Another Critical Blow to ObamaCare

Canndo... I have a friend that is in jail for a few years, and I was thinking I wonder what happens when he gets out... with the fines for Obama care increasing each year he will have to file bankruptcy on the several thousand dollars worth of fines when he gets out...Or I wonder If he will get a waiver for the fines......It's just something I was thinking about...
Prisoners, having no income, are subsidized. State prisons everywhere are enrolling, well, trying to enroll, their inmates in ACA.
But BigEasy1, think. You DO pay for someone elses health care and you pay the more for it than you would otherwise. I have said this over and over again. No one is turned away from most ER. If they can't pay - YOU do. If someone has an expensive series of proceedures and appear to be able to pay but are unable to, they go bk, and YOU pay yet again. If a substancial portion of the population goes untreated for communicable diseases, YOU pay again, perhaps even with your life. In this case, people are forced to pay for their own care up front.
Actually, no. What with the high deductibles and such, most of those costs will be billed to the recipient, AFTER treatment. And some of the plans only pay 60%, so 40% s still billed to the recipient.
I am not, you may not be following along with my particular story, but my wife and I have both been thrown off our policies. If those millions were left without recourse I would be very upset, but they are not. My question still holds. and you answered my question with another question. I answered yours with a statement. Can you do the same?
They are left without recourse. Have you tried enrolling in ACA? Good luck with that.
Now comes the imaginary solutions. Tell the masses to change their ways and then everything will be fine. Problem is that it doesn't work that way. Reality tends to bite us in the ass. Those people DO ave babies they can't afford - many want to cut off methods for those people to quit having those unaffordable kids, I don't know if you are one. Point is that those babies are going to have to be taken care of and we as a society have a duty to do so.
While you believe "we" have such a duty, most (including the law) ascribe that duty to the parents. If you feel otherwise, why are you spending money feeding yourself when you have not fulfilled your duty to feed all those kids?
Interesting you mention that, funny thing is, as it turns out, there are fewer people getting rolled off their insurance plan this year than the past few years consecutively. As a percentage, roughly 70% of current insured this year are being rolled off or have chosen a new policy, compared to over 80% last year. [pre obamacare]
I call liar
Ummm, mine didn't get cancelled!!! I am self employed and pay for it myself!! It does not include maternity and all the bull shit either!!! The ones that are getting cancelled are total bull shit and the Insurance companies are taking advantage of the new laws which is exactly what I though would happen!!!
If it doesn't include maternity, it will be canceled.
Mine was because it did not include mental health. Of course the insurance companies wrote portions of the new law AND had years for their lawyers and smartest folks to come up with ways in which to use this change to their advantage. If you look at the unsubidized premiums you will see horrendous amounts of money. The plan most akin to my old one was over 300 dollars more than I paid a month, the deductable was higher and the out of pocket was higher. On the other hand mine had a yearly cap and a lifetime cap, these don't. I can imagine someone who winds up topping a couple of million in a year or two being very thankful they have a plan that reduced their total out of pocket to the deductable and their monthly premium.
You're forgetting the 20-40% copays.
No, she and her family are millionaires... The only thing standing in-between you and your dream of riches is a; pre nuptial...
Or an annulment. Being impotent, Bucky never consummated the marriage. Plus, his wife isn't rich, just her parents. So community property doesn't apply. I suspect his in-laws will leave their money to their pet cat before giving it to the daughter that married that piece of shit.
I call liar

Still calling liar.

Doesn't support your statement at all. Liar

I am basing my statements on actual historical evidence. You are basing your statement on maybes and assumptions.
Uh, no, you're not. You took a totally unrelated study from 2004 and lied, saying it was done this year.
I knew it all along, I can smell a little SNITCH a mile away. Dude, Ill bet it started when you were a toddler, everyone on your block called you tattle tale back the, am I right?
"Tattle Tale" wasn't what they called him............
Do you know how the "multi-quote" function works?


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