ok, i have a question for you.. when you have a headache and you take an asprin, do you say im taking my meds when you swallow an asprin, or do you say your taking an asprin?? i'd be willing to bet you say your simply taking an asprin, so why the need to call weed meds??
medical marijuana and calling your weed meds.. or even worse.. i'm going to go pick up my meds.. no your not mutha fucka, your gonna score a bag or weed.. lets call a spade a spade...
This isn't really a phrase but it just annoys the hell out of me..... I have a cuz who after every sentence says HUH as If everything he says is directed as a question....
EX.- Hey its going to rain HUH? or My mother is childish HUH? or Lets go smoke a bowl HUH?
and then if you dont answer his HUH with a "yeah" or "right" then he will repeat your name untill you reply....lmao (this is funny to me right now because im stoned)...lol...
EX... (my cuz) Hey man, I have to go get the tires changed on my car tomorrow, them fuckers on their now are bald huh??
(me) yeah
(my cuz) I dont know whats wrong with my mother havin her head shoved so far up ginas ass huh???
(me)(my cuz) Ron (me)
(my cuz) Ron (me)
(my cuz) Ron (me) uhhh huh, yeah...
And this will continue for hours...drives me nuts...lol.....sorry for this....hey, I thought it was funny....lol....
Let's do lunch.
i says to them, I says, I says...
i hate the word swag. usually used by dudes with tight ass jeans some type of tight fitting hoody with tall ass bright red plastic looking high tops and some type of huge fitted with a huge flat bill turned sideways.
But have you met people who really say, "Let's do lunch" as they really mean it? To me that's a Valley Girl movies thing.. Not sure anyone says that in a meaningful way.. I dunno, maybe Im wrong... but we should definitely get together and talk about... Let's do lunch?
I suppose it is more of a grammatical error/non-english thing but I see it's widespread use within this and other forums, "prolly" is NOT a word in the english language. When I see any member use it in any post I dismiss them as an outright moron. If probably is too much ("to" vs. "too" is another pet peave) effort to spell out then the internet in general may be far too difficult for you.
...I agree. And getting pussy whipped can be"Pussy whipped", always seems like the guy not getting any is the quickest to use this saying.![]()