And the 2nd Grow Starts now

Well its still early man, 16 day's isn't too long, there will form soon enough, but like i said, try and switch out those 13 watters with some 23 watters or something, and get some more wattage in there
Theres 2 big ass 100 watts (might be more can't remeber) 2700k and 2x29 watt 2700k and 2x 45 watt 6500k


mg soil is not bad att all i dont see why everyone bags on it. i used mg my very first grow along time ago and the plants were really healthy all the way through with no nutes. i would still use it but i just dont like time released ferts
this is Mg organic with a lil bit of MG moistur control but more of the organic then anything because i used most of the mc last grow
Still no sign of sex... its never took this long for me before is it just takeing longer because there not that mature? it's getting crowded in there and the big 3 are covering my pc up lol i checked for light leaks i got all the way in my closet and shut the door and it's pitch black so i know thats not the problem i've gave them 4 doses of Super bloom hopeing to see some sign soon
Well the longer it takes them to show sex, the more likely their Female, just give it time, and they will show
Yea i just got these af strains now and im so ready for them =) if they don't show sex by 30 days im puting themoutside in my shed that has a clear roof until i can put them out in the sun without the worry of frost
i know lol now you guys know why i been freakin out maybe it's the strain? and it won't let it flower early? hell idk it's weird my last one showed in 3 days with half the light prolly less then half
i think your right about it may be just the strain makin it take so long, just hang in their and im sure it show
Yea ima do some more training tomarow there about 6 inches tall with all the training i've done but i still gotta tie individual branches down