Knock and Talk - Are the Police doing this in your area??!!!

here we have the "knock and fuck you"

lmao, no shit

I'm sorry, but it's kinda hard for me to see this technique working on me. I mean, everyone knows they need a warrant. And their search is limited to what the warrant says they can look for. Otherwise they need consent, and who would give it? WHY would anyone give consent?

Hell, it's amazing how stupid people can be. I mean, I can't believe how many times I watch a cop show where people just start confessing to shit. You have the right to remain silent, so do yourself a favor, and REMAIN SILENT. Don't talk except to request a lawyer, then sit tight. Don't make small talk, don't answer any questions. I wouldn't give a cop the time of DAY.
It's amazing, but, they DO comply. We're taught to respect authority, and as we try to live in this new culture of fear it's just getting worse. Our rights are chipped away at, and rights we thought we had are no longer. Then, there's just plain ignorance. I'm paranoid, so if/when a cop(s) show up at my door I walk outside and close it behind me. I really like that my dog, though actually very friendly, looks REALLY scary (although I do worry that one day someone might just shoot her) and people tend to stay back if they don't know dogs very well.

Then, there's also the fact that they've got the guns and they can do pretty much anything they want. Then, it's up to the individual to assert their rights and we're guaranteed that any judge or juror is going to take LEO's word over yours or mine.
in the p[art of the country i live in thast wont happen i dont think cuz where i live if people show up at your house and you dont know them they are usually greated with a shotgun i love the hills
They'd have to get past my German Shephards first... then the CZ-75. 10 times out of 10 if you tell a LEO to fuck himself, he will leave. They aren't taught what to do when someone refuses to consent to a search. I have, on several occasions, not given consent for a LEO to search. They always just leave with a look of bewilderment plastered on thier faces.
Cops can only bust in your door for a felony warrant or a felony in progress. They can dio it from the smell because it could be trafficing or sales or a high posession charge, which are felonies. Recently california supreme court ruled that smell is no longer a cause because simple posession in CA is not even a criminal offense. I've sat in houses they knew i was for misdameanors as well. Can't bust in a door for them.
Cops can only bust in your door for a felony warrant or a felony in progress. They can dio it from the smell because it could be trafficing or sales or a high posession charge, which are felonies. Recently california supreme court ruled that smell is no longer a cause because simple posession in CA is not even a criminal offense. I've sat in houses they knew i was for misdameanors as well. Can't bust in a door for them.

40acres you changed your avatar! lol, I don't think I'm going to miss the old one...

But I hadn't heard about this smell-no-longer-a-cause. That's cool.
in the p[art of the country i live in thast wont happen i dont think cuz where i live if people show up at your house and you dont know them they are usually greated with a shotgun i love the hills

Um... I've gotta wonder if you happen to live close by to me.
They'd have to get past my German Shephards first... then the CZ-75. 10 times out of 10 if you tell a LEO to fuck himself, he will leave. They aren't taught what to do when someone refuses to consent to a search. I have, on several occasions, not given consent for a LEO to search. They always just leave with a look of bewilderment plastered on thier faces.

That's exactly what my husband does, but I just don't quite have the balls to tell LEO, "Hey, go fuck yourself!" :D

When we were visited last time, though, I only opened the door a bit, then went outside and walked them to the edge of the property. Couldn't get detective #2 to come off the property, so I was glad when my husband came home and got in their faces (although, I was wondering if I could take out enough cash from my cc's to make his bail) and told them to get the FUCK off our property.
That's exactly what my husband does, but I just don't quite have the balls to tell LEO, "Hey, go fuck yourself!" :D

When we were visited last time, though, I only opened the door a bit, then went outside and walked them to the edge of the property. Couldn't get detective #2 to come off the property, so I was glad when my husband came home and got in their faces (although, I was wondering if I could take out enough cash from my cc's to make his bail) and told them to get the FUCK off our property.

That is too scary... After one visit from LEO, I'm putting my house on the market, packing up and moving. They have a way of keep coming back and I can't have that. Def I would move or destroy all my plants and have a bleach-fest on the entire house from top to bottom!

an unfortunate truth indeed^^^

they always come back, my friend refused to let th cops in his house on the grounds that they didnt have a warrant to search his home....only to search his backyard, they tried pulling the "lets talk inside" and he called them on it and said he'd discuss it in front of the whole world before going inside....needless to say they found nothing outside, and 2 weeks later the same cops came back caught him while he was inside smoking a joint and arrested him....why were the cops there? they said they saw an open flame in a window from the road....which is about 200 feet from the house...bullshit, lucky for my friend it was the end of his stash and the cops didn't have a pot to piss in, i wish that he'd gone to court for it, cuz really, why were they watching his house, and how could they see an open flame (they described it as a lighter with paraphernalia)in a window in broad daylight from 200 ft away?

no knocks, knock and talk, and illegal wire tapping are all previews to the soon-to-come erasure of the 4th amendment, in a few years we wont be allowed to have privacy in the states- time to move.
WW Woman is right. Cops are like crotch-rot. Once you get them they always come back. As for the 4th amend. you guys in the states are getting hosed by politicans who want to use 9-11 for any reason to erode away your rights. And Steven Baaaaaaa Harper
being the cock smoking sheep he is , is following Bush's lead
My buddies got busted the same way. One of them somehow gave them permission to enter the house by asking hypothetically what would happen if he did let them inside and the cops found a pound of herb, 20 hits of acid and a grow setup that was growing veggies at the time. Do not give permission to enter the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm surprised these events are going on in Orange County.
I mean, it's not a place usually known for enforcing strict marijuana laws.

That is bullshit though.
bullshit I lived in florida its the worst, theres cops cant even park at the beach at night just to look at the ocean.I always light my yankee candles before I smoke and blow them out an hour after im done. you wont believe what those candles can overrides bud like its nothing.I burn down some stinky dank right before my wife gets home and she says all she can smell is those candles.there like 25$ a piece but I have 3.but I will just watch the cop threw my peep hole.
That is too scary... After one visit from LEO, I'm putting my house on the market, packing up and moving. They have a way of keep coming back and I can't have that. Def I would move or destroy all my plants and have a bleach-fest on the entire house from top to bottom!


That wasn't why they were visiting us. It had to do with one of my son's girlfriends. Believe it or not, we ended up going down to the station and made friends with the one MC officer, as well as the officers assigned to her case.
a guy i know in the UK had the cops come a knockin because his freind had double parked his car for a second to drop somthing off. they said they smelled erb and wanted to come in have a look see. he had like a 3000 watt op going,

he told them to go pound sand if they didnt have a warrent and they left.

the poor guy immidiatly destroyed and dumped his whole crop and got rid of every scrap of evidence.

a week later the cops came back, they had a warrent this time

they searched his house top to bottom and found nothin not even a stem

They were pissed and brought him down town for questioning

he told them to go pound sand for about an hour and they released him

He is still free to be there for his kids instead of locked up in prison for growing a shrub:roll:

Moral of the story:

when in doubt, rip em out