Annoying Phrases

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I hate when people say "my bad" or "uber".

I make it known that "uber" is the fucking dumbest word ever. Leave the word to people who actually speak german.


Well-Known Member
"aint nothin to it, but to do it" no fucking way? youre kidding me?!

remember pager code days? off subject but im talkative... LOL ;)


Well-Known Member
Glad to see this thread still alive!

I just remembered one from my school days that used to piss me off...

someone asks you around lunch time: "are you hungry?"
you reply: "absolutely" or something similar
They respond back: "then eat a dick!"

imagine how annoying that gets when you can't even say out loud that youre hungry because someone is guaranteed to tell you to eat a dick. How stupid is that?


Well-Known Member
your mom got hella old

in school people used "grimy season, tell me why, breh," etc....... all fucking gay


Well-Known Member
its an old phrase, from like two years ago. usually means like the person thinks someone is acting grimy, i.e. like being fucked up, snitching, talking shit, etc...

it was fucking lame


Well-Known Member
lol. i just came up with a new phrase...cock blocked.(new term) when a man cant get erect. so instead if saying erectile dysfunction they can say
"Aww shucks, i have been cock bkocked!"


Global Moderator
Staff member
lol. i just came up with a new phrase...cock blocked.(new term) when a man cant get erect. so instead if saying erectile dysfunction they can say
"Aww shucks, i have been cock bkocked!"
You've been beaten to it.
From the Urban Dictionary:
cock block
November 11, 2009 Urban Word of the Day
One who prevents another from scoring sexually.


bud bootlegger
not how i mean. i mean like impotent. COck blocked. lol
maybe i'm need to go smoke, well, i know i do, but i'm not really understanding your definition of cock blocked as i don't understand what being impotent has to do with cock blocking, lol... pass me my roor would yah? lol..