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Suppose you made your Girlfriend or Boyfriend so mad that they toss a bucket of acid into your face blinding you in an instance in both eyes.
Would you be cool with a punishment of blinding them with acid?
That is what is on tap in Iran.
Would you be cool with a punishment of blinding them with acid?
That is what is on tap in Iran.
Human Rights Group Calls for Iran to Cancel Sentence by Blinding Man With Acid
Photo of Ameneh Bahrami after the attack.
A human rights group has called on Iran to cancel the sentence of blinding a man who was convicted of throwing acid in a woman's face, the Daily Telegraph reports.
A court sentenced Majid Mohavedi to have acid dripped into his eyes in retribution for pouring acid in Ameneh Bahrami's face in 2004 after she spurned his offers of marriage. She was left blinded from the attack.
Amnesty International is calling for a halt to the sentence, sayings its too harsh.
"Regardless of how horrific the crime suffered by Ameneh Bahrami, being blinded with acid is a cruel and inhuman punishment amounting to torture," an Amnesty International spokesman told the Daily Telegraph.
Iran has postponed Saturday's blinding sentence of Mohavedi, Reuters reports.
"The punishment of Majid was scheduled to be carried out on Saturday at a hospital but it has been postponed," Iranian news agency Fars quoted an unnamed official, according to Reuters.
Bahrami wants the sentence to be carried out.
"The verdict is completely legal and I would like to carry it out," she told the Telegraph.
She has gone several operations since the attack which left her severely disfigured.
Under Iran's Islamic law, retribution is permitted in cases of bodily harm.