Angryblackman's Ugly Outdoor Grow 2011

You are doing really good ABM. You are gonna be pleased with the harvest from those beauties.:clap:

ive pulled ten pounds off of less than that... i dont see any reason y u should be harvesting any less. i was thinkin at least 10lbs. u should get at least a pound off of each of the bigger ones, and how many of the good sized ones do u got? it looks like 6 or so... and u should be able to pull 3-4lbs off the rest of them no problem. i could be wrong but i normally end up under estimating on yield. i guess time will tell tho, but id be willing to place a small wager on that.
lookin gewd bruh harvest is only around the corner!! ima have me a gewd amount aswell, plz ppep my grow if u would thnx n best of growing to ya
What's up RIU! Just thought I would say hello from Reno NV! The girls are doing great and I have some pics to take when I get back to show you guys. :) I just wanted to let you all know that I am going to chill out on the youtube vids for a while as I have been seeing a bunch of pro growers pull theirs since a few dumbasses have hit the news via youtube vids. But I will try and update my grow more frequently here. :) I hope that you all enjoy your weekend. I will be watching some MMA, drinking some beer, and possibly medicating (I'm not legal here ;) )

You all know that I am medicated right now! :D

BTW I helped out a fellow patient when he was low on meds and he was kind enough to snap some pics of it. Here are a few pics of some early harvested Purple Trash before it revegged. He's going to do a smoke review and I will share that with you all as soon as I have it. :joint:

Purple Trash.JPGPurple Trash2.close.JPGPurple Trash2.JPG
i have seeds from a hermi which is stunted although the seeds are fully mature .will these seeds be stunters to or will they grow to a normal size,also the bloke that polinated her is full size .wold love an answer i cant find it anywhere .cheers
i have seeds from a hermi which is stunted although the seeds are fully mature .will these seeds be stunters to or will they grow to a normal size,also the bloke that polinated her is full size .wold love an answer i cant find it anywhere .cheers

Not sure about that. Could be something genetic or could have been overall growing conditions. I would think that a few runs of that breed would find the answer for you. Good luck man!
Hella cool! I had one in the garden last year, haven't seen one yet this year. Meant to buy mantis eggs, but never got around to it. My headstone will prob say, "I meant to do that."
Haha fumble I did the same thing! My excuse was I couldn't find them though at the few local nurseries I checked :P. Looking good ABM, loving the mantis shot. Plants are looking massive dude! That early purp trash sample looks like some fiyah :D
Haha fumble I did the same thing! My excuse was I couldn't find them though at the few local nurseries I checked :P. Looking good ABM, loving the mantis shot. Plants are looking massive dude! That early purp trash sample looks like some fiyah :D

Thanks man. I will put some new pics up when I get home. I haven't tried the Purple Trash for a little bit but the patient that I donated some to says it has been getting him by in his drought days. :) I am still waiting on a review from him on that one. I am glad to see that it has a nice "look" to it thought. :D
Have fun in Reno, that's in Nevada right? What happens in Nevada stay's in Nevada.

Remember, if you never sin, Jesus died for nothing!:shock:
