And the 2nd Grow Starts now

well if you compare to the last pics these bitches are growin like crazy it's been 29 days flowering and 7 days since they showed sex so here we go guys =) let the stink start lol





nice like the pots lol ill be watchiin thx for checkin mine out

haha yea i can see the roots through the BK cup i haven't had a problem yet so im not gonna cover em up i live to watch them grow :lol: thx for stopin by
plants are lookin good. also if i were u i wouldnt coutn this as 29 days flower so far, i would say it has been on 12/12 for 22 days and floering for 7
plants are lookin good. also if i were u i wouldnt coutn this as 29 days flower so far, i would say it has been on 12/12 for 22 days and floering for 7

will do in the future was just looking off my calender and i think the ph of my rainwater is bad or something? everytime water my plants droop and then stand back up im not over watering tho im not sure whats going on there it's not affecting the plant so i just wanna know why they do this maybe it means there drinking lol
ph being off will most liklt cause a lockout. but your plants look healthy i dont think its ph and most rain water is stble phed, unless u live in like new york wher the rain is more acidic do to the polution or any huge city. and how bad do they droop mine somtimes droop to i think it just means the leafs are heavy and full of water mabye water a lil less to see if iot helps how much water are u giving them at water
yea they don't droop real bad but you can tell there drooping i think i agree with you there just full with water and i don't live in a city i live in the mountains so my water should be good

the space from the soil to the rim of the cup is how much water i use a gallon jug lasts be a good while
wqater should be great is. if theri is plants growing all around where u live then it must be ok. and i think your plant are just fine
Well good news! my sweet dwarf is sprouting see white comeing up (YAY) now i know little tiny seeds are good to i should have a nice lil nug right before my others are done
Well lots of yellowing and brown tips on one the other is still green but there growing good just now starting to see trics i was gonna feed but i think my nutes are crap is 12-55-10 to much? heres some pics




have u fed these plants at all yet. looks like u lost a lot of leaf and the leaf is what produces bud. and as for your nutes what kind is it. and i have nevver seen a npk like that. if u do use i would start it at 1/4 strgnth
Seems like the plant on the left isnt taking it the nutes to well, they were two different seeds right? i would flush the one on the left and use a different jug to mix her nutes and start off at a lose does.
yea bro but some auto flowering strains are jus a headache high. just go with indo or sativa. my fav is sativa but i have learned to be patient for the flowering for sativa cause if you wait till the oportune monent and clip em u get some of the dankest weed man:) plus if they get to big u can bend them down or cracr the top of ur mainstem so the lower branches catch up with the top. or you could top it a couple of times after the fourth true growing node and u can possibly get 2 or 4 main colas:) it worked for me but i got two only but i have heard u can go to four possibly.
wheres all the leafs the buds would be much bigger if thier were more leaf looks like some under budsites have been cut to, their is somthin pretty majorly wrong ith the plant