Anna's dead. that's just sad.


Well-Known Member
was it methadone she overdosed on?isnt that stuff legal,you dont have to be a heroin addict to be prescribed that am i right?she could of got that to kick pills,right?if thats the case how can they hold the doc's accountable?


Well-Known Member
was it methadone she overdosed on?isnt that stuff legal,you dont have to be a heroin addict to be prescribed that am i right?she could of got that to kick pills,right?if thats the case how can they hold the doc's accountable?

she was prescribe 30, yes 30 different meds. all were being filled. :-|

from the same Dr.


Well-Known Member
anna was getting loaded off her ass!!30?that lil nerd howard was prob so happy he was getting some of that to care she was high,couse thats probly the only reason he was,lol,poor anna,smart girl for bieng a dumb blonde!!just got careless and let her emotions run her to the ground.and for bieng that rich she had her share of a fucked up life and problems!!!


Well-Known Member
it all just saddens me. how others can use another human for their own puppet.

Dr.s go along with it knowing what the whole deal is. they did this to Ozzy. watch the first season of the Osbournes'. poor guy couldn't even walk. pills my friends and lots of them. he's much better now. i give Sharon a lot of credit for this. without the support of people who truly cared about him, he would be laying next to anna right about now.

i can't understand the reason behind all this. sure Dr.s are making money but why keep a person completely inebriated? must be the money. more test......more visits.......more meds.......more tests..........more meds.........

betcha he just gets high now.:mrgreen:



New Member
i can't understand the reason behind all this. sure Dr.s are making money but why keep a person completely inebriated? must be the money. more test......more visits.......more meds.......more tests..........more meds.........

betcha he just gets high now.:mrgreen:

Yeah, bet he's just stoned all the time. I don't like doctors... personally don't have one, nor have I ever had one. My mom believed in making her own cures, and grew them in the garden. My gf jumps to taking the kids to the doctors a little more than i'd like... but she holds the 'what if?' card.

Certain medicines are important for terminally ill people.

Yet, there is no cure for the common cold... and medicinal companies make billions from bullshit remedies. They lie to us, give us medicines where the side effects are actually worse than the symptoms we had to start with.

They just want to make money, they don't really care. If they did, they would legalise the weed.