Americans overwhelmingly support Bernie Sanders’ economic policies — so how’d we end up here?

yeah, it really showed in the 80-20 vote we just had on it. and we lean bluer than most states.

Like I said, Colorado doesn't represent America just like Tennessee doesn't represent America

America, as a whole, collectively, supports the kind of single payer, universal healthcare package Bernie Sanders was proposing during the Democratic Primary. Not what Hillary Clinton was proposing, and not what Donald Trump and the GOP congress are now proposing. America also largely supports universal college. Also a raise in the minimum wage, also taxing the rich and corporations more, etc.
why did hillary outperform bernie's policies in every single example available?


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lying cheat.

Like I said, Colorado doesn't represent America just like Tennessee doesn't represent America

America, as a whole, collectively, supports the kind of single payer, universal healthcare package Bernie Sanders was proposing during the Democratic Primary. Not what Hillary Clinton was proposing, and not what Donald Trump and the GOP congress are now proposing. America also largely supports universal college. Also a raise in the minimum wage, also taxing the rich and corporations more, etc.

colorado leans bluer than the rest of the nation, and we shitcanned universal healthcare 80-20.

wisconsin rejected bernie's boy feingold by more than they rejected hillary.
hillary carried the state by 5 points in an election where she lost michigan.

we're blue now, like virginia.
Sure, in this post democrat in the White House election.

But we're also the state the keeps electing Ken Buck, and reelected Ben 'Nighthorse' Campbell after he switched to the Republican party. El Paso County (Colorado Springs) and Mesa County (Grand Junction) are as reliably conservative as anyplace in the country.

We're purple. That's why pollsters love to come here, because we tend to be a leading indicator of the direction of the country as a whole.

I could go on and on and on...
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