And now it begins - Obamacare a very slow payer.


Well-Known Member
Put up or shut up you fat racist cow

Just take a picture of your ankle

you should be so lucky to look this good when you are over 50
I'd have those sunspots looked at. Especially that one on your chest. :) work out?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Shit give me that reps back. I really can't stand how coarse buck is and gave him reps instead of reporting him. Erghhhhhhh!!!!


Well-Known Member
You gotta admit. He did show gut in all glory. That takes guts. Sky already warned us. Any part can look fat. The camera adds 10 pounds. Everyone knows that.

Of course, mine adds 11 pounds. I can't afford one of those fancy, 10 pound adder, cameras.