Amazing weed, smells like hay though!

it should take at least a week before your weed is ready to jar, two would be better. if it dries too fast, it stops some processes, and one of them is the process that breaks down the chlorophyll and gets rid of that hay smell. i have a small tent i use for drying. i have a small phresh filter hooked to a 4 inch booster fan. the fan turn on for 15 minutes, off for 45, keeps the air fresh, but doesn't make things dry out too fast.
almost the same here, full time moving air though, with a dehuey, ac, heat,humidifier in the room the tent is in.
I skip jars. I've never had better weed than 3 weeks in the controlled space. if buds dont smell all the way through flower, all through drying, its called rabbit food here
The most common reason and very common with outdoor is pulling it early, wet, and drying it too fast. Strain has nothing do with it and curing, no matter how long it's cured won't fix it.
Yea i had to harvest some Sour d i couple weeks early bc of the storm. After week drying it smells like hay/grass on the surface, but after breaking up some popcorn for a few tester joints that signature taste/smell comes out somewhat. Im hoping for a pleasant surprise after a 1 month cure in the jar.
Many ways to dry and cure however for those having hay smell/bag seed problems, you could try extending the dry period.

You want all that shit to leave through the buds from the inside out, and it will provided its leaving at a slow steady pace (proper environment).

Keep the harvest wounds to a minimum to prevent the moisture from leaving & saturating other places (stalks,branches,small fans), too many cuts will again saturate the area/s with a hay smell.

Keep the RH/TEMP in the right range, you want the moisture to slowly evaporate out of the bud, too quickly and you'll saturate the bud with a (hay) smell.

I used to wet trim,hang for 4-5 days and i would sometimes have a slight hay smell once dried, took weeks in the jar for that shit to completely disappear.

I moved over to a 10-14 day dry trim period and learned a world of difference.
I have read every thread in here and also have had the same issue with the Hay smell. I always have a fear of overdrying my buds in the initial drying stage. Lat year most of my plants smelled like hay, unless you squeezed them and they smelled good. I dry my plants outside in a shed with sometimes temperatures above 90 and RH below 35%.

Right around January of last year I noticed a branch of Buds I missed and it was hanging in my shed for 3 months!!! it went through a crazy fire season, and really hot temperatures. I decided to vacuum seal it for fun. After reading the thread by spl Freak who changed his dry trim length to 10-14 days I ran out in my shed and opened these buds in vacuum seal. They smelled soooooo Sweat!! And this has been in my shed all summer in hot temperatures, without a Bovida RH pack and they are still moist. Hay=amount of drying time.
IME, bending or breaking isn't what your looking for....but necessary.

Gotta listen for a snap, while bending- before it breaks.....

I know no one that dries and cures as well as me these days...Its becoming a lost art it seems, at least in my area.
If it doesn't "snap" while bending- its not ready.

If it breaks when trying to snap- your too late.

If it does either of these much before or after 10 days- there was something not right and wasn't done proper.
people.. people.. people..... no no no no! Listen.. you need to be careful with what information you chose to read and follow. Why? Because the internet is filled with all kinds of information.. good and bad.. not only good and bad.. but some of it is correct.. but.. some of it is also incorrect. In fact, 70% of the material you read on the internet about growing cannabis.. is actually incorrect. Why so much incorrect info? Well, its sad to say.. but 70% of the information (articles) you read about growing cannabis.. is incorrect because its mostly written by young immature teenagers that "think" they know it all.. but in fact they don't know what they're talking about. It's true! If you want some correct and GOOD information on growing.. check out hightimes magazine or just simply go and buy yourself a few books on growing... that way you know the information is at least %99 if not %100 correct because its generally written by experts (people that actually KNOW what the hell they're talking about).

Take zmansmoke and his post.. for example: (not picking on ya buddy.. just using you as an example) you said you waited until the stems on the buds broke.. when bent.. before you started the cure.

Well, that's where you made you mistake. You don't want to wait until the stem breaks. Why? well, because by this time.. you have waited too long.. and the buds water content has dropped way to low in percentage by this time. When air drying.. you want to wait until the outer part of the bud feels dry.. and the stem bends.. but doesn't break. Then you can start your curing.

Why? Because.. IMO people make growing WAY too hard than it really is. Growing is actually the easy part.. the hard part is drying and curing the harvest correctly. All curing is.. is slowing down the drying process.. also it lets the rest of what chlorophyll might be left evaporate. But again, all curing is.. is slowing down the drying process. Also, curing also helps trap in that dank goodness that everyone loves to have.

