American LED Company Light installed

Are you in "light envy" or just bored & trolling innocent folks sites to Rag on their posts ? Do you ever have something Positive to say or is that only reserved for yourself ? Sorry you have such a shallow life that you have to attack innocent folks posting pictures of their Grows. Get a life
light envy lmao.Yup that's it. Last I checked this was a public forum. If you feel like everyone is attacking you then what does that tell you.
What color of light does it produce?White is the only color you will ever need!Purple lights are a true sign that you got had!
Learn to admit when you are wrong.You got raped even for free.It's nothing more than garbage.Diy Samsung strips are the way.And I have tried almost every type of led,only lights I have ever used.
I don't have to admit anything except that You SERIOUSLY have Light Envy & No Life, and that I have Positive Vibes only, not like your negativity. Bother a salesman not a Grower.
I don't envy anything about you,in fact I pity your ignorance.People like you come and go around here all the time .You will be gone and forgotten in a day or two.You can't convince any true grower,we don,t hate anything except seeing people get fucked.Move on to a feel good forum,maybe someone some where else will part you on the back.
Ok so if your not endorsing this light you agree that it's not worth $1400 and you would advise people to not use this light unless they get it for free? If you openly tell people to not buy this light because it's crazy expensive less people will be talking shit. The problem is you haven't admitted it's was overpriced untill you say people shouldn't buy it you will sound like a salesman.

Ah man is that all it takes for yall to quit bustin the nutsack???? Hahahaha so be it! For sure im no salesman!! Just a grower nad lover of this plant. I do admit there isnt ANY LED let alone this one worth 1400 dollars. I have a hard enuff time paying 60 plus dollars a bulb for my HPS etc. Is this the best led? Cant say. And i wouldnt never speak on products i habe no experience on or with. And hopefully there may be attention brought up to the owners of this company in regards to their pricing .I for one, have no issue with addressing them personally with that issue.
All I am saying is this : I have a brand new LED light that I am using for my Grow & if You have "light envy" I have no problem with that. All I have done is post pictures of a new light we just got & EVERYONE is having problems with it. Has ANYONE other than the "haters" said anything about prices or tried to SELL you anything ? NOT ME !! If you want to bash somebody, go get a salesman, not an innocent grower. Positive Vibes Only here
Both of you guys suck.

The two of you showed up out of nowhere at exactly the same time pushing a 3 year old lamp design as if it was the hottest new shit. You guys got called out on specs, and rather than backtracking, you two clowns doubled down.

I'm guessing this thread will grow to double the number of pages it's currently at, if only to point and laugh at you two bozos.

I'm gonna go microwave some popcorn.
I'm guessing this thread will grow to double the number of pages it's currently at, if only to point and laugh at you two bozos.

Finally some facts in this thread!

PharmerB and The Mad Pharm lol