America's work ethic

Hey Panhead, hope all is well with yourself and your family.

I forwarded that info on the local roofers union to my buddy. Hopefully he'll do something with the link, but probably not.

He wanted to do my project with me, I told him the job was his if he showed up, guess who didn't show up? Guess who's mad when I talked about paying for labor?

BTW he's white, but I might be considered Mexican in some willfully ignorant circles.

Also, moving right along, I found a bunch more rotted out shit and way more to do! Whoopee! I'm running out of money so fast that its better if I just don't think about it. I'm almost to the point of having to dedicate my 'grow room' budget to my 'living accommodation' budget.

Oh well, got a lot done today.

Shit i didnt see your post or i'd of responded , sorry to hear ya keep running into more rott , are ya just gonna get shit level & cover it up or keep chasing rotten wood ?

About that link i posted to Royal Roofing in Orion Mich , the main office is located right next to where the Pistons play at the Palace but they have offices in Port Huron Mich , Florida , North Carolina & a few other i cant remember , its a damm good job lead & an excellent union shop , lotsa fan fukin tastic mexicans work there & my best friend still works there & says they are kicking ass & taking names still , i miss working there & i especially miss all my friends there including the 80% mexican work force that most speak english better than i do .

If you know people looking for work give them that link , its a massive company that works nation wide , i was a foreman & crane operator there for yrs & after i retired was offered a job in their saftey dept but still haven't decided .

Starting pay should be right around $19 an hour & if you last 30 days they give you another $1 an hour raise , then after you've been a helper for a few hundred hrs they send you to apprenticeship school to learn the entire trade , shingles slate & tile are only about 5% of the Roofing trade.

After you finish school you'll be able to install hundreds of different flat roofs , all styles of sloped roofs including metal roofs , you'll also be certified to install below grade waterproofing of basements , foundations ect , with the Journeyman card you get you can walk into any union shop & get work nation wide .

I didnt check but current Journeyman pay should be around $30 an hour plus $8 an hr every hr you work vacation pay , ya get a kick ass $10,000 check from the union once a yr besides your weekly check .

If you use your vehicle for work they pay you $15 a day , if you work out of town you get travel pay & hotel expense paid in advance .

Its a great place to work & they are a very stable company that is allways in the Michigan Fortune 50 contractors , they're like the 5th largest roofing conglomerate in the world & own 20 or so smaller companies all across America ,they are huge with crews ranging from 70 men per crew on the senior foremans crews down to 20 men on the smaller crews , they have machines for everything so only about 50% of the work is done via physical labor .

Let your friends know they are allways hiring .
Shit i didnt see your post or i'd of responded , sorry to hear ya keep running into more rott , are ya just gonna get shit level & cover it up or keep chasing rotten wood ?

About that link i posted to Royal Roofing in Orion Mich , the main office is located right next to where the Pistons play at the Palace but they have offices in Port Huron Mich , Florida , North Carolina & a few other i cant remember , its a damm good job lead & an excellent union shop , lotsa fan fukin tastic mexicans work there & my best friend still works there & says they are kicking ass & taking names still , i miss working there & i especially miss all my friends there including the 80% mexican work force that most speak english better than i do .

If you know people looking for work give them that link , its a massive company that works nation wide , i was a foreman & crane operator there for yrs & after i retired was offered a job in their saftey dept but still haven't decided .

Starting pay should be right around $19 an hour & if you last 30 days they give you another $1 an hour raise , then after you've been a helper for a few hundred hrs they send you to apprenticeship school to learn the entire trade , shingles slate & tile are only about 5% of the Roofing trade.

After you finish school you'll be able to install hundreds of different flat roofs , all styles of sloped roofs including metal roofs , you'll also be certified to install below grade waterproofing of basements , foundations ect , with the Journeyman card you get you can walk into any union shop & get work nation wide .

I didnt check but current Journeyman pay should be around $30 an hour plus $8 an hr every hr you work vacation pay , ya get a kick ass $10,000 check from the union once a yr besides your weekly check .

If you use your vehicle for work they pay you $15 a day , if you work out of town you get travel pay & hotel expense paid in advance .

Its a great place to work & they are a very stable company that is allways in the Michigan Fortune 50 contractors , they're like the 5th largest roofing conglomerate in the world & own 20 or so smaller companies all across America ,they are huge with crews ranging from 70 men per crew on the senior foremans crews down to 20 men on the smaller crews , they have machines for everything so only about 50% of the work is done via physical labor .

Let your friends know they are allways hiring .

That's a hefty percentage more than I make, and the whole reason I'm getting back to school. To make more money!

Yeah, more rot to find all the time. I'm removing all of it and building fresh. EVERYTHING is rotted so might as well start over. The floor is nearly finished, bathroom being redone, plumber should have been out today but I'm in the middle of 12hrs so haven't checked up on that... Its coming together, and we're even on schedule, which is unheard of...

I'm telling ya man, if I find too much more rot then I'm throwing in the towel. Too much more and I might as well demolish the whole building... At least the roof is solid!

Will keep ya updated, I still hope to move in my the end of the month...

Plus I gotta build out a grow room and I've got a bunch of teen girls to move over too...

This shit never ends bro!
My employer gives me 100 bucks cash at the end of every month if I'm on time every day that month. When they told me that I was stunned. Kind of a sign of the times we live in. You're supposed to be on time to work I didn't think that was something that warranted a reward. It's not much but I'll take it