And the 2nd Grow Starts now

Alright i got the stuff to make a c02 generater and i got a gallon jug do you know how much suger/water i use with 1 packet of instant rising yeast? or would a 24 oz be better?
when i make co2 i use a 2 liter bottle with a hole in the cap. i fill the bottle half way with warm water. next add 1 cup of sugar, after that add 1 tbsp of the yeast shake for a min and then place in grow room. and i am subbed for your grow
Alright i got the stuff to make a c02 generater and i got a gallon jug do you know how much suger/water i use with 1 packet of instant rising yeast? or would a 24 oz be better?

im not sure man, i have never done it
Use about 1/2-1 cup of each. You want the same amount of both.

So if i use a gallon milk jug and 1 pack which is a table spoon im prety sure then use 1/2 cup water add 1/2 cup sugar?

I don't have 2 Liters because i never buy them and i have 24 oz bottles
fill the jug half full of water add 1and a half tblsp of yeast then add 1 and ahalf cups of sugar to the water. and u dont want the same amount od both cuz the more yeast means more coz but also the more yeast means it will eat the sugar way to fast and your co2 bottle wont last as long as it should. theirs also a search bar in google to look this up
MY babies are still growing as good as ever and i got co2 rigged up i know the hose i used is 2 big but it's all i got (it's a part of a hose off a beer bong)



[QUOTE="SICC";3840325]they look nice and healthy, keep up the good work :leaf:[/QUOTE]

Well i woke up this morning went to check my plants out and 1 of them is drooping really bad the rest are fine and healthy but this one isn't doing so good at all i untied it and put it straight to see if that helps and i watered to see if that was the problem and i have some 12-6-9 flower food when should i start feedin them?
[QUOTE="SICC";3845906]you can start now if you want, jus start at 1/4 strength, any pics of the droopy plant?[/QUOTE]

Yea working on it right now




There perking up more this morning i mean it was like the whole plant was laying down but the rest are fine velvity soft standing up for the light
well it looks better but not alot better it's been about 6 hours since i hate seeing a plant look like this makes me wanna chop it ALL I WANT IS HEALTHY INDOOR PLANTS DAMN IT!!!!! im gonna build a grow tent as soon as the weather gets warmer and buying a hydro system and buying some seeds off nirvana im getting some dank indoor bud no matter what i gotta do!

outside is better becuase i got nature to do shit for me but i guess why it makes me wanna grow indoors #1 i can watch them grow (i love watching them grow) #2 more of a challange
id actualy say outdoor is more challenging. more pests animals, humans. rain. much more to wrry about outdoors. but i love out door to
id actualy say outdoor is more challenging. more pests animals, humans. rain. much more to wrry about outdoors. but i love out door to

Well first off i always start a plot some where that animals can't get to easily (animals like deer) Fence it off with car batteries and some old barb wire (so if someone does see it will be rusty look like its been there for a long time) put cages around them i really only have to worry about them win there smaller because half your plant will disapear and shit and you will be like WTF and birds land on them break them and stuff but once they get more mature they hold birds weight prety good and as for bugs i don't really have problems with bugs here i guess it's becuase where i live some times 1 plant will get wrecked but it's never a mass crop anilation and it's mostly freakin slugs i hate slugs ive tryed poorin salt around them but that just atracts other animals Like deer so don't do that i was prolly high when i came up with that and weather it's bad here some times wind only a few will actually break and the rain helps me idk useually if we are dry for a good amount of time i go up to check and i always got a water source it would be dumb not to it just takes alot more labor i would say sorry high jabberin along bongsmilie
I have this aqwa feed flower food i think i alredy told you how much should i use? and i got some super bloom it's like 12-55-6 lol the aqwa feed is a refil and it goes with a gun so i don't know how much to use lol
what week of flowering does the plant consume the most co2? wanna augment the grow with a ghetto co2 supplement but only for a couple weeks to gain some extra bud.
what week of flowering does the plant consume the most co2? wanna augment the grow with a ghetto co2 supplement but only for a couple weeks to gain some extra bud.

Im not sure man lol but if u wanna see what my plants look like before and after heres some pics