The curing process runs on the same principles as your plants light cycles. You cure in cycles.. once the outer edges of the bud is dry.. and the stem bends but doesn't break.. and you have put your buds into your jars and have the lids on.. wait 12 hours until you open the lids of the jars. During this 12 hours.. the moisture from inside the middle of the buds has slowly made its way (evaporated) out of the bud.. but has no way to escape because the lids are still on the jars thus trapping in all that moisture. The evaporating moisture also makes a rise in the humidity inside the jars.. and since its still trapped inside the jars.. it rehydrates the buds to a certain point. Finally, after the first 12 hours of having the lids on.. take the lids off. The buds should feel a little damp again (but not too wet.. if they feel like a fresh harvested bud.. then you need to air dry them for a few more days.. also if they didn't re-hydrate then you've let them air dry too long.) After inspecting the buds to make sure they got a little re-hydrated from being in the jar for 12 hours.. just leave the lid(s) off of your jar(s) for a good 2 to 4 hours to let the fresh moisture on the buds evaporate.. then put the lids back on.. and repeat the cycle. See how its kinda like the light cycle? Like that one would be 12hrs/2hrs or 12hrs/4hrs. See how that works now?

Each time you put the lid on.. the humidity inside the jar(s) will slowly evaporate the moisture from inside the middle of the bud as well as the stem thats inside the middle of the bud... thus raising the humidity level inside the jar like I said before... then each time you take the lid off.. your letting that new evaporated moisture from the middle of the bud.. and the stem thats in the middle of the bud.. evaporate. So, see.. each cycle of lid on/lid off which is one complete cycle.. your taking out the moisture bit by bit.. from inside the middle of the bud (and the stem thats inside the middle of the bud).

Now.. you don't want to just keep on repeating cycles until the buds are 100% dry. You want to leave around 10% to 15% water content inside the middle of the buds.. once they get to around that level of water content.. you can then put them back into their jar(s) and store them without having to worry about "burping" the jars. Also, at this point.. the buds are not only smokable.. but they will smell and taste like they should!

There ya go.. hopefully I have broken this down so that the ones that don't understand.. now understand. ;)


written and edited by: ganjaluvr 9/29/2010
I fully agree with this after testing.. I smoke real good but when started growing.. Had trichomes perfect dried over 6 or 7 days with sugar leaves on and fans then remove fans.. Everything the internet says. But hay hay hay.. Wgat was wrong was i was puyting in jars before snap for moisture but i wasnt airing them enough stale air full of chloraphill.. Now when i air them more it does what this guy said.. Lets moisture that came from middle come out but for come out ithas to pass through biomass to get to outside.. That needs to disapate thats the hay smell.. If you leave bud in that air it will bathe in it.. It happens fast.. Get a food box put in little washing machine dry powder. Put weed in a sealed bag.. Put weed in box for 5 to 10 mins.. I can guarentee that weed will taste like washing powder.. So smell transfer and taste is definatley a thing so air them as well as jar them..
I grow using FFOF SOIL.My last grow I used Gorilla glue auto flowers and got drawfs. I hang upside down in closet that stays dark with a pretty consistent 50 percent humidity,temps never over 67 degrees, so after about 12/15 days I cut the buds off leaving them on the stems. They usually dry after about 4 weeks. Then I put in a cool dark closet in a Mason jar for another 3/4 weeks opening the jar daily most of the time. No matter what I do I can't get the taste & smell I like. What am I doing wrong? I need help.
Dried Buds before going in a Mason Jar. Having problems getting the right taste &smell. But the Gorilla glue is very good. Ranman


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Dried Buds before going in a Mason Jar. Having problems getting the right taste &smell. But the Gorilla glue is very good. Ranman
i can smell the leaves decaying, so i try to trim pretty good before i jar, and i let them get down to 70% first, then over about three days of burping they should be at about 65%, and i honestly don't like to go dryer than that, don't give a shit what people say, i get good results, just takes about three weeks in the jars before they start to get the good funk
Well they were auto flowers supposed to go from seed to cut down in 90 days. Not they went well over 120 days, I ended up with two drawfs. Might get one and a half once of dried Buds. The weed is super good. This was only my second grow. This time I bought the same seeds but went back to photos. My Tent is only 32/32/60" with a 600 watt LED LIGHT. Getting ready to start my 3rd grow. I let the Buds dry in a dark closet for about a month, the Buds are in a jar now & the smell is better, But doesn't smell as good as what I buy on the street. I have only bought 1 quarter since I started so I am happy. The weed really does the job though. Ranman
Well they were auto flowers supposed to go from seed to cut down in 90 days. Not they went well over 120 days, I ended up with two drawfs. Might get one and a half once of dried Buds. The weed is super good. This was only my second grow. This time I bought the same seeds but went back to photos. My Tent is only 32/32/60" with a 600 watt LED LIGHT. Getting ready to start my 3rd grow. I let the Buds dry in a dark closet for about a month, the Buds are in a jar now & the smell is better, But doesn't smell as good as what I buy on the street. I have only bought 1 quarter since I started so I am happy. The weed really does the job though. Ranman
If you go by the breeders then yah you'll pull to early. No auto or photo plant is going to be done with 8 weeks of flower. If you're pulling that early you're doing something wrong.