Angry people on roll it up read this


Active Member
I was suprised to see this thread. I have spent the last few days reading the 450+ page thread about the DIY Areo/NFT thread by Stinkbud and started reading another on "Cultivation 101" where the guy (sorry forgot the name) started from seed and gave a blow by blow on an entire grow. Thought they were both fantastic. As you can see I don't post much, this is my first or second post I think, right now I'm learning. Anyway what I did see in both of those threads was a whole lot of tolerance toward stupidity or laziness. In both of these threads the guys were very specific about the subject matter. Yet, in the NTF/Areo thread people were asking about DWC or something other then the subject of the thread. Personally after reading for hours and having to read stuff that was not on topic and I had no interest in at that moment but was forced to wade through off topic questions just to get the info I was looking for I wanted to reach out and choke someone (a figure of speach). Also, in this same thread people would ask questions like .... Its to hard to read through this whole post but what was the PPN suposed to be in flower? I spent 26 months in the jungles of VietNam as a Marine.....that was hard; doing a little reading is not. But today we live in a society in which we expect to be taken care of and not have to do anything hard. If we invest our money and the investment goes to shit we as a society say Government come fix my problem for me. In reality what we are saying is take some money from someone else and give it to me because I didn't consider the consiquences before I invested. GM says hey we made mistakes when we negotiated that union contract and now its forcing us not to be able to compete so government take money from someone in taxes and give it to me. I don't want to go on a rant, I hope that explains my point. What we see here is just a microcosum (sp) of our society. As far as the people who can't seem to have a discussion without calling a name or degrading others...well I've learned over my 60 years that about 10 percent of society are just rude and inconsiderate. Belive me you can't do anyting about them..I've tried.
Well thats pretty much my opinion on this subject. I do want to thank all the people here that do provide invaluable information. This board has a vast amount of growing knowledge. I hope it dosen't get overrun with the lazy, rude, or inconsiderate people.

Hope this makes sence. Just smoked a nice big blunt of White Widow. Sometime that seems to cloud my ability to type.

Have a hapy 420


Well-Known Member
ya know what really grinds my gears? (i'm thinking of the family guy epidode as i type this)

people on toke-n-talk post, so what's your point? after you just posting something interesting that was bothering you. It's not toke-n-make-a-point ya @#$%^& @$$@#%^&!

ha ha, i think that means it time to smoke again..

edit: in responce to above post; people who have some idea what they're asking are helped more and more kindly than the latter.


Active Member
You know what gets me with this whole bail out thing the rich are protecting the rich. If you would give all that bail out money to each tax paying U.S. citizen it would be 400k you wanna talk about boosting the economy that would be insane people would buy cars,houses,invest,put in a bank sales would jump to all time highs. I haved made mistakes in the past where's my money. It makes me sick the rich protect the rich and the rich screw the poor raise the taxes keep takeing more from us to pay the rich the greed of money is so sad how much do you need you cant take it with you I just wanna be happy with no worries kids takeing care of with a good education but good old arnold is takeing that away from us I feel sorry for the younger generation they have a fight on there hands they spend money on things that are so stupid. AND I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR PROTECTING ARE COUNTRY MUCH RESPECT THANK YOU!!!!:peace:
I was suprised to see this thread. I have spent the last few days reading the 450+ page thread about the DIY Areo/NFT thread by Stinkbud and started reading another on "Cultivation 101" where the guy (sorry forgot the name) started from seed and gave a blow by blow on an entire grow. Thought they were both fantastic. As you can see I don't post much, this is my first or second post I think, right now I'm learning. Anyway what I did see in both of those threads was a whole lot of tolerance toward stupidity or laziness. In both of these threads the guys were very specific about the subject matter. Yet, in the NTF/Areo thread people were asking about DWC or something other then the subject of the thread. Personally after reading for hours and having to read stuff that was not on topic and I had no interest in at that moment but was forced to wade through off topic questions just to get the info I was looking for I wanted to reach out and choke someone (a figure of speach). Also, in this same thread people would ask questions like .... Its to hard to read through this whole post but what was the PPN suposed to be in flower? I spent 26 months in the jungles of VietNam as a Marine.....that was hard; doing a little reading is not. But today we live in a society in which we expect to be taken care of and not have to do anything hard. If we invest our money and the investment goes to shit we as a society say Government come fix my problem for me. In reality what we are saying is take some money from someone else and give it to me because I didn't consider the consiquences before I invested. GM says hey we made mistakes when we negotiated that union contract and now its forcing us not to be able to compete so government take money from someone in taxes and give it to me. I don't want to go on a rant, I hope that explains my point. What we see here is just a microcosum (sp) of our society. As far as the people who can't seem to have a discussion without calling a name or degrading others...well I've learned over my 60 years that about 10 percent of society are just rude and inconsiderate. Belive me you can't do anyting about them..I've tried.
Well thats pretty much my opinion on this subject. I do want to thank all the people here that do provide invaluable information. This board has a vast amount of growing knowledge. I hope it dosen't get overrun with the lazy, rude, or inconsiderate people.

Hope this makes sence. Just smoked a nice big blunt of White Widow. Sometime that seems to cloud my ability to type.

Have a hapy 420


New Member
There really isn't all that money out there... shhh... don't tell anybody.... the chinese will stop borrowing on our bonds... oops, too late.... :lol: Clever Trevor Chinese.... friggin abacus dudes all sittin in a row.... watchin... waiting.... ok, I'm creeped out.

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
On the news they talked about some guy who was complaing about chest pain. They found a freaking tree growing in his lung he inhaled a seed and it grew. Wonder what kind of nutriants he was useing now that was stupid.
I'd post right now, but I'm feeling tranquilo.... Somebody say something stupid.....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
On the news they talked about some guy who was complaing about chest pain. They found a freaking tree growing in his lung he inhaled a seed and it grew. Wonder what kind of nutriants he was useing now that was stupid.

THAT'S IT!!! Light bulb just went off (ow), okay now one went off in my head! THE GREEN LUNG.... for those who have two LUNGS!! Grow weed in one lung while you use the other. With my patented HydroLung, you can :

Still jog!! Well walk fast anyways.
You can still play baseball (well, whiffleball anyways)

Best of all you can:

Still smoke weed while you grow (no bong hits though, you might cough up the HydroLung).

Offer not available in Rhode island (what is...?) It's not even an island for pete's sake!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
jesus....i leave for several hours and all of a sudden the OP is angry, FDD's talking about banning people for shits and giggles, CJ actually has NOTHING TO SAY, and were discussing Vietnam....

the end is extremely f@*king nigh!


Well-Known Member
gotta check this out sometime

Originally Posted by KameronG
A friend and I want to start growing and have no other place to grow it besides my tree house. The reason is because my parents wouldn't approve. I haven't moved out yet..


Well-Known Member
jesus....i leave for several hours and all of a sudden the OP is angry, FDD's talking about banning people for shits and giggles, CJ actually has NOTHING TO SAY, and were discussing Vietnam....

the end is extremely f@*king nigh!
....Jesus Christ I think your right!!! :shock:
