can you give me an example like
"X" size container/surface area will/should produce roughly "Y" gallons compost every 3months?
Keep it simple brudda, has everything a beginner organic gardener will need to build his soil from scratch. They even have kits to build a complete I mix the soil mix the same way only replace the portion of store bought compost with my home made compost
do I still benefit from adding store bought EWC or do the vermipost omit it ?
or is the vermipost equal to the same thing as compost and worm casting in one
Actually, having my own vermicompost (and being able to examine it under the microscope) opened my eyes to how bad the bagged stuff usually isdoes the worm compost take eliminate the need/desire to purchase EWC from the garden center or is there still a reason to use them in combo.... is your home grown worm compost better than whats in the garden center bag for EWC?
Yes they're pets, I talk to them when I go to meddle in their little worldafter the compost is cooked and ready for use...what do you do with the worms?
do you pick them out and add them to your next bin...or toss them in the plant containers along with the compost and buy another (?)lbs of worms...
I wouldn't mind if I could just transfer them like my own little pets
can you give me an example like
"X" size container/surface area will/should produce roughly "Y" gallons compost every 3months?
nah man, don't start the worm bin with anything other than damp cardboard or wet leaves, the worms won't eat for a bit, and you don't want food in there until about 3-5 days after you get the worms, if they get hungry they'll have the wet cardboard or leaves.ok that helps tremendously
thank you, thank you
itll give be a base line or starting point
so im just going to start out with three --- 15 gallon bins and let it grow naturally fazing out the store bought composts as it grows
believe it or not its starting to all register,
for me theres a whole new set of terms to learn
all the sources of food are different and then there rate of decomp to consider
so when I read to long I get on over loaded and things don't always register, but I go back and read it again the next day after a night of thought and it computes
whats the ideal ambient temp range for my new pets??
im going to start adding food scraps and card board to the bins for about ten days before I order the worms
yea, my brain has been doing that more recently, i got a cold and i haven't been sick in like two yrs, and this one is fuckin up my sleep.i only point this out just in case anyone else is reading and to not confuse them
I understand you meant potassium, but you wrote phosphorus
don't worry I now what you meant
how do you go about figuring you ratios? do you use the % amounts for each element?
I understand what your saying, it really is going to change in the depending on the speed at each element degrades or decomposes into available mineral so theres no exact measurement like in hydro
but I cant help but wonder if theres still some meathod in an organic soil amendment that gets close enough to equalize the appropriate ratio
I supoose a soil test would tell you where your at but by then its a bit late
the amendments have % amounts listred for the available elements but im not sure how much of the magnesium comes out of the humus/compost/EWC
yes, that's what i'd do, but remember that the worms eat VERY little. even my massive compost bin with tons of worms in it gets no more than 3-4 fruits at a time.ok
ive got some mj fan leaves and trimmings...along with card board and damp
let it sit for 2 weeks , add the worms and damp card board cover, add some veggies several days later and build layers as the herd grows
what about the amendment mix additions?
fish meal
crab meal
rock dust
gotchayes, that's what i'd do, but remember that the worms eat VERY little. even my massive compost bin with tons of worms in it gets no more than 3-4 fruits at a time.
ALWAYS better to underfeed them than over.
That's another good reason to have lots of wet cardboard in there too, so if they do run dry on food you are still good.
but feed once a week or so, and always verify the last week's food is gone before adding more.
always dig a hole in the bin first, then plop in the fruit (preferably frozen then rethawed)
ah, i don't know about that, i don't feed the worms any plant nutrients, just fruits and veggies.just so I understand
(BASE) damp coco, peat, and card board are ok to layer in before the worms arrive and theres no risk in over doing
(FOOD)fruit and veggies scraps only as needed and not to be over done
how much of the amendment mix is safe to feed them at any given time?
equal part combined?
and would this be considered food or base?
im guessing maybe 2oz a month?????
THink of the bedding as the "woody" part of the compost, the fresh stuff you add on a consumption basis usually is high in nitrogen and could be considered the "green" part of your compost.just so I understand
(BASE) damp coco, peat, and card board are ok to layer in before the worms arrive and theres no risk in over doing
(FOOD)fruit and veggies scraps only as needed and not to be over done
how much of the amendment mix is safe to feed them at any given time?
equal part combined?
and would this be considered food or base?
im guessing maybe 2oz a month?????