why doesn't everyone just inherit a boat? so simple.
What would I find out? That you are also a tax evader?
Like I said, if I am pooping on some weird troll parade you are having, shoot me a PM and I'll let you have your fun. But if you seriously expect us to believe any of it, you need to stop digging holes.
Buck is already an admitted tax evader. The federal government doesn't ever get its cut.
Buck is already an admitted tax evader. The federal government doesn't ever get its cut.
ORS 475.300-346
taxation mechanism, please.
I don't even have to look at your state law because it's totally irrelevant. State governments have no power to absolve you from paying federal taxes.
The federal government requires you to report your income and disallows any deductions for expenses. You do not. Thus you are a tax evader. You preach about how everyone else needs to pay their taxes but you think you're above it.
why did they put a taxation mechanism into our state law just recently then?
Yeah, pitiful wasn't it.hopefully, it wasn't english tutoring for 1st graders or older.
perhaps like NLXSK1 you "service" 10-15 dudes a day at $20 a pop. seems about right.
How much will the price of weed realistically drop to when it becomes legal???
How much does it cost to produce? Not that much really...
Competition will make the price of good weed dirt cheap and it will take actual work to grow enough to make a living at.
Anyone presently making money from weed loses in legalization. Corporate enterprises with billions of dollars in investor cash will be able to grow and distribute weed cheaper and better than anyone else, even with a hefty tax burden. Individual people stand no chance of being able to match on efficiency or ability to comply with whatever regulations get set up.
There are dozens of microbreweries in my area and dozens more nanobreweries as well. Most of them vend something that does not compare with Bud or Coors. Most of them are thriving.
There are dozens of microbreweries in my area and dozens more nanobreweries as well. Most of them vend something that does not compare with Bud or Coors. Most of them are thriving.
Anyone presently making money from weed loses in legalization.
false again, my little devryUprep.
those of us with experience in the cannabis industry now have all sorts of new doors open for us.
it's a brave new world.
How much does it cost to comply with regulations and taxes to start a microbrewerie?
What goverment entities are involved?
I'm not talking about Colorado. There's still plenty of profit to be had right now.
When there's federal change, when the federal tax problem is solved, and when more states legalize, there will be billions of dollars invested in new productive capacity. That's the killer. The weed corporations will wipe most players out of the market because competition on cost will become increasingly difficult.
I'm not talking about Colorado. There's still plenty of profit to be had right now.
When there's federal change, when the federal tax problem is solved, and when more states legalize, there will be billions of dollars invested in new productive capacity. That's the killer. The weed corporations will wipe most players out of the market because competition on cost will become increasingly difficult.
and i'm sure cannabis growers will resort to stealing from their parents and working at subway, like your big bruvva.
no way cannabis growers will ever find a home within the cannabis industry.
i mean, it's not like there are a massive number of microbreweries, vineyards, and wineries around me, even though a 6 pack is $5 at every corner store.