Angry people on roll it up read this


Well-Known Member
as one of the assholes, these quotes sum it up perfectly

and since a lot of you dipshits are coming here to bitch and moan about people such as myself; do your fucking homework like the rest of us did!! no one's gonna grow this shit for you! the search does work, so use it. oh and stop posting 'how do my 5 day old plants look?'

i surely don't know it all, no one does, but damn noobs show some initiative!

ya know i like to think a little social darwinism is taking place in the process, weed out some of YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!!! :cuss:

ha ha, now i can smoke :bigjoint:
WOW. . . you're an ANGRY elf! I love your avatar though! 46 year old political virgin. . . Ha ha. . . that's classic!


Well-Known Member
I have never seen a post go so fast I hit a sweet spot:-?
I think by the Title of the thread people thought maybe you were going to do something about it...:lol::lol:

Maybe something like........."Hey All you angry people SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!!".....ahhahah

...Or maybe you just created The Perfect place for people who like to get angry, to get angry at people who like to get angry on RIU?



Well-Known Member
Most people are negative towards people who ask questions that can easily be answered by searching or reading the stickies.

Nothing wrong with that imo.
this is a forum not wikid. we are here to answers the same questions over and over again. no one is forcing anyone to read or respond to anything. no need to get upset. bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You two youngsters were lucky... When I started growin, simple instructions were written on stoned tablets and the THC content was .0005% My neighbors Fred ans Barney were big time growers!!


Well-Known Member
search works fine. try it. :weed::clap:
The search function has recently been improved and actually works quite well now.

And like FDD said earlier, in every forum I inhabit or moderate, the same questions are asked over and over - it's the nature of the interwebs man. Get used to it.


Well-Known Member
Some people are new to it and don't want to mess up their hobby, its normal to be cautious and i agree with you people ask alot of dumb questions on here.. but alot of it i have read are reasonable questions, for the most part.. I kind of feel like you describing yourself on this thread cause you have a bit of hostility about you!


Well-Known Member
for myself personally, i can get crabby/pissy on here at times i know.. why? because i am at work and sober when i would sooner be home and stoned. is that good justification? i don't think so..then again i think im NORMALLY not an asshole.


Active Member
No I'm not a angry person just makes me mad when some dip shit comes in the middle of the forum and starts talking shit and has not read all the post and has no clue whats going on just quick to put you down I'm not the type of person to back down cant be weak cause the wolves will get your ass you bring it on I will fuck you up point blank It's the Danish in me
Some people are new to it and don't want to mess up their hobby, its normal to be cautious and i agree with you people ask alot of dumb questions on here.. but alot of it i have read are reasonable questions, for the most part.. I kind of feel like you describing yourself on this thread cause you have a bit of hostility about you!


Well-Known Member
for myself personally, i can get crabby/pissy on here at times i know.. why? because i am at work and sober when i would sooner be home and stoned. is that good justification? i don't think so..then again i think im NORMALLY not an asshole.
That makes sense...I have often thought "Damn dude, just smoke already..." I had not thought about people doing this at work.:neutral:
