jimmy slim big
Well-Known Member
ok so as i posted before i am jumping off the wagon once this ride is finished! buuut i just wanna share my thoughts and what i have figured out so some of you guys that are looking into advanced nutrients wont have to spend over a grand to learn what i have!!
i have bought over the last year every bottle in the grand master bundle :/.... i did it a couple at a time maybe 3 depending on the price and size... but all in all it was just about 1,200 bucks just on AN bottles and i did 2 full runs.... but im on the last week n half maybe 2 (week 7 today) of my second run and this time i didnt use all of them in bloom... i only used 7 bottles of the 16 bottle line and here they are and the dose i feed em
i have bought over the last year every bottle in the grand master bundle :/.... i did it a couple at a time maybe 3 depending on the price and size... but all in all it was just about 1,200 bucks just on AN bottles and i did 2 full runs.... but im on the last week n half maybe 2 (week 7 today) of my second run and this time i didnt use all of them in bloom... i only used 7 bottles of the 16 bottle line and here they are and the dose i feed em