1400umol@18". The light light saturation of cannabis is ~1500umol with Equatorial strains up to 1750umol so there's no need to ever run it closer than 18" since it's the point of diminishing returns. More intra-canopy penetration will be achieve being farther away. Try taking your open hand at arm's length and hold it up to a light, look at you hand with the behind it and slowly move it towards your face so the fingers will be over you eyes. At the same time notice how your peripheral vision is slowly reduce as you hand move closer to your face and then finally till you can barely see past you fingers to see the light. Now imagine if that was a leaf and you can get an idea that the closer you are to the canopy, the less intra-canopy penetration. Try to imagine your Eclipse as a micro-1000hps with a footprint of 2.5' x 2.5' and treat it accordingly. HTH:)"


So which is it amare?? Obviously someones not being very truthful.If you are gonna use rhetoric to sell your lights,at least be consistant.

Honestly the thing grew well,it seems sturdy.Just not for me.
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Don't mean to come off like this but I need some answers from the haters or doubters. Cuz I have the data on Amare & I'd like to know What product is better, what, really. Bunch of BS HERE. Amare rocks any panel out. It's s fact. Just a fact.
I've looked n looked & cznt find a better light for the money. What has more PPFD for the money? Every light to find is either 660 watts to come close. Or $1500 plus to come close. And I'd take the Amare over any of them. Especially the 450 for a cool $1000. That's what we Amare users pay BTW. I DONT GET WHY ANYONE WOULD KNOCK THIS COMPANY??? Best components, highest PPF/PPFD available for the watts n money. Best warranty & service by far. Full PAS spectrum not lacking like RGB panels or straight Kelvin temps. Oh, n the guy adding up parts to $30 n shit. You're just not worth reading & as troll as they get. Name me one light that touches it from a vendor here or any other company. PLEASE???? N stop saying the most redic shit that makes no sense. LIKE what do any of you gain by putting down the company that will grow the best & most for us for the money? Just but one n maybe you'll understand how foolish ya'll sound when you pump pounds out of a 450. Mad haters here. Anyone considering an Amare, but it, best choice out there.

Dude,im not knocking amare but you are claiming this light is the best thing ever and you havent even completed 1 grow with it yet have you?
View attachment 3643755 sorry I had to go to that length but somebody had to say it someday. Peace n Happy Growing to all n to all a great Harvest, with whatever light you use!

WELL SAID. You saved me a lot of typing... As for Resinhound he needs to head over to GC and checkout Weed Dude or PharmerX or several other growers they consistently journal their grows with AMARE lights. Victor told the truth if you look at the core footprint it does do exactly what he said. The data speaks for itself. For you Naysayers if you don't believe it then buy a test instrument and check it yourself.

Hybridway they are going to label you as a "shill" and report you to the admins because you hurt their feelings. Can't mess with the "cash flow" ... Honesty is not the best policy here...
/rant over...............did you really type all that shit on your phone?wow

@hyroot has used amare fixture(s) in here since the company's inception, wtf are you talking about?
Just couldn't take it anymore. Not even that I care as much as I see the lies n deceipt & it angered me. Saying terrible things about a great light for personal gains I still don't see why but anyways. Nuff said. No more outta me! I'm not sure what a shill is? I thought it was like a troll or a troll worker? I know I'm none of those things. Freedom to tell the truth is all! Again, peace & happy growing!
Just couldn't take it anymore. Not even that I care as much as I see the lies n deceipt & it angered me. Saying terrible things about a great light for personal gains I still don't see why but anyways. Nuff said. No more outta me! I'm not sure what a shill is? I thought it was like a troll or a troll worker? I know I'm none of those things. Freedom to tell the truth is all! Again, peace & happy growing!

Here ya go my friend.... SHILL - an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. You get branded that even if you purchase your light run several successful grows with it and post the results with pictures. I better stop now because I might get in trouble..... JKing
Just couldn't take it anymore. Not even that I care as much as I see the lies n deceipt & it angered me. Saying terrible things about a great light for personal gains I still don't see why but anyways. Nuff said. No more outta me! I'm not sure what a shill is? I thought it was like a troll or a troll worker? I know I'm none of those things. Freedom to tell the truth is all! Again, peace & happy growing!

It's just a grow light.......take a deep breath.................other things to worry about in life.
Here ya go my friend.... SHILL - an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. You get branded that even if you purchase your light run several successful grows with it and post the results with pictures. I better stop now because I might get in trouble..... JKing
Ha! That's funny, glad to know cuz I was using the word but it is what I thought it was. I think it's pretty obvious I was speaking out against "shills" & their antics to divert growers from their freedom of choice & decision. I'm not worried about that stuff, anyone who matters knows I'm legit.
View attachment 3643755 sorry I had to go to that length but somebody had to say it someday. Peace n Happy Growing to all n to all a great Harvest, with whatever light you use!

As I said im not knocking amare,I dont like cob growing in general,so why should I be happy with amare? Because it puts out more umols? I could care less..And I dont have to read it back to myself what he told me is right in the read it se220 puts out more PPFD than a 1k hps...but I guess the new ones are only equal to a 600 hps I said rhetoric.Im glad you are happy with your amares,im glad you know it all now about LED growing...even though you havent even finished a plant under one.But whatever.Again I never said amare was a bad light,just not the light for me.I dont see why you just cant get anyways glad youre happy with yours.
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The amare I have kinda sucks. It does have the cxa 2035 but those are the first cobs cree ever released. I think amare has upgraded them to 3590's. Not sure if they're cxa or cxb though. They don't say what bins they use either. newer ones should do better. Amare is very difficult to communicate with though. For the price. There's better options. Plc amd a few others are much cheaper than amare.

Then theres Area 51 and they can go to hell. I won't ever deal with them again. I won a light of theirs from the last party cup comp. They refuse to give me the light. Jeff won't even reply to my emails. A bunch of people on here and others are having trouble getting warranty issues taken care of too.

The other cob companies I know nothing about except one. Heaven bright was a sponsor in the last party cup too.. Then when it was over . He refused to give up a light as a prize. Speaks to his credibility.

Customer service is everything. The best customer service is with plc and inda gro.

There's shady things going with a few other companies and diy-ers too. Nothing I've dealt with directly. So I won't speak on it
As I said im not knocking amare,I dont like cob growing in general,so why should I be happy with amare? Because it puts out more umols? I could care less..And I dont have to read it back to myself what he told me is right in the read it se220 puts out more PPFD than a 1k hps...but I guess the new ones are only equal to a 600 hps I said rhetoric.Im glad you are happy with your amares,im glad you know it all now about LED growing...even though you havent even finished a plant under one.But whatever.Again I never said amare was a bad light,just not the light for me.I dont see why you just cant get anyways glad youre happy with yours.
Bud, if took any offense whatsoever to what I said, you understood me wrong. Said nothing negative about you or referring to you. Just that you're the only person I know of that wasn't pleased. Well, I understand. It doesn't fit your style. Perfectly understandable. Respect to you so don't take me wrong ok!
Almost all there lights will put out a PPF center reading comparable to a 1000w HPS. But that doesn't make them compareable as a total light source. Get what I mean!
The amare I have kinda sucks. It does have the cxa 2035 but those are the first cobs cree ever released. I think amare has upgraded them to 3590's. Not sure if they're cxa or cxb though. They don't say what bins they use either. newer ones should do better. Amare is very difficult to communicate with though. For the price. There's better options. Plc amd a few others are much cheaper than amare.

If you had a newer one I think you'd be happy. They use CXB 3070's ran at 47 watts. For the price I found that I could not find another company with as much PPF per dollar or watt leaving me to the conclusion, Amare is the cheapest. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we're paying for as much Photons as possible right. I can't find any company that can deliver that much for that money personally & I thought I looked hard. Anything that's cheaper may be cheaper per watt but not per PPF/PAR, see what I'm saying?
I'm sure plenty of you are cool & there's no need to get on the defense. I only spoke to those who say things that aren't true to disscredit a good company that I'm happy with. And to let everyone know the real deal instead of having to hear the absolute BS that goes on around here from just a select bunch, but it infects the entire community like a plague of negativity. Others hate it as do I. Certainly doesn't help poeple that are new & should be given a warm welcome.
I've said no claims, no lies, & am not alone in what I'm saying.
Could someone please at least tell me what motivates these trolls/shills anyways? I doubt they get free lights cuz they don't rock em proud. What's the point? Just to make others miserable with misinformation? That's a sad n lonely life of so.
This is an Amare experience thread so I think speaking the truth about the company should be in order, don't you folks?
Just keep it real so peeps can gain from each other as a whole. No more infectious Disease.
That's weird. Hyroot, I responded but you'll have to click expand on the quote to read it.
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