Amy Winehouse R.I.P.

Well, depite this thread decent into name calling, I'll state the obvious. I miss Amy, already "wanna put me in rehab, I say no no no" Fab artist lost to drugs. I miss Jimmie, and Janet, Curt, Jim and the rest of the seemingly endless list of addictive artist. I don't judge, since except for the Grace, so go I.

BTW, If you think pot is so bad, yet you sell it.?!?>! Yet, you rail against those who take drugs with a high horse attitude.....go look in the mirror.

Long live Amy's music. I don't care about her pesonal life. She contibuted. Have you?
this is fucking hillarious, seriously amy winehouse only contributed a couple shitty songs that noone really even remembers. call me a hypocrit but im a legal medical user(im epiliptic) so i consume cannabis. I dont drink or do other drugs, i do agree it should all be legal but imo if you smoke crack, snort meth or coke, or mainline herion your a loser. dont have a job for reasons other than medical, your a loser and a drain on everyone around you. im pretty positive amy wont be sitting at the table with the musical greats that died before ther time in the afterlife.
Here is the differnce while a life is a life. We have the choice to smoke a bowl or inject ourselves with drugs. The children and workers did not. I do love mmj, but I refuse to have any sympathy for those that cant put down a pipe those that take pills. Life is to beautiful and diverse to be consumed with any one object. Weed doesnt make EVERYTHING better. I promise. Im an economist at a top 5 American Uni I promise it doesnt make equations any better.
Not sure what country you are from, probaly a dumbass Brit.. Fuck the Queen by the way, the Royal family is a joke. I think your just jealous you do not live in the greatest country in the world. USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA. Oh ya, how many rovers has the Russians successfully landed on Mars?

Quick question. As a economist I disagree. I am European(not a brit), so take that into account. I have lived in 7 countries and have traveled to 26 countries. I currently work as an economists for a very prestigious American university. I dont say this to brag to qualify my next statement. There is not one facet of the american society where I think it is number one in the world. Civil liberties not even close. Netherlands took that along with freedom of press(according to the World Press Organization). Economy. I cant even imagine anyone argueing this. The annual GDP=debt. So that means everyyear the monetary(money) value of America's economy is equal to debt. Lets say I make 20,000 a year. I owe 20,000 to start(get pissed at your leaders start caring for gods sakes!!). Is this good financial planning? Health- Ranked one of the most unhealthy countries in Westernized world, due to lack of universal health care, poor diet options, loose FDA regulations etc(according to the World Health Organization). Culture- where bigger is more (see health). Working with Americans is different than working with other countries. You seem to shoot from the hip and ask questions later. Its a "balls deep attitude". Not a good idea.

I love america I do. However, America needs to take a look at themselves honestly. What we have is a broke country, with a work force that EVERY global economists has stated that America's work force is not ready to adapt to the future. Take this personally if you want, my hope is you dont however it is foolish to think America is the number one country. Mine isnt either. I personally think the netherlands are(opinion I know). (Also how do you only spend .1% of the federal budget on education, I understand its a state by state rule however, your schools are FAILING!) Education should be No1, your three wars should be last priority. Educate your people then the rest will follow, smart citizens mean a smart country. Also How did the space program work out foryou? Billions of dollars every year flushed. The private sector could do it cheaper. Now the Fed is understanding this, Nasa is all but canned. Private companies are now bidding on the shuttles. So before you type. Think, while it maybe the interent you are still an ambassador to your country. If you have a logical response I would love to hear it.Once again good vibes to you. I appologize for being rude. Leave the country for a year, then come back and tell me what you think about America. Americans that have lived abroad will almost certaintly tell you the same thing.

Quick question. As a economist I disagree. I am European(not a brit), so take that into account. I have lived in 7 countries and have traveled to 26 countries. I currently work as an economists for a very prestigious American university. I dont say this to brag to qualify my next statement. There is not one facet of the american society where I think it is number one in the world. Civil liberties not even close. Netherlands took that along with freedom of press(according to the World Press Organization). Economy. I cant even imagine anyone argueing this. The annual GDP=debt. So that means everyyear the monetary(money) value of America's economy is equal to debt. Lets say I make 20,000 a year. I owe 20,000 to start(get pissed at your leaders start caring for gods sakes!!). Is this good financial planning? Health- Ranked one of the most unhealthy countries in Westernized world, due to lack of universal health care, poor diet options, loose FDA regulations etc(according to the World Health Organization). Culture- where bigger is more (see health). Working with Americans is different than working with other countries. You seem to shoot from the hip and ask questions later. Its a "balls deep attitude". Not a good idea.

I love america I do. However, America needs to take a look at themselves honestly. What we have is a broke country, with a work force that EVERY global economists has stated that America's work force is not ready to adapt to the future. Take this personally if you want, my hope is you dont however it is foolish to think America is the number one country. Mine isnt either. I personally think the netherlands are(opinion I know). (Also how do you only spend .1% of the federal budget on education, I understand its a state by state rule however, your schools are FAILING!) Education should be No1, your three wars should be last priority. Educate your people then the rest will follow, smart citizens mean a smart country. Also How did the space program work out foryou? Billions of dollars every year flushed. The private sector could do it cheaper. Now the Fed is understanding this, Nasa is all but canned. Private companies are now bidding on the shuttles. So before you type. Think, while it maybe the interent you are still an ambassador to your country. If you have a logical response I would love to hear it.Once again good vibes to you. I appologize for being rude. Leave the country for a year, then come back and tell me what you think about America. Americans that have lived abroad will almost certaintly tell you the same thing.


yes my next door neighbour is a texan. and he said he would need to be dragged back kicking and screaming to the states.
yes my next door neighbour is a texan. and he said he would need to be dragged back kicking and screaming to the states.

'Nuff said lol. My girlfriend is American, I took her with me traveling. Changed her. Traveling changes Americans. When I use to work in a coffee shop in the Netherlands(when I was in uni) I would meet all the Americans from the local university. At first they were ok by the end of each semmester when they were about to go back to America their whole viewpoint changed. Global experience NEEDS to be given more empsance in America. The geographical isolationism of America has protected them from domestic wars for years now, however it has bred we are better than you culture. Dealing with students on a daily basis that are suppose to be the smartest and hardest workers in America, I am shocked. Young Americans seem to think peole should give them stuff. Nothing is given. Nothing is free. No one gives a damn about your problems just the end result. Sounds rough but they need a reality check. The whole "I walked two miles up hill bothways in the snow to get to school" joke is sorta true.
yes best country in the third world.

yes best at shooting each other on a daily basis.

yes best city new york the murder capital of the world.

yes best at sending your country in to total financial meltdown.

yes best at fighting wars with any one that will stand up to you.

yes best health service in the world NOT.

yes best educational system in the world NOT.

best at being about 20 years behind china.

best at putting some one in charge of your country that is not even american.

and best at having the fattest unhealthiest people on the planet per population.

Not American but alot of this is false. Murder capital of the year is Mexico, then I believe San Paolo, Brazil. Deff, not a third country, but does need a reality check. And to be honest they are not the best at fight wars. If you want to have discussion lets take emotion out of it. I think this is what causes bad blood.

Obama is American. God, I wish people would think before they typed, read a newspaper my friend. The day after Obama was elected his family put an ad in the Hawaiin paper stating his birth and parents etc. So to argue against something that is in writing and has historical documentation is idiotic. You sir need to think before you type. Remember, words still cary weight even though they are in the internet. This bothers the hell out of me that this is still an issue. I cant believe it.

Reason for edit:
The reason why America didnt care, is because the Chinese own them. Look at how much debt they buy from America. I think it is a bad idea to call people cowards. I doubt you would say that to ones face. Dont let the computer screen make you tougher than you are. Just a thought stay humble and open minded. Instead of starting discussions with conflict wouldnt it be better if discussions were open and fact based? Just a thought.
Surprised this dick showing competition hasn't been closed yet. O and grow room design....really?

No one is surprised she's dead and yes it was entirely 100% HER OWN fault.
waaaaa ...

listen you fucking numpty.

i put a thread on here amy winehouse rest in peace.

that is all.

there is no reason for every fucking yankee scumbag fucker to crawl out of the woodwork and insult her or insult me.
so i will turn the tables on the fucking third world bastards that started the argument.
and really i thought americans were white, i had not realised that americans had african origin.
you want ignorance ignorance you shall have.
Wow, way to tell us how you really feel. Yankee scumbags? I can see why someone from the south would be pissed at northerners and blacks...the days of owning people and land, we kind of fucked that up for y'all!

As for Amy Winehouse, plenty of good people die everyday. You insult them by trying to honor a junkie over all of them.

Why don't you post a thread every time an american soldier gets killed?