America's guns and the Euro View point?....


Well-Known Member
We hear very little this side of the Atlantic ocean about US gun law, or, indeed, US gun culture (yep; that's how it is portrayed in the media over here)..maybe a "nutter shoots colleagues" kind of thing at the end of the TV news....
We understand the point of armed revolution against an oppressive government (Oh, the royal arse/ass is still red from that 1783 spanking :lol:), and that's why the government want to relieve you of them....but there's more to it..isn't there????...

Cultural exchange anyone?(:
Who gives a fuck about Europe? We got guns and ain't giving them up. Not to mention it makes invading the USA terrifying when every man woman and child is armed to the teeth.

No force on earth can stop America the world will die with us.

So a couple nutters shoot up very few places. Do you realize more people die from bee stings than mass shootings? Let alone cigarettes then number 1 heart disease. Can't ban guns and not McDonald's and cigarettes.
I give a fuck about Europe.
So far in this cultural exchange I've learnt
(a) The world will die with America
(b) VirtualHerd can fit 3....three!...fingers up his ass..

I had not anticipated this....cultural exchange anyone? :peace:
We hear very little this side of the Atlantic ocean about US gun law, or, indeed, US gun culture (yep; that's how it is portrayed in the media over here)..maybe a "nutter shoots colleagues" kind of thing at the end of the TV news....
We understand the point of armed revolution against an oppressive government (Oh, the royal arse/ass is still red from that 1783 spanking :lol:), and that's why the government want to relieve you of them....but there's more to it..isn't there????...

Cultural exchange anyone?(:
How do you go hunting with out guns? We have bears and mountain lions in Colorado.
We hear very little this side of the Atlantic ocean about US gun law, or, indeed, US gun culture (yep; that's how it is portrayed in the media over here)..maybe a "nutter shoots colleagues" kind of thing at the end of the TV news....
We understand the point of armed revolution against an oppressive government (Oh, the royal arse/ass is still red from that 1783 spanking :lol:), and that's why the government want to relieve you of them....but there's more to it..isn't there????...

Cultural exchange anyone?(:

We don't hear much about it here except media orgiastically covering mass shootings and wailing "what about the children!?" Sharing TV with reality shows with e.g. duck hunting themes.

I have seen very little organized Gun Culture. I suspect the term is used by the anti-gun interests to imply the idea that gun owners are collective thinkers. (Sly way to call them Communists.)

Private gun ownership is a guarantee of a big personal freedom. Individual freedom is being declared passé ... indeed as obstructing the creation of a brave new world in which the sheer unpredictability of individuals thinking and acting for themselves interferes with the benevolent lordship of our Betters.

The gun has been chosen as a symbol of this war between individualists and collective thinkers. I don't think the war is over, or even properly begun. Wait ... it is properly begun if I can see that the gun is being used by both sides as divisive. Step 2 is conquer.

I do predict steadily increasing limitations on the legal capacity of individuals to own and use guns.
How do you go hunting with out guns? We have bears and mountain lions in Colorado.

It can be done but it gets real personal.
