And this is the kind of crap that makes people hate israel

The truth is. There are only two things preventing peace in that region.
Israeli and Palestinian leaders
Stupid fucking racists like you

The truth uis you are a little bitch!

Yep you are so much like UB.

Likes to call everyone who does not share their fucked up veiw a racist.

Insert barrel and pull trigger fucktard.

Fucking worthless asswipe,fucking abortion that lived......:finger:
racist writer's image snipped

oh, you like mencken...

"The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered, they lack many of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their charity is mainly a form of display." ~H.L. Mencken "Treatise On The Gods" 1930

"The normal American of the 'pure-blooded' majority goes to rest every night with an uneasy feeling that there is a burglar under the bed and he gets up every morning with a sickening fear that his underwear has been stolen." ~H.L. Mencken "The Anglo-Saxon" 1923

he was a racist twat who disdained democracy, felt everyone was inferior to germans, and that aristocracy was a natural part of human and societal evolution as "The Cream Rises To The Top". but then it's obnvious you base your opinions on slogans and "quote of the day" calendars. i dont know why im surprised you would approve of this raging cuntbag's "ideas".

nice brain you got there. did you buy it on discount?
Spin the globe, & stop it anywhere. All those different colors you see represent different territories, each border was defined thru war & strife & sometimes theft!..........It's been that way since the Pyramids.
There are Mexicans that still consider California 'occupied Mexico'........Maybe they need a UN Resolution?

pyramids? shit son! thats new shit for posuers.

Ur of the Chaldees is where it's at.

and i quote:

Supreme over other kings, lordly in appearance,
he is the hero, born of Uruk, the goring wild bull.
He walks out in front, the leader,
and walks at the rear, trusted by his companions.
Mighty net, protector of his people,
raging flood-wave who destroys even walls of stone!
Offspring of Lugalbanda, Gilgamesh is strong to perfection,
son of the august cow, Rimat-Ninsun;... Gilgamesh is awesome to perfection.
It was he who opened the mountain passes,
who dug wells on the flank of the mountain.
It was he who crossed the ocean, the vast seas, to the rising sun,
who explored the world regions, seeking life.
It was he who reached by his own sheer strength Utanapishtim, the Faraway,
who restored the sanctuaries (or: cities) that the Flood had destroyed!
... for teeming mankind.
Who can compare with him in kingliness?
Who can say like Gilgamesh: "I am King!"?
Whose name, from the day of his birth, was called "Gilgamesh"?
Two-thirds of him is god, one-third of him is human.
The Great Goddess [Aruru] designed(?) the model for his body,
she prepared his form ...
... beautiful, handsomest of men,
... perfect

no homo.
six israeli civilians got killed its only fair they kill 240 civilians in retaliation and blow up their homes and schools. Cmon people, Israel has to defend itself.

i guess it depends on how you view your fellow countrymen. If viewed as family, yeah, those numbers are fair.

i don't view my fellow countrymen as family though.
oh, you like mencken...

"The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered, they lack many of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their charity is mainly a form of display." ~H.L. Mencken "Treatise On The Gods" 1930

"The normal American of the 'pure-blooded' majority goes to rest every night with an uneasy feeling that there is a burglar under the bed and he gets up every morning with a sickening fear that his underwear has been stolen." ~H.L. Mencken "The Anglo-Saxon" 1923

he was a racist twat who disdained democracy, felt everyone was inferior to germans, and that aristocracy was a natural part of human and societal evolution as "The Cream Rises To The Top". but then it's obnvious you base your opinions on slogans and "quote of the day" calendars. i dont know why im surprised you would approve of this raging cuntbag's "ideas".

nice brain you got there. did you buy it on discount?

He linked one quote. One. He never voiced his approval for Mencken, just one quote that was fitting to the discussion. Even a busted clock is right twice a day fuckwit.

Snip this one you PC cunt

He linked one quote. One. He never voiced his approval for Mencken, just one quote that was fitting to the discussion. Even a busted clock is right twice a day fuckwit.

Snip this one you PC cunt

deliberately racist bullshit snipped, and this comment added purely for spite


ohh my. you're so edgy and counterculture. can i have a copy of your 'Zine?

Shut up Kynes, you're the one who has openly admitted being racist and insists all Muslims share an agenda of Jihad against all non-Muslims. I'm noticing another trend, not only do you love distortions as your primary tactic, but accusing others of being what you are. Just once I would like to see you explicate an argument according to what it actually implies and retort with something valid, as yet you haven't. Just red herrings, strawmen and hypocritical accusations. Your bread and butter is dishonesty.

Don't get vaginal cysts because the world realises the zionist regime are genocidle war peddlers who love stirring the shit and have instead sided in favour of Palestine at the UN. You and the chickenhawk lobby you represent will have to deal it. Support for Israel is in decline. there's a difference between occupation and settlement - there's an even bigger difference between self defence and genocide but the world can only hope it see' less of that now Ehud is on his way out. Better add this chapter to your historical texts!

Shut up Kynes, you're the one who has openly admitted being racist and insists all Muslims share an agenda of Jihad against all non-Muslims. I'm noticing another trend, not only do you love distortions as your primary tactic, but accusing others of being what you are. Just once I would like to see you explicate an argument according to what it actually implies and retort with something valid, as yet you haven't. Just red herrings, strawmen and hypocritical accusations. Your bread and butter is dishonesty.

ORLY? where did i say "I'm A Racist" or "I support racist ideology", or "fuck yeah racism rocks!"? where did i say The Moslem Race must be destroyed?

NOT accepting your assertions that israel is an apartheid state, and NOT believing that your bullshit marxism is anything other than actual bullshit marxism is not a distortion.

one could describe our various arguments as differences of opinion on matters of politics, however you prefer to ascribe EVIL INTENT to any who disagree, and thus i tend to describe you comments as BULLSHIT CRYPTO-MARXIST PROPAGANDA. funny how my statements are accurate and yours are not.

so who is distorting the truth?

i suppose what really chaps your ass is that i adhere to a consistent set of principles, (a Philosophy) while you subscribe to a fuzzy ill defined theology which can only be found within the syllabus of Wikipedia and an 8th grade "Social Studies For Emo Kids" class.

'Tis The Very Essence Of Butthurt!

fortunately my logical and internally consistent philosophy doesn't require your approval.

Don't get vaginal cysts because the world realises the zionist regime are genocidle war peddlers who love stirring the shit and have instead sided in favour of Palestine at the UN. You and the chickenhawk lobby you represent will have to deal it. Support for Israel is in decline. there's a difference between occupation and settlement - there's an even bigger difference between self defence and genocide but the world can only hope it see' less of that now Ehud is on his way out. Better add this chapter to your historical texts!

so,, it's a genocide that hasnt reduced the number of pallies in the "refugee camps" hasnt eliminated them, hasnt claimed one scrap of new territory since 1967, and in fact gave back MOST OF WHAT THEY TOOK,, and the parts they kept were kept because the original owners didnt want it back, hasnt racked up any mass graves, doesnt operate in secret, and is so inefficient at their "Apartheid" that the "Oppressed" are able to smuggle in THOUSANDS OF SOVIET MADE ARTILLERY ROCKETS!

man, those jews didnt learn a thing from the nazis.
or the ottomans
or the serbians
or the albainians
or saddam hussein
or the sudanese
or the rwandans
or the australians
or the USA
or the canadians
or the romans at carthage
and so many more...

see those examples above... those are genocides that were actual genocides.
read a little and youll learn to recognize the difference between propaganda and fact.
believing that your bullshit marxism

You talk about Marxism more than anybody here. On the other hand, I have repeatedly and vehemently denied that I agree with Marxist philosophy in it's entirety. He had some good ideas. Libertarian philosophy has it's roots in Libertarian socialism, but for an economic plan, it embraces anarchocapitalism, so I don't accuse Ron Paul of Marxism.

This would be like if I said everyone who thinks capitalism is a good idea automatically agrees with everything Ayn Rand says. Your motivation here is simply to discredit me out of fear. Your tactics are consistently dishonest and you appeal to popularity, but you don't realize that an idea is not true simply because it is popular. Why do you follow me around so much? Get a life you racist shill.

And Yes, you do hate all Muslims, it is obvious.
read a little and youll learn to recognize the difference between propaganda and fact.

I don't subscribe to the ADL / JDL approved reading list. You do. Hook, Line, Sinker. Could you point me in the right direction so my world view can be as backwards, ignorant and completly fake as yours... or better yet let me know where I could by jew goggles. Do they just block out Palestinians or everyone that doesn't look like you?
I don't subscribe to the ADL / JDL approved reading list. You do. Hook, Line, Sinker. Could you point me in the right direction so my world view can be as backwards, ignorant and completly fake as yours... or better yet let me know where I could by jew goggles. Do they just block out Palestinians or everyone that doesn't look like you?

Another idiot gets loose.
And here we go again. Netan-Yahoo's response to the UN vote is to announce Israel to build new Jewish settlement homes after UN Palestine vote

Destroying peoples homes, driving them of their land, cutting off essential services and utilities, restricting foods/medicines is genocide. It might not be the textbook definition, but the end result is the same. In the modern age you gotta approach it a little differently Israels a perfect example.

Israel has a right to defend itself...