Annoying Phrases

"hella" i HATE that word. I just think it was abused my wiggers in my town trying to act hard so I instantly developed an anger towards that word, well, not anger, just annoyance :) I have still to actually say the word, though I do realize I just typed it.

being from new england i always hated when people use that word. i blame that stupid no doubt song. that's very much a west coast saying and when people start using it over here because of some song i want to punch them in the face. in new england we say "wicked", as in, "holy shit that guy's wicked old!" or whatever. how people around here pick up a phrase that almost no one uses is beyond me.
being from new england i always hated when people use that word. i blame that stupid no doubt song. that's very much a west coast saying and when people start using it over here because of some song i want to punch them in the face. in new england we say "wicked", as in, "holy shit that guy's wicked old!" or whatever. how people around here pick up a phrase that almost no one uses is beyond me.

You're welcome.

The West Coast. :)
My least favorite phrase is from my source "Sorry, but it's gonna be tomorrow"! Ugh, I think thats a phrase? toke toke
Kinda pisses me off cause I've been adding "you're a" to the beginning of random things said for years. Like if someone says "Where's the coffee grinder?" I would say "you're a coffee grinder" or other stupid shit like that that doesn't make sense and now everyone and their mom does it.

LOL, I use to say that too and some people hated it (other saw the humor). Someone reported me at work saying I was pretty much picking on them. LOL. I resigned from that stuffy place anyway. Fuck Corporate!
haha, or when it is used for "Fuck The World" i mean come on, if you are going to get mad enough to say fuck the whole world then at least say the whole thing.

Took me a while to get used to the new FTW. For a long time, when that first started showing up in its new incarnation, I didn't bother taking the time to look it up... seemed strange that people were constantly throwing random 'fuck the worlds' into sentences.
Not sure if it's on here yet, but when people say "fail", or "ftw".

I hate the word 'brewski'...just say beer wtf!
An alternative name for something should be shorter, not longer.
Agreed on the brewski.
I'm sick of the phrase "push the envelope"

But sometimes when I'm stoned and trying to get on people's nerves I'll end all my sentences with
"and shit". Know what I mean, and shit?
Swiper no swiping that was a instantly annoying a moment ago.

Also, I can't stand when people say "Hey!! pass that (Joint, bong, pipe, piece, batty, pinchy, hitter, spliff, blunt"
Swiper no swiping that was a instantly annoying a moment ago.

Also, I can't stand when people say "Hey!! pass that (Joint, bong, pipe, piece, batty, pinchy, hitter, spliff, blunt"

Totally agree with "swiper no swiping" haha, fucking Dora.

But if you don't want people saying pass that then don't camp out with it haha. I've been called out for forgetting to pass it sometimes, I just get use to taking my hit and relaxing when I smoke with myself, sometimes we just need a reminder to not get too relaxed til the bowl is over haha.
Nah, f'n mooching bogarts are the ones I was talkn about. Sucking down my well earned reef dollars a second. It should of read You Got a Joint, bong, pipe, piece, batty, pinchy, hitter, spliff, blunt"... broke ass/non-growing bums ...
medical marijuana and calling your weed meds.. or even worse.. i'm going to go pick up my meds.. no your not mutha fucka, your gonna score a bag or weed.. lets call a spade a spade...
what if you were raised in the south where you gotta say meds to help the ignorant bastards you live around understand you aint on crack.
medical marijuana and calling your weed meds.. or even worse.. i'm going to go pick up my meds.. no your not mutha fucka, your gonna score a bag or weed.. lets call a spade a spade...

LOL! Yeah, that one gets me, too. Like....who the fuck you kiddin, man? So...Since Im an alcoholic....when I go to the booze store, Im REALLY just going to "get my medicine", right?

These phrases are all assinine, I agree, but the one that kills me, "well, WHY are you depressed?" I mean....odes anybody ever say, "well, WHY do you have diabetes?" Jeeeez....depression is a real disease, and who the fuck knows "why" any one person gets it?

Then, those same people usually say, "Well, just buck up!" Or, "Things could be worse!" or, "Count your blessings!"

Here's an dibetics and you people with heart disease and arthritis and cancer and shit, "JUST BUCK UP! Things could be worse! Count your blessings!

Feel better, yet? All cured up?

