An introduction to Michigan Medical Marijuana - How to get started

To my Michigan brethren. I am thinking about becoming a patient, but I have a couple questions first:
Is it reasonably attainable for someone without records (I'm interested more for being "sick" of feeling like I am breaking the law than actually being sick), and if so what's the best way to go about it?
More importantly, is it worth it? Does the quality/ease of access/legal status offset the slight up-front cost?
I live in Oakland county, but any feedback at all regarding Michigan in general would be appreciated.

To my Michigan brethren. I am thinking about becoming a patient, but I have a couple questions first:
Is it reasonably attainable for someone without records (I'm interested more for being "sick" of feeling like I am breaking the law than actually being sick), and if so what's the best way to go about it?
More importantly, is it worth it? Does the quality/ease of access/legal status offset the slight up-front cost?
I live in Oakland county, but any feedback at all regarding Michigan in general would be appreciated.

Yes you can get it without records you just need to find the right doctor - not everyone has insurance and goes to the doctor all the time ya know...and there is some doctors who do sign for just about everyone regardless of anything they just want to line their pockets with money.

As for your second question...'is it worth it?'...thats a tough one to answer. If your a responsible adult to begin with the odds of you actually getting in trouble for using marijuana are pretty slim but if you did ever get charged you could receive a misdemeanor or in some cases a felony and you would be burdened with not only a criminal record but also fines and court fees to go along with possible jail in a way its a great insurance. If you have a hard time getting your meds right now or plan to grow it would help you the most, for example: instead of calling your friends friend to get your weed only to have it delivered 3 hours late then you might appreciate the ability to drive up to the club or dispensary spontaneously at 10am if you so desire and get your hookup then it can be a nice convenience - or you can grow for yourself at home and never have to go anywhere with marijuana and have a license to do so :)

The only scenarios that I would say 'not worth it' include:

1) If you plan not to follow the rules and regulations set by the act, you could get in a lot more trouble then if you would of been illegal because breaking the rules is a felony in itself. If you plan to grow or posses more then your allowed then you might as well not get a card in the first place as you would be better off without one.

2) If your marijuana use is private enough that you would likely never get caught and self sustaining in that you don't need better resources, example: you use a very small ammount and are so cautious that you never leave your home with it and you literally never drive with it in your possession, you never get in trouble with the law and your not growing, Id say its not worth it if you are in this type of situation it would be kind of a waste of money - however, even if this is your situation some sort of emergency could happen or really anything and the next thing you know your spending 30 days in jail for 3 never know shit happens...weigh the risk...evaluate your options here.
Thanks for the well thought out feedback, deprave. I can see it has both negatives and positives to consider.

Motownklown, if that was directed towards me - I'm not interested in breaking the law, I've never sold or dealt. I'm just looking to legitimize my choice of a joint over a beer. There's no crime in personal use.
sorry if im replying to late to your post, but im in the up and wondering if the place in marquette ur talking about is free from interagators (so to speak) not that i dont have legit reasons for going just kinda wanna know? and u say no medical records needed, theres a place in gladstone that dont need them either but instead set u up on a 90 day eval thing where they see u once a month for 3 months, just curious ir ur place is the same?
sorry if im replying to late to your post, but im in the up and wondering if the place in marquette ur talking about is free from interagators (so to speak) not that i dont have legit reasons for going just kinda wanna know? and u say no medical records needed, theres a place in gladstone that dont need them either but instead set u up on a 90 day eval thing where they see u once a month for 3 months, just curious ir ur place is the same?

dr.'s visits to-the-tune of three times sounds like they are really running up a fat bill for patients. look somewhere else.
not to pretend that I know everyone but I get the impression it is much more expensive and difficult to get a card in the UP...My advise is to make some connections in SE michigan with a good physician who will not give you a hard time or try to take your hard earned money....there is some physicians that will refer you in 1 5 minute visit for as little as 50$ to 100$
My friend just sent in the check and paper work for his card and has sponsored me to be his care giver. He also sent my information along with his, now how long before I can legally start growing his 12 plants?
Do I as a care giver, need to wait until I get my card in the mail, or can I simply wait 21 days?
If so do I prove that my application was sent over 21 days ago, if the check was in my friend's name?
you get him to give you a copy of the cashed check, he can black out the account number if he would like. after 21 days of the check being cashed you are good... also, you need to have copies of all the other paperwork, application, referral, caregiver attestation, and copy of cashed check. good luck!
I just got certified. Can i go straight to the department of health and get my paper work stamped with the $100?
i believe you can Jimmy1life.
go to the lansing MDCH bldg, find the MMMP (michigan medical marihuana program) office, and hit the counter.
you will need a check or mo at the counter. the dont do cash, mc or visa discover nor diners club. lol
Timmahh is correct, I know several people personally that have hand delivered their paperwork to Lansing. It really does not speed up the process that much however, so do not go out of your way to do this as your only going to shave 1 or 2 days off. Using certified mail is much cheaper for most people when you consider gas money and the time to drive there and back,
so true deprave. certified was like 2.00. for me a drive in my rig, at 3.50 a gallon would be 3 hrs rnd trip and run me about 80.00 in gas.
thanx for da info i kno with just the papers stamp a few despesaries right in lansing will let u in yea without waiting 21 days so it does speed it up unless u get certified and want to wait a 3 weeks. But all set now fucking bought some fake ass weed or something already inmature has to be i got white lightning not happy lol whats up with that ripping peple off
Can anyone clarify if p2p selling is legal?
Contraversial Topic. P2P is clearly legal in the state law but it could be argued otherwise. Nobody has been convicted from p2p selling to this day but they very well could be. The patient is afforded more protections then the seller on state and sometimes local levels but either way both parties are breaking federal law regardless of the circumstance. It is my belief that you should employ great caution as a seller especially but also as a buyer in the transfer of marijuana, essentially keeping it under the radar but there are thousands of people who disagree. Ultimately you should consult an actual lawyer. Personally I would never sell marijuana publicly even in limited capacity, it greatly depends on your personal risk assessment and it needs to be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Alot of their questions can be answerd here can't it. Ahh if they would only look before leaping!
Contraversial Topic. P2P is clearly legal in the state law but it could be argued otherwise. Nobody has been convicted from p2p selling to this day but they very well could be. The patient is afforded more protections then the seller on state and sometimes local levels but either way both parties are breaking federal law regardless of the circumstance. It is my belief that you should employ great caution as a seller especially but also as a buyer in the transfer of marijuana, essentially keeping it under the radar but there are thousands of people who disagree. Ultimately you should consult an actual lawyer. Personally I would never sell marijuana publicly even in limited capacity, it greatly depends on your personal risk assessment and it needs to be reviewed on a case by case basis.

sorry to bother with such a newb question...dispensaries here in Kalamazoo either require a hard card like in oshtemo, but others require the green card/cashed check photo. and the doctor papers to cover their wondering..i have CHASE checking, how would i go about getting a picture of the cashed check? this is a MUST for all mich residents since as of now, they are still processing forms from early february.

this is a great burden on me trying to figure this did yall do it? help please...and thanks in advance...and GREAT thread. any one live in or near Kzoo?