Well-Known Member
Def the premier entry in the WTF??!? category (based on E1)
Bareback - I’m still new to watching weekly releases…but I don’t currently have access to the blocks of time I used to have for watching, so I feel some of your pain…
Finished S3 opener for Re:Zero…damn, *that’s* a jumpstart
I’m a recent new comer to binge watching. As a 55 year old construction worker, I’ve started having more and more repetitive motion injuries. I discovered binge watching is a pretty good way to to rehab a sore back or shoulder, with a season or more of something with a contentious story it’s easier to sit still. Boredom and channel surfing just makes me stir crazy, it’s not that I really want to watch tv with all my spare time but it’s almost necessary…..and to be honest….I’ve enjoyed a lot of the anime, especially the adult rated stuff.