American LED Company Light installed

TheMadPharmer is the problem.

His first post on this forum was to advertize an outrageously priced junk light. That does not go over well here.
He should sign up as a Rollitup Advertizer if he is going to advertise here!

Why should we believe anything from someone that is paid to pedal a product?
I wonder if @sunni will step in at some point.
FREE LED Light is what we are using & showing the results from using. If You need to throw Hate our way because of "Light Envy" than so be it. I've got more year's of Growing under my belt than ALL of You haters anyway...Hang On & Watch
TheMadPharmer is the problem.

His first post on this forum was to advertize an outrageously priced junk light. That does not go over well here.
He should sign up as a Rollitup Advertizer if he is going to advertise here!

Why should we believe anything from someone that is paid to pedal a product?
I wonder if @sunni will step in at some point.
FREE LED light is what we are showing WHAT it can do, NO SALES pitches or B.S. If you arm chair haters can't understand simple English : This is to Show our Grow with an LED, if you have "Light Envy" that's fine, sit back & SEE what these can Grow. And I only radiate Positive Vibes, so keep that negativity to yourselves, or I May be inclined to report your hating asses to the administrator's for "Negativity"
I like that they use American made chips. I have never looked into Alta LEDs before. Their COBs range from 5w to 500w.

Taken from LEDmagazine
"Alta LED uses a patented four stage coating process of raw elements over Alta Diode Technology to produce a high intensity array with full spectrum lighting capabilities. Alta Blue Dies are combined with Alta patented Phoquan Discharge Array (P.D.A) liquid materials cured to an Alta Copper Substrate C.O.B. (Chip on Board) style package to achieve full spectrum lighting with high intensity results. Alta blue dies are covered with a four-stage process after die attaching occurs. Each layer of raw elements are then extracted from various Alta LED patented ingredients. Full spectrum PDA occurs when Alta dies react with each layer of coating, exciting and creating photons to create full spectrum light. Each layer is critical to creating and maintaining wavelength, intensity, and color correction.

Alta dies are the only constant current dies capable of sustaining the reaction between the layers and producing large amounts of full spectrum light without pulse modulation. There are only eight worldwide die technologies. The other seven use pulse technology due to the fact that their dies lack the technology and endurance to handle high constant current as a driving force. Alta LED has mastered this, creating a never discovered and now introduced type of LED chip."
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I like that they use American made chips. I have never looked into Alta LEDs before.

Taken from LEDmagazine
"Alta LED uses a patented four stage coating process of raw elements over Alta Diode Technology to produce a high intensity array with full spectrum lighting capabilities. Alta Blue Dies are combined with Alta patented Phoquan Discharge Array (P.D.A) liquid materials cured to an Alta Copper Substrate C.O.B. (Chip on Board) style package to achieve full spectrum lighting with high intensity results. Alta blue dies are covered with a four-stage process after die attaching occurs. Each layer of raw elements are then extracted from various Alta LED patented ingredients. Full spectrum PDA occurs when Alta dies react with each layer of coating, exciting and creating photons to create full spectrum light. Each layer is critical to creating and maintaining wavelength, intensity, and color correction.

Alta dies are the only constant current dies capable of sustaining the reaction between the layers and producing large amounts of full spectrum light without pulse modulation. There are only eight worldwide die technologies. The other seven use pulse technology due to the fact that their dies lack the technology and endurance to handle high constant current as a driving force. Alta LED has mastered this, creating a never discovered and now introduced type of LED chip."
It's most definitely a light purchased from Alibaba, and not made through American LED co.
Here is a picture from the supplier on alibaba. Look familiar? danke_cob_8bar.21.jpg
It's most definitely a light purchased from Alibaba, and not made through American LED co.
Here is a picture from the supplier on alibaba. Look familiar? View attachment 4146692
The Chinese copy EVERYTHING on the market, it looks similar, I looked on Alibaba website and they looked similar to this light, not exactly though, lots of differences ( brackets, wiring, lights) if I could get an LED light for $1 (that works great) I'd be running a whole room full of them to see if they worked OK.
The Chinese copy EVERYTHING on the market, it looks similar, I looked on Alibaba website and they looked similar to this light, not exactly though, lots of differences ( brackets, wiring, lights) if I could get an LED light for $1 (that works great) I'd be running a whole room full of them to see if they worked OK.
The light on the Chinese website has been around since 2017 at least, there is a light on a euro website from 2015 with the same design except smaller. Who copied who
It's missing 3 cobs, which can easily be added as I've talked to the supplier on alibaba. Please tell me why under the terms of service it lists LLC. As the parent company and not American LED co.
My contact information is from American LED Company in California & the Email address is American LED Company & phone number is American LED Company.. don't know what else I can tell you, I talked to the owner a few days ago on that number too
TheMadPharmer is the problem.

His first post on this forum was to advertize an outrageously priced junk light. That does not go over well here.
He should sign up as a Rollitup Advertizer if he is going to advertise here!

Why should we believe anything from someone that is paid to pedal a product?
I wonder if @sunni will step in at some point.
We are not paid or endorsed whatsover. Learn more on the sitch before ya chime in
The light on the Chinese website has been around since 2017 at least, there is a light on a euro website from 2015 with the same design except smaller. Who copied who
Couldn't tell you who did what & when. All I know is I have an LED light & am using it daily. Im just posting pictures of our Grow and showing pictures of the light ✌
My contact information is from American LED Company in California & the Email address is American LED Company & phone number is American LED Company.. don't know what else I can tell you, I talked to the owner a few days ago on that number too
I could really care less, for 1400$ I could make a diy light that would put 2 of those to shame
I could really care less, for 1400$ I could make a diy light that would put 2 of those to shame
Are you in "light envy" or just bored & trolling innocent folks sites to Rag on their posts ? Do you ever have something Positive to say or is that only reserved for yourself ? Sorry you have such a shallow life that you have to attack innocent folks posting pictures of their Grows. Get a life
We are not paid or endorsed whatsover. Learn more on the sitch before ya chime in
Ok so if your not endorsing this light you agree that it's not worth $1400 and you would advise people to not use this light unless they get it for free? If you openly tell people to not buy this light because it's crazy expensive less people will be talking shit. The problem is you haven't admitted it's was overpriced untill you say people shouldn't buy it you will sound like a salesman.
Do the chips have these markings?

Ok so if your not endorsing this light you agree that it's not worth $1400 and you would advise people to not use this light unless they get it for free? If you openly tell people to not buy this light because it's crazy expensive less people will be talking shit. The problem is you haven't admitted it's was overpriced untill you say people shouldn't buy it you will sound like a salesman.
All I am saying is this : I have a brand new LED light that I am using for my Grow & if You have "light envy" I have no problem with that. All I have done is post pictures of a new light we just got & EVERYONE is having problems with it. Has ANYONE other than the "haters" said anything about prices or tried to SELL you anything ? NOT ME !! If you want to bash somebody, go get a salesman, not an innocent grower. Positive Vibes Only here