Another Family ruined over a lil bud and "citizen forfeiture

Should citizen forfeiture be allowed

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you'd like him if he preached racial segregation though.


I'd like him if he understood property rights and freedom. He doesn't.

Not to mention he has a penchant for saying one thing and doing another.

For instance, he says he's "against big banks". Yet he voted to raise the debt ceiling, which is a reward for big banks.

He says he's "for peace", yet he voted multiple times to fund the Pentagon and continued foreign aggression.

He says he's different than Hillary, yet voted WITH her over 90% of the time.

Should I go on Poopy Pants ?
Asset forfeiture goes digital. Oklahoma's cops can drain your gift cards on a whim and swipe. Next step, debit and credit cards?

Oooooklahoma! Where the cops can stop and empty your bank cards – on just a hunch

Police in Oklahoma are deploying an electronic scanner that can drain currency from prepaid credit cards seized at the roadside using civil asset forfeiture laws.

The Electronic Recovery and Access to Data (ERAD) handheld scanner was developed at the request of the Department of Homeland Security for use by US border guards. But the gadget's maker is now marketing it to local and state police, and Oklahoma has bought 16 of the scanners for its highway patrol.

The reader can record data from any magstripe card – even down to hotel keys – and works with Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, as well as Best Buy, Costco, Macy's and Walmart gift cards. Any funds found can be frozen or transferred directly to a law enforcement bank account "to protect the integrity of the evidence and ensure the funds are available for trial or forfeiture," ERAD's advertisingstates.

Some sanity is creeping in. Of course, it was the money taken from a Christian rock band ($50k) that caused the kerfluffle but some movement towards freedom can begin, even in the OK state.

State Senator Kyle Loveless (R-OK) has promised new legislation to require that police obtain a conviction before taking funds. He said he has had multiple reports of police abusing their powers for profit.

"We've seen single moms' stuff be taken, a cancer survivor his drugs taken, we saw a Christian band being taken. We've seen innocent people's stuff being taken. We've seen where the money goes and how it's been misspent," he said.