another right wing white male goes on rampage of terrorism in colorado

why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?

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Oh please. :roll:

Merely pointing out the purpose of this thread to hyroot.

As for the shooter, he was messed up in the head. Opposes death and then causes death. He deserves life in prison.
"No more baby parts!"

It is very clear at this point Mr. Dear was motivated by the videos produced by David Daleiden and by the rhetoric of republican presidential candidates

Mental illness obviously plays a role as it generally takes a lapse in mental judgment to murder someone, let alone 3 people and wound 9 others.. But for you to say his ideology, personal beliefs and influences from right wing media and politicians plays no role is beyond intellectually dishonest

Without those videos and without the GOP presidential candidates parroting right wing media talking points, this wouldn't have happened, and you know it.
Mr. Dear was motivated by the videos produced by David Daleiden and by the rhetoric of republican presidential candidates


but don't retreat, reload!


it's time to take a stand.

no more baby parts.
You are like a bird dog endlessly hunting for more racists to flush out into the open.

That'll do buck.

No, he's doing a public service by throwing their wild eyed, foaming at the mouth, racist, fear mongering apologists for fