And the noose continues to tighten..

Isnt it interesting that we have cut back so much over the past 10-20 years and somehow the temps continue to rise?
Does that mean there is no turning back and it is too late or does it mean that nothing we can do to change the cycle?
Isnt it interesting that we have cut back so much over the past 10-20 years and somehow the temps continue to rise?
Does that mean there is no turning back and it is too late or does it mean that nothing we can do to change the cycle?
I think its too late. We cut back but the rest of the world has not. Like look at China and all the polution they have and they are doing nothing to control it. Everyone has to do their part or it is not going to help.
Have you heard of the epic drought in California? Apparently your view of the world doesn't go past your own back yard.
Fuck Antarctica, right? Nobody lives on ice sheets...

California, the sand pit. You are surprise to see drought in a desert climate ? That corner is former desert if you see it from space. Now if them guys had more water than you needed it would strike me as strange.
Where I live in California there isn't a drought right now but I have to admit my view of the world doesn't go past my country lines lol
This sounds like more made up shit. I'm guessing that you haven't even talked to anybody about it. One thing is certain, you are pretty stupid.

Presented without comment ......... eclipse



“Five years ago, we told people if you don’t know whether it’s recyclable, put it in the recycling bin,” Ratto said. “Now, if you don’t know whether it’s recyclable, put it in the garbage.”

But ever since China raised the standards for the material it will accept, the market for lower-quality material has either disappeared or the price has fallen so low it’s not economically viable, Ratto said.

Ultimately, however, the company says it will have to stop picking up bins that are contaminated, either with plain household garbage or with items that seem recyclable but just aren’t.

The company is trying to figure out how to best deal with such problem neighborhoods. It’s considering hiring people, perhaps youth from the Conservation Corps North Bay, to start looking in recycling bins and issuing warnings.
Wah!! racists
Wah!! homophobes
Wah!! republicans
Wah!! retired people
Wah!! fat chicks
Wah!! freethinkers
Wah!! pedophiles
Wah!! other people

Your misery with the human race is unchangeable. Just pull the trigger already.

shouldn't racist homophobe republicans like you off yourself instead?
america isn't doing that well cutting back on polluting, and could do much better. MONEY keeps it from happening. Natural gas is being touted as "clean" yet is destroying clean ground water and pumping who knows how much methane (10x more potent of a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere. exacerbating the global"warming"/climate change reality all for more MONEY.
Latest computer model says 5.4°F higher by 2050... Let's amp up coal and oil, shoot for 6°. Suicidal tendencies? We will be judged as assholes by future generations.
america isn't doing that well cutting back on polluting, and could do much better. MONEY keeps it from happening. Natural gas is being touted as "clean" yet is destroying clean ground water and pumping who knows how much methane (10x more potent of a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere. exacerbating the global"warming"/climate change reality all for more MONEY.

Methane doesn't damage the environment nearly as quickly or badly as coal, for lots of very good reasons I can bore you to tears with. Fracking is much cleaner today, but it has a dirty past we are coming to terms with. That said, the environment damage from coal dwarfs its footprint in every way.

Methane is the clean energy future and coal is the dirty past- in spite of what the Koch smoker buttbrothers would gin up a billion dollar fifty state propaganda machine to have you believe otherwise.
america isn't doing that well cutting back on polluting, and could do much better. MONEY keeps it from happening. Natural gas is being touted as "clean" yet is destroying clean ground water and pumping who knows how much methane (10x more potent of a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere. exacerbating the global"warming"/climate change reality all for more MONEY.

Even the EPA agrees that fracking does not pollute ground water yet the government that you so highly tout for global warming somehow doesnt know what they are talking about with fracking? Consistency would be nice here.