America's work ethic

it's not cause your American,,it's cause your young,,,kids or teens or young adults today are growing up with,cell phones,,laptops,,tablets,,when I was young I had to ask permission to use the home phone,,,had a bed time,,,got slapped or grounded when I got in trouble,,,one of my kids is about to turn 17,,male,,,he comes and asks me for a drive to work,,I was like,,are you askin me for a drive to your job just because you can,,he says well it doesnt hurt to ask,,,I said and it doesn't hurt to get your own ass to your own job either,I been working since I was 12,,,cause your parents just weren't giving like parents today,illegal immigrants want to work,,they wanna leave there country and be more than some guy trying to sell his seester,,back on there own streets,,but gunnar,,,it's cause we are roofers,,,,,so stereo typed,,drunken roofer,,scumbag roofer,,dirty fuckin roofer,,you know without us it would be hard to keep the contents of your house dry,,but we have been labelled,,,and only make what we can make according to society's price on the roof,bullshit in my opinion because it's one of the most important parts of a home,,but pride in my job,,i got it,,fairness,,I got it,,,one of my slogans was Pride Applied,,,I care,,,but I know that young ppl got it way more amazing then I ever did,,,my 17 year old still at home works about 6-12 hours a week,,,yesterday was my birthday and I didn't even get a card from him,,,,never mind how you feel bro,,,think about how your possible future kid will feel,,technology is great,,but will prolly kill us all,,as you,sorry if this upsets anyone,,just how I feel

Keep on Growin

The whole world looks up to a roofer !!
Like ive said a million times i dont hate mexicans i hate shitty work and in Colorado hispanic men are the ones who do most of the work in witch case i hate there work if i seen a bunch of white boys doing crap work id say the same
If ur roof has shingles and end with a 6" eve to a lower roof with corrugated panels yes headwall is what u would use if the lower point is less then a 3/12 pitch u will us torch down

i wanna grow some plants in this thing, not burn it all down.

and no, headwall flashing still will not work.
This is my rifle, this is my gun, this is my work tool how bout u learn to use one......

U kno the one thing i was looking to read from all this was. "Hey bro just do u thats all u can do" and only one person said that to me it shows that ppl are so scared to think someone is racist instead of reading whats really being wrote to just understand that i feel we could all work harder. Black,white,Hispanics or even asian i dont care who or what u are i just want to build my beautiful country.


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Like ive said a million times i dont hate mexicans i hate shitty work and in Colorado hispanic men are the ones who do most of the work in witch case i hate there work if i seen a bunch of white boys doing crap work id say the same

listen dummy, you've already stated that you are "proud to be white". i think that kinda gives away your game here.

if you were just proud of your work and hated shitty work, that would be one thing. you wouldn't be mentioning race at all.

but you frequently do mention race, always condemning 'mexicans' and 'hispanics' while telling us all about your white pride.

you are more transparent than the clear PVC panels i used as roofing for my garden shed.
i wanna grow some plants in this thing, not burn it all down.

and no, headwall flashing still will not work.
Look man i dont even kno what the shit looks like so honestly i couldn't tell u but foreal im over all of this im not trying to attack u as a man i was only stating how i felt about work ethic i dont know u for adam im sure u do beautiful work and thats great bro thats all im looking for is great work i can care less about anything else im not on this site to piss ppl off im here to grow bud i was only sharing how i feel
listen dummy, you've already stated that you are "proud to be white". i think that kinda gives away your game here.

if you were just proud of your work and hated shitty work, that would be one thing. you wouldn't be mentioning race at all.

but you frequently do mention race, always condemning 'mexicans' and 'hispanics' while telling us all about your white pride.

you are more transparent than the clear PVC panels i used as roofing for my garden shed.
Go google gangland NSM that will show u who i grew up with a bunch of wet backs who i love like brothers if u read what im saying u will see im only saying mexicans cuz thats who works here in Colorado
And u kno what uncle buck none of this has anything to do with grwoing weed simply working and unless u work in Colorado u will never kno what im talking about i dont mean working behind a desk i mean blood sweat and tears cuz i.dont only roof i restore cars build fences lay concrete put up siding and pretty much anything u can think of if u worked hard ur whole life and seen everyone else doing shit work ud be mad to
Look man i dont even kno what the shit looks like so honestly i couldn't tell u but foreal im over all of this im not trying to attack u as a man i was only stating how i felt about work ethic i dont know u for adam im sure u do beautiful work and thats great bro thats all im looking for is great work i can care less about anything else im not on this site to piss ppl off im here to grow bud i was only sharing how i feel
U also stated you were in y, a and state prison....what gang did you associate with? the aryan brotherhood?the kkk? Peckerwoods?
And u kno what uncle buck none of this has anything to do with grwoing weed simply working and unless u work in Colorado u will never kno what im talking about i dont mean working behind a desk i mean blood sweat and tears cuz i.dont only roof i restore cars build fences lay concrete put up siding and pretty much anything u can think of if u worked hard ur whole life and seen everyone else doing shit work ud be mad to

i thought you said you didn't want a pissing contest?

kinda sounds like you want a pissing contest.

fences, eh? digging a hole and filling it with concrete, eh? leveling plumbing and squaring a post, eh? attaching rails to posts and then pickets to rails eh?

sounds like MENSA level work.
i thought you said you didn't want a pissing contest?

kinda sounds like you want a pissing contest.

fences, eh? digging a hole and filling it with concrete, eh? leveling plumbing and squaring a post, eh? attaching rails to posts and then pickets to rails eh?

sounds like MENSA level work.
Oh ya its so easy man omg i mean wow a monkey could do it right? But can they do it correctly will it look good idk next time u do a fence let me kno
I thought u went to prison? If you did, then you know what you're saying is bullshit..I'm basically asking you, what racist white prison gang did the system feed you to after you made your stupid decisions?
Oh ya its so easy man omg i mean wow a monkey could do it right? But can they do it correctly will it look good idk next time u do a fence let me kno

it is so easy. incredibly easy.

the fact that you think knowing how to build a fence makes you special tells me one thing: your penis is incredibly tiny, and ultimately unsatisfying to women.

now if you'll excuse me, i have to go work ethic out in my yard.