Amy Winehouse R.I.P.

you dont have to study cigerette lung cancer the findings were there for themselves people were up front about smoking cigarettes and a lot of people smoked both, bob marley did not smoke cigarettes i may add dying riddled with cancer at 36..

hey sweetheart idk why you are on a forum like this one, if you in fact have nothing good to say about cannabis, but just to clear things up for you.....


"At the start of the European tour, Marley injured his toe playing football. In July 1977, he was found to have acral lentiginous melanoma, a form of malignant melanoma.[40] Despite his illness, he wished to continue touring and was in the process of scheduling a world tour in 1980. The intention was for Inner Circle to be his opening act on the tour but after their lead singer Jacob Miller died in Jamaica in March 1980 after returning from a scouting mission in Brazil this was no longer mentioned.[41] The album Uprising was released in May 1980 (produced by Chris Blackwell), on which Redemption Song is particularly considered to be about Marley coming to terms with his mortality.[42] The band completed a major tour of Europe, where they played their biggest concert, to a hundred thousand people in Milan. After the tour Marley went to America, where he performed two shows at Madison Square Garden as part of the Uprising Tour. Shortly afterwards, his health deteriorated and he became very ill; the cancer had spread throughout his body. The rest of the tour was cancelled and Marley sought treatment at the Bavarian clinic of Josef Issels, where he received a controversial type of cancer therapy partly based on avoidance of certain foods, drinks, and other substances. After fighting the cancer without success for eight months, Marley boarded a plane for his home in Jamaica.[43]
While flying home from Germany to Jamaica, in acceptance that he was going to die, Marley's vital functions worsened. After landing in Miami, Florida, he was taken to the hospital for immediate medical attention. He died at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Miami (now University of Miami Hospital) on the morning of 11 May 1981, at the age of 36. The spread of melanoma to his lungs and brain caused his death." there you go, it was spread from his toe to his lungs AND brain. Next time you wanna bitch about weed use actual fact first!
this place is probably the worst place you could try to convince ppl that weed is bad. more ppl die from water than weed.
Most smoking studies are done with individuals that smoke tobacco and pot... That really does not count! And you can always use a vape! I just dont get why you are talking all this shit!

WHo gives a fuck about amy whinewhore! Stupid fugly ass horsefaced bitch! What songs will she be remembered for, hmm? Any grammy winning songs?

WHo cares about an addict? I for dont... They got themselves in that mess, they can get themselves out... She was warned several many times about her issues and she didnt do shit!

Was it because of her millions? Maybe she knew something I or you dont know...(yes i know you goes before I, but i do not respect you)

there are a lot of people on this planet except for little old you.
talk about me myself and i.

you are blind to real life.

there have been studies in the uk of cannabis smokers and they are even more succeptible to lung cancer than a smoker.

most people that died their were 79 cases of lung cancer death out of the 324 cases cancer increased 8% every year in the study. that is 1 in 4.
a lot of the others were killed by buses, electric shock, murder, car accidents etc before the end of the study so lung cancer was never found, the study which lasted for years. mind you bob marley lived a long life too until he was 36. yes riddled with cancer.

nearly all drugs are legal except for certain drugs that people like to use as recreational to blow their tiny little minds out because they cannot face reality of daily life and some of these drugs cause death every minute of every day from overdose.

in the uk there is already a programme that has been running for years where ex junkies get thier free fixes every day from the local chemist shop called methadone.
10ml of this stuff would probably kill you and they have to take it in front of the chemist, some of them that get enough to take home to last a week, they have taken some at a table in their home and it hits you instantly their kids have found the open bottle while the user is unconscious consumed it as it tastes nice and died. god knows how many children have died this way now.

i know a guy that was so addicted to heroin that he has to take 500ml of methadone every day. enough to kill you 50 times over.

he is so sick of being dependent on drugs he would like to get his hands on the pusher that gave him it in the first place to kill him but he is dead.

a lot of people are mentally ill and we cannot let them take their own lives just because you say so.

why dont you crawl under your little stone take a little injection and go to sleep, that way we dont have to listen to your fucking drivel.

because of twats like you cannabis will never be legalised.
Most smoking studies are done with individuals that smoke tobacco and pot... That really does not count! And you can always use a vape! I just dont get why you are talking all this shit!

WHo gives a fuck about amy whinewhore! Stupid fugly ass horsefaced bitch! What songs will she be remembered for, hmm? Any grammy winning songs?

WHo cares about an addict? I for dont... They got themselves in that mess, they can get themselves out... She was warned several many times about her issues and she didnt do shit!

Was it because of her millions? Maybe she knew something I or you dont know...(yes i know you goes before I, but i do not respect you)

she had 5 grammies. :neutral:
ok, so you reference studies about cancer causing smoke and give us shit bout cannabis not causing cancer, yet you decide to negate other studies contradicting what you say... That just goes to show how stupid you really are! I bet you were a junky just like amy whinewhore was and you are now on a vendetta to persecute all who enjoy the cannabis plant... fucking hypocrite!

i have never met or heard of an elderly person who drinks just for pain management... They may choose to drink wine for the cardiovascular benefits of consuming at least 8 oz a day or every other day...

i dont give a fuck what one yank has to say about cannabinoids,.
smoke gives off serious low volumes of poisonous chemicals.
yanks have been telling lies for centuries and it has been proven over and over again, they cannot be trusted.
the same yank that will probably tell you that they wont have to hitch a lift in to space from the russians from now on as they cannot even afford a space vehicle to travel there, as their country is heading into third world recession because nobody wants to work they all want to grow their own weed profit and smoke it and it makes you lethargic.

his was not a study of live subjects over a period of 35 years, whom i may add did not smoke cigarettes but smoked cannabis.

you dont have to study cigerette lung cancer the findings were there for themselves people were up front about smoking cigarettes and a lot of people smoked both, bob marley did not smoke cigarettes i may add dying riddled with cancer at 36.

but no-one knew how many people smoked cannabis and a lot of the lung cancer patients who were dying denied they smoked cannabis even though they admitted that they never smoked cigarettes.
hence the reason for the studies which are still on going.
can your country afford to have studies now?

they did numerous studies in the uk as the uk are health and safety crazy and this is why cigarettes are banned in all public buildings even work vans as nicotine causes cancer, but in the findings cannabis causes it too and other problems that is why it will be banned indefinitely.

although will always be offered as an alternative medicine in certain cases must must be taken orally and cannot be smoked as the smoke findings proved positive. where the subject will have a more comfortable existence if using it.
a bit like elederly patients who more choose to drink alcohol to rid themselves from pain rather than use cannabis.

obviously working at a prestigious american university as an "economists" has not helped you at all with your grammar. are you not a professor? then are you not "educating" anyone? you do not love America, all you wanted was to work at a prestigious American university cause all other schools over the world really do not carry much weight when applying to a job...

i would never leave this awesome country! You gotta be crazy to leave the USA! Aint nobody as good as the good ol USA, anywhere in the world...

Tell me professor, why did not choose to work at another university? WHy a prestigious American university? What was soo appealing about the USA university? Is America not a good country according to you or that they are a fuck tard compared to other countries that you have been to?

Quick question. As a economist I disagree. I am European(not a brit), so take that into account. I have lived in 7 countries and have traveled to 26 countries. I currently work as an economists for a very prestigious American university. I dont say this to brag to qualify my next statement. There is not one facet of the american society where I think it is number one in the world. Civil liberties not even close. Netherlands took that along with freedom of press(according to the World Press Organization). Economy. I cant even imagine anyone argueing this. The annual GDP=debt. So that means everyyear the monetary(money) value of America's economy is equal to debt. Lets say I make 20,000 a year. I owe 20,000 to start(get pissed at your leaders start caring for gods sakes!!). Is this good financial planning? Health- Ranked one of the most unhealthy countries in Westernized world, due to lack of universal health care, poor diet options, loose FDA regulations etc(according to the World Health Organization). Culture- where bigger is more (see health). Working with Americans is different than working with other countries. You seem to shoot from the hip and ask questions later. Its a "balls deep attitude". Not a good idea.

I love america I do. However, America needs to take a look at themselves honestly. What we have is a broke country, with a work force that EVERY global economists has stated that America's work force is not ready to adapt to the future. Take this personally if you want, my hope is you dont however it is foolish to think America is the number one country. Mine isnt either. I personally think the netherlands are(opinion I know). (Also how do you only spend .1% of the federal budget on education, I understand its a state by state rule however, your schools are FAILING!) Education should be No1, your three wars should be last priority. Educate your people then the rest will follow, smart citizens mean a smart country. Also How did the space program work out foryou? Billions of dollars every year flushed. The private sector could do it cheaper. Now the Fed is understanding this, Nasa is all but canned. Private companies are now bidding on the shuttles. So before you type. Think, while it maybe the interent you are still an ambassador to your country. If you have a logical response I would love to hear it.Once again good vibes to you. I appologize for being rude. Leave the country for a year, then come back and tell me what you think about America. Americans that have lived abroad will almost certaintly tell you the same thing.

listen you fucking numpty.

i put a thread on here amy winehouse rest in peace.

that is all.

there is no reason for every fucking yankee scumbag fucker to crawl out of the woodwork and insult her or insult me.
so i will turn the tables on the fucking third world bastards that started the argument.
and really i thought americans were white, i had not realised that americans had african origin.
you want ignorance ignorance you shall have.

1. If you are going to call me an idiot please use correct grammar.
2. Never meant to insult you, read my text. I asked to take emotion out of this thought. Your facts were wrong, I appologize if that bothered you. I thought it might better to provide correct facts.
3. Dont get so upset of an internet forumn, it gives the appearance that your world is entirely to small.
4. Not American I still hold my European countries citizenship.
5. Americans are not a race, so to classify them as white would be to ignore a huge percentage of the people. We can not clasify them the same we would clasify Europeans. Also to think that Africans are lesser is absurd. If we look at African scholars over the years. We find that actually European scholars use to go to Africa to become educated. This is not the same now due civil wars etc. However, historically they are pretty much bad asses. Please read the book "Guns Germs and Steel" if you would like to be educated on why certain cultures advanced at a faster rate than others(Europeans vs Africans) very intresting read.

I wish you only the best, I sincerely appologize if you are hurting from Amy Winehouse's death however do not let this lead to ignorance and racism. It looks foolish.

no jackass, epilepsy is not caused by smoking cannabis! it is normally a genetically induced disorder that is very severe... You have no idea what an epileptic seizure is about! That shit is no joke and if left untreated, it can get out of control fast, depending on the severity of the case of course, but your statement you made is totally ignorant and stupid... You obviously have no clue why people consume cannabis and why they enjoy it! YOu are just a fucking hater that is looking to bash people for being real to themselves... I think you lie to yourself all the time cause you want to smoke so bad, but your parents traumatized you about it, kind of like the 60's propaganda that the gov went on...

and yes, my contributions to society will always be better then anything that stupid whore ever did! All she did is influence young adults to take hard drugs like she does because it is cool! She also showed young adults to go against authority and do whatever you fucking want to! She also showed young adults that heroin and the other drug cocktails she did are ok... I would rather be known for promoting cannabis or go to jail for it, then be known for example, " wait who was that, oh, that was the chick that was all fucking drugged up on hard drugs and making a scene everywhere she went." that is not contributing to society...

once you are able to coach several Olympic, National and State athletes, come and talk to me about contributing to society!

your the fucking loser pal, you probably smoked the stuff into oblivion that has gave you the epilepsy,
your all the fucking same looking for an excuse to get a medical card to grow fucking weed and sit on your big fat greasy american lazy arse holes and smoke yourself in to schizophrenia.
thats gonna join your epilepsy shortly pal. so then you can get two fucking medical cards to grow the fucking stuff, one for you, and another one for you too.
and the contributions you have put in to society could not fucking lick amy`s fucking boots.
dude, dont apologize to this shit turd! WHat are you doing? Oh, yeah, you aint American, i forgot!

1. If you are going to call me an idiot please use correct grammar.
2. Never meant to insult you, read my text. I asked to take emotion out of this thought. Your facts were wrong, I appologize if that bothered you. I thought it might better to provide correct facts.
3. Dont get so upset of an internet forumn, it gives the appearance that your world is entirely to small.
4. Not American I still hold my European countries citizenship.
5. Americans are not a race, so to classify them as white would be to ignore a huge percentage of the people. We can not clasify them the same we would clasify Europeans. Also to think that Africans are lesser is absurd. If we look at African scholars over the years. We find that actually European scholars use to go to Africa to become educated. This is not the same now due civil wars etc. However, historically they are pretty much bad asses. Please read the book "Guns Germs and Steel" if you would like to be educated on why certain cultures advanced at a faster rate than others(Europeans vs Africans) very intresting read.

I wish you only the best, I sincerely appologize if you are hurting from Amy Winehouse's death however do not let this lead to ignorance and racism. It looks foolish.

What the fuck is this thread about?

this is fucking hillarious, seriously amy winehouse only contributed a couple shitty songs that noone really even remembers. call me a hypocrit but im a legal medical user(im epiliptic) so i consume cannabis. I dont drink or do other drugs, i do agree it should all be legal but imo if you smoke crack, snort meth or coke, or mainline herion your a loser. dont have a job for reasons other than medical, your a loser and a drain on everyone around you. im pretty positive amy wont be sitting at the table with the musical greats that died before ther time in the afterlife.
Seriously? Don't get me wrong, there are certainly losers that smoke crack, snort meth or coke, and mainline heroin (as well as drink alcohol and smoke cannabis); but is a person by default a 'loser' for using any of those "other drugs" in a manner in which you might not approve? That's called bigotry. I personally love to mainline me some heroin, but I recognize that current persisting conditions (i.e. illegality) make using it a potentially devastating situation.

One less crusty cunted, drug addict whore in the world. Real shocker she died....
Call her a whore, call her a cunt or a bitch; but when you include 'drug addict' with such negative connotation you're the true piece of shit. If you didn't like a person in a wheelchair would you call them a paraplegic whore? A drug addiction typically also involves one or more co-morbid psychiatric factors. The pervasive stigma associated with drug addiction is a burden on the whole of society, and a hindrance to enacting a sensible drug policy.

Media outlets already touting the death as primarily a "heroin overdose". It was quite obviously a suicide, or more technically a poly-drug overdose. And this is why people figure if you're a drug addict you're going to die of an overdose at some point.
ok, so you expect people to talk to you with respect, yet you deny anyone the right to it! you are fucking retarded or like the wise Charley Murphy says, "you are a high functioning retard." you wont know that joke cause its American bitch!
calling Americans 'yankee scumbag fucker' is asking for a fight you dumb stupid fat ass bitch and asking for insults galore!

No, we already know you are a fucking ignorant bitch therefore we do not need proof of it!

you are obviously in the wrong forum, i think you should head over to an addicts' anonymous website or something, they can really relate with your stupid fucking horsefaced addict bitch amy whinewhore!

listen you fucking numpty.

i put a thread on here amy winehouse rest in peace.

that is all.

there is no reason for every fucking yankee scumbag fucker to crawl out of the woodwork and insult her or insult me.
so i will turn the tables on the fucking third world bastards that started the argument.
and really i thought americans were white, i had not realised that americans had african origin.
you want ignorance ignorance you shall have.
smoke your lungs in to a cancer ridden state with weed.

me, i dont smoke, i sell my weed.
drugs are a mugs game.

amy winehouse will be remembered for her contribution to music. she was a multi millionaire, money cant solve every bodys problems and
so fuckin what, she had a drugs habit, who cares, you take mind bending cannabis, call it what you fucking want, do i fucking care, so :-
what will you be remembered for.

so, she chose the wrong path, give her a fucking break. will have your excuse, b,bbbbbbut i only smoke weed, yeah, well it is fucking illegal for a reason. you call it a relaxing drug, well of course it is.
Isn`t It.

and it is people like you that are the reason it will never be legalised.

on one hand you would campaign against hard drugs but on the other you would campaign to get cannabis legalised.
there are people above you in the middle and high classes that listen to you blabber on about hard drugs, and as far as they are concerned, drugs are drugs and should be banned, no matter what class they are in.

now how does that make you feel.
Smoking MJ has never been linked to lung cancer other than the fact that mj can reduce the size of cancerous tumors. You are an idiot.
I am very sorry for my grammar. English is actually my 4th language.

I travel. I dont like being in a country to long. I think to never travel is to only read one page of a book and then say "Ive seen the world". My girlfriend is American. I am in love. I had a opportunity to travel and teach. I took it. I appologize if this was a bad thing? Your right the top schools in America are excellant. They are not pubically funded or available to the vast majority of people. The education system in America is a joke. It doesnt take much to realize it. Compare the public school system to any modern country. This are not opionions, these are facts. Look it up, Im sorry if I dont have enough time to do the work for you. I beg you to leave America for one year then talk to me. Stop getting your news from Faux news. Also dont be a dick, look at your spelling and grammar before you crique a foreigner's english. You only look foolish and ignorant. Their are many other great universities that are highly paid and prestigious around the world just because the average American does not recognize them doesnt mean American scholars dont. You do not know what your are talking about, you only have a small perspective of this world. Every day I communicate with multiple universities across the globe it is much bigger than just one country. Remember that please. I wish you only the best but please do not attack me. I asked you to look at this from a pure number stand point which you had no reply.
most addicts' do! I think it is more closely related to the time that they have to go to rehab or something! If the person in the wheelchair is an addict, then i think they are more then deserving of the name callings!

aren't most crack whores addicts?

an addiction is due to a weak fucking mind! Me and my ex best friend started doing coke at the same time, we did the same amount of coke, yet i am successful and enjoying life and coke free and my ex best friend is a fucking drug addict! SO, no i dont think it involves some co morbid factors

What the fuck is this thread about?

Seriously? Don't get me wrong, there are certainly losers that smoke crack, snort meth or coke, and mainline heroin (as well as drink alcohol and smoke cannabis); but is a person by default a 'loser' for using any of those "other drugs" in a manner in which you might not approve? That's called bigotry. I personally love to mainline me some heroin, but I recognize that current persisting conditions (i.e. illegality) make using it a potentially devastating situation.

Call her a whore, call her a cunt or a bitch; but when you include 'drug addict' with such negative connotation you're the true piece of shit. If you didn't like a person in a wheelchair would you call them a paraplegic whore? A drug addiction typically also involves one or more co-morbid psychiatric factors. The pervasive stigma associated with drug addiction is a burden on the whole of society, and a hindrance to enacting a sensible drug policy.

Media outlets already touting the death as primarily a "heroin overdose". It was quite obviously a suicide, or more technically a poly-drug overdose. And this is why people figure if you're a drug addict you're going to die of an overdose at some point.
dude, i said what i said cause you are a hypocrite! Why dont you go and teach at another foreign university? YOu complain about America and how they suck, yet you dont have the balls to leave and teach somewhere else other then America! And im glad you know 4 languages, that is such a talent! you obviously have not taken to your own advice, you did not look at this from a pure number stand point and reacted as if i was attacking you!

i feel sorry for your students' and i wish them the best after your class!

One question, are you a terrorist?

I am very sorry for my grammar. English is actually my 4th language.

I travel. I dont like being in a country to long. I think to never travel is to only read one page of a book and then say "Ive seen the world". My girlfriend is American. I am in love. I had a opportunity to travel and teach. I took it. I appologize if this was a bad thing? Your right the top schools in America are excellant. They are not pubically funded or available to the vast majority of people. The education system in America is a joke. It doesnt take much to realize it. Compare the public school system to any modern country. This are not opionions, these are facts. Look it up, Im sorry if I dont have enough time to do the work for you. I beg you to leave America for one year then talk to me. Stop getting your news from Faux news. Also dont be a dick, look at your spelling and grammar before you crique a foreigner's english. You only look foolish and ignorant. Their are many other great universities that are highly paid and prestigious around the world just because the average American does not recognize them doesnt mean American scholars dont. You do not know what your are talking about, you only have a small perspective of this world. Every day I communicate with multiple universities across the globe it is much bigger than just one country. Remember that please. I wish you only the best but please do not attack me. I asked you to look at this from a pure number stand point which you had no reply.
obviously working at a prestigious american university as an "economists" has not helped you at all with your grammar. are you not a professor? then are you not "educating" anyone? you do not love America, all you wanted was to work at a prestigious American university cause all other schools over the world really do not carry much weight when applying to a job...

i would never leave this awesome country! You gotta be crazy to leave the USA! Aint nobody as good as the good ol USA, anywhere in the world...

Tell me professor, why did not choose to work at another university? WHy a prestigious American university? What was soo appealing about the USA university? Is America not a good country according to you or that they are a fuck tard compared to other countries that you have been to?
Just a question. How can you say America is the number one country when civil liberties like Gay marriage have not been adressed? Or when politicians are so desperate for attention they would rather let a country burn than have a honest and civil discourse?
there are a lot of people on this planet except for little old you.
talk about me myself and i.

you are blind to real life.

there have been studies in the uk of cannabis smokers and they are even more succeptible to lung cancer than a smoker.

most people that died their were 79 cases of lung cancer death out of the 324 cases cancer increased 8% every year in the study. that is 1 in 4.
a lot of the others were killed by buses, electric shock, murder, car accidents etc before the end of the study so lung cancer was never found, the study which lasted for years. mind you bob marley lived a long life too until he was 36. yes riddled with cancer.

nearly all drugs are legal except for certain drugs that people like to use as recreational to blow their tiny little minds out because they cannot face reality of daily life and some of these drugs cause death every minute of every day from overdose.

in the uk there is already a programme that has been running for years where ex junkies get thier free fixes every day from the local chemist shop called methadone.
10ml of this stuff would probably kill you and they have to take it in front of the chemist, some of them that get enough to take home to last a week, they have taken some at a table in their home and it hits you instantly their kids have found the open bottle while the user is unconscious consumed it as it tastes nice and died. god knows how many children have died this way now.

i know a guy that was so addicted to heroin that he has to take 500ml of methadone every day. enough to kill you 50 times over.

he is so sick of being dependent on drugs he would like to get his hands on the pusher that gave him it in the first place to kill him but he is dead.

a lot of people are mentally ill and we cannot let them take their own lives just because you say so.

why dont you crawl under your little stone take a little injection and go to sleep, that way we dont have to listen to your fucking drivel.

because of twats like you cannabis will never be legalised.

Think what you want about weed; let's not bring methadone into this.
Methadone has a horrible stigma attached to it, which makes it harder for people already trying to get their life straight. People with low self-esteem and self-worth don't need a scolding from people like you who have NO IDEA.I'll be the first to admit that methadone isn't the best answer, and that the system is flawed. But it's also brought thousands out of the grips of despair and given them a new life. Myself included. Btw, methadone is prescribed for Opiate addiction AND severe pain. Labeling everyone who takes it a heroine addict make you look ignorant.
So before you start to criticize other people's perception of the world, maybe you should broaden your own.
So you are saying you are better then me cause of what i said? "there is no hope for you my friend?" Please, tell me why?

How does "this mind set" hurt America?

Emotional? Yes, i get soo emotional over the internet! Please bro

ok, so you expect people to talk to you with respect, yet you deny anyone the right to it! you are fucking retarded or like the wise Charley Murphy says, "you are a high functioning retard." you wont know that joke cause its American bitch!
calling Americans 'yankee scumbag fucker' is asking for a fight you dumb stupid fat ass bitch and asking for insults galore!

No, we already know you are a fucking ignorant bitch therefore we do not need proof of it!

you are obviously in the wrong forum, i think you should head over to an addicts' anonymous website or something, they can really relate with your stupid fucking horsefaced addict bitch amy whinewhore![/QUOTE
There is no hope for you my friend. It is this mindset that hurts America's public image. I wish you the only best stop smoking and getting emotional on message boards.
Wow, way to tell us how you really feel. Yankee scumbags? I can see why someone from the south would be pissed at northerners and blacks...the days of owning people and land, we kind of fucked that up for y'all!

As for Amy Winehouse, plenty of good people die everyday. You insult them by trying to honor a junkie over all of them.

Why don't you post a thread every time an american soldier gets killed?

what, you go to war and you want me to sympathise, the billions and almost trillions you have spent on wars, the billions you have fired in to space for god knows what reason, could have been spent building security in a country that could have been the best in the world.
i pity you, you worry about your soldiers. every time a suicide bomber takes one out is another nail in your third world coffin.