Annoying Phrases

also i have another freind that says Im sorry to fucking much apologising is great and all but this dude will like throw it in to fill the convo and its SO ANNOYING
Youre good at this

Haha I'm around a lot of annoying people... I still say your mom but I add naked to the end and it's not all the time. Only when my boyfriend asks me what I want to eat or do or something, somewhere where it would actually fit but gross him out cause his mom is nasty lol
Haha I'm around a lot of annoying people... I still say your mom but I add naked to the end and it's not all the time. Only when my boyfriend asks me what I want to eat or do or something, somewhere where it would actually fit but gross him out cause his mom is nasty lol

so if his mom was not nasty he would enjoy.... lol
Yeah, when I bought dope, I was buying meth lol.

And no, lol because regardless it's still his mom and that's weird
whenever someone says something to the effect of, "the 80's called. they want their (whatever) back." that shit was dead 10 years ago. and if one more person makes reference to the great "captain obvious" i think i will burst into flame.
whenever someone says something to the effect of, "the 80's called. they want their (whatever) back." that shit was dead 10 years ago. and if one more person makes reference to the great "captain obvious" i think i will burst into flame.
Not Captain obvious, but will Mr. Obvious work for you? :-P
Anything that has to do with Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, MySpace, and any other bullshit social network site.
And anything to do with politics and many celebrity clichés. With the exception of course of anything Chuck Norris or Charlie Sheen.

All else is pretty much fair play. Unless said over and over and over and over again. Then anything can get annoying.
ok, i have a question for you.. when you have a headache and you take an asprin, do you say im taking my meds when you swallow an asprin, or do you say your taking an asprin?? i'd be willing to bet you say your simply taking an asprin, so why the need to call weed meds??

i dont take aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen ect........ so no need to say anything about it. and i call weed my meds cuz that is what they are to me, and it is also weed, herb, bud ect............
telling a med patient who says meds is annoying is like saying pot heads who say pot are annoying.

I just medicated a few minutes ago to for your info.
"It was in the last place I looked...."

No shit Sherlock. Do you continue to look when you find said item ?
Her vagine hang loose like sleeve of wizard.

I hate that phrase.. especially when it's in reference to my wife.
This isn't really a phrase but it just annoys the hell out of me..... I have a cuz who after every sentence says HUH as If everything he says is directed as a question....
EX.- Hey its going to rain HUH? or My mother is childish HUH? or Lets go smoke a bowl HUH?
and then if you dont answer his HUH with a "yeah" or "right" then he will repeat your name untill you reply....lmao (this is funny to me right now because im stoned)
EX... (my cuz) Hey man, I have to go get the tires changed on my car tomorrow, them fuckers on their now are bald huh??
(me) yeah
(my cuz) I dont know whats wrong with my mother havin her head shoved so far up ginas ass huh???
(me) :-|bongsmilie (my cuz) Ron (me) :-|bongsmilie (my cuz) Ron (me) :-|bongsmilie:sleep:
(my cuz) Ron (me) uhhh huh, yeah...

And this will continue for hours...drives me for this....hey, I thought it was
One that bugs me a bit is when people say "god sakes"... "for god sakes, shut that door. It's cold out there". What are "god sakes"? It's supposed to be "god's sake".
I like hate it like when people like say the word "like" like all the f'in time.
And "you know" & "you know what I'm sayin" YES! I know