And the 2nd Grow Starts now

O i see now you just tie the branches down you don't gotta do a circle like that diagram showed and the others have been in the dirt for like a week and i can't even see them trying to push up but ill leave them hopefully they sprout and hopefully i get a good male/female ratio whats a good time sced for veg i know 18/6 what time should they kick on and what time should they kick off
Yeah 18/6 if the Veg cycle, mine would go on at 6am, and off at 12pm, and now there on at 6am, off at 6pm, but whatever works for you, i liked mine at 6 because with the cups, you have to water alot, so i usually wake up around 8-9, and i dont go to bed till like 12 anyways, so it worked great for me
yea thats what i just set mine for The lights useually don't wake me up the heat does i need to cut some holes in my homemade fixture to let some of the hot air out but would i lose light if i done this?
That would probably work, i just went bac and looked at the set up, your walls are white, and your light fixture has reflective material, so you shouldnt lose that much if anything, i would also try pointing that fan up, towards the lights to keep things cool, and circulate the air in there, then that way with those hole you would make, it would help it seep out of the fixture if that makes sense
[QUOTE="SICC";3787763]That would probably work, i just went bac and looked at the set up, your walls are white, and your light fixture has reflective material, so you shouldnt lose that much if anything, i would also try pointing that fan up, towards the lights to keep things cool, and circulate the air in there, then that way with those hole you would make, it would help it seep out of the fixture if that makes sense[/QUOTE]

Yea i just put 6 Quater dollor size holes in the top and the grey fan proped up my the dixiecup is blowing up at the lights to blow the hotair out the holes hopefully so now i can have my lights even closer to them and the other fan is just blowing cool air to the other fan im going to by some booster fans to put on it it's just the wroung time of the year here i guess only fans i can find are huge lol
just got home checked them temp it wen't from 80-85 to 70-75 so now it's perfect and i've got the lights almost touchin so now all we do is watch and wait ill post some pics after a week or so
Good to hear the holes and the fan helped with the temps, im sure they are loving it :weed:

and now we wait :eyesmoke:
[QUOTE="SICC";3793016]Good to hear the holes and the fan helped with the temps, im sure they are loving it :weed:

and now we wait :eyesmoke:[/QUOTE]

Well good news and bad good news is there growing bad news is the heat got to them but there still growing and i know heat can makes more chances of male herm so it scares me but we will just have to wait and see

Well there still young, i would try and cut some of the lights off for now, then turn them bac on once they get a lil older, thats what i do with mine
yea i think ima cut the big 100 watts off and i was just getting ready to bump SICC where are you i need your words of encourgement if i cut those off then i got the two 26 watts 2700k and two 45 watt 6500k would that be enough and for how long?
haha yeah man that sound good, that will be plenty for them. i dont sign out of my account, so it stay online :blsmoke:
didn't kno you had 100 watters in there, save those for flowering, just veg them out man, they will be good for now.
How often are you watering them? they almost look like over or under watered in those pics
[QUOTE="SICC";3803394]haha yeah man that sound good, that will be plenty for them. i dont sign out of my account, so it stay online :blsmoke:
didn't kno you had 100 watters in there, save those for flowering, just veg them out man, they will be good for now.
How often are you watering them? they almost look like over or under watered in those pics[/QUOTE] every 2-3 days if i can stick my finger all the way down and it's dry then i water and i only water just a tad bit i just poor until it hits the rim and thats not very much at all
[QUOTE="SICC";3803644]oh ok, how long have they been droopy? do they perc bac up when you water them?[/QUOTE]

No they don't they have been droopy ever since i moved the lights down but i think i've fixed the problem ima wait and see if the new sets of leaves are droopy 2 i moved my lights up to see if heat was the problem which im almost 100% sure of it because it's been almost 90 like if i sleep in and the door is shut for more then an hour it gets toasty in there as soon as so i've been leaveing the door about 1 foot open and do light leaks matter during veg? because i mean plants have the moon and its just light from my Tv
or if i gotta turn my lamp on to pack a bowl or sumthin

And it's weird how here where i live it's been like 90+ for more then a week and my girls where as healthy as good be i just watered extra funny how indoors and outdoors is diffrent it's like they love the hot weather when theres no clouds to be seen and they all point twords the sun it's awsome im gonna have some good pics this year now that i have a camera so be ready =)

P.S sorry i don't use commas i know it's hard to read im just not very good with grammar/spelling i prety much was givin all my highschool english classes and i took alot of Forestry / Horticultur / Agricultur classes see i got busted with 1 joint it was in my cig pack during a search so they sent me to a Vocational school and i took credit recovery for 1 year and i had all my credits so all i could do was take classes that they offered sorry im stoned jabbering along lol
lol its all good man, i never even graduated, fucc a high school diploma :mrgreen:

But it does sound like a heat issue, moveing the light up should help, you still got that going right?
And light leaks dont matter in veg so you should be good for now
[QUOTE="SICC";3807454]You still got the fan going right?[/QUOTE]

Yep i got the fan blowing up twords the light and the other pulling cool air out of my room and onto my babies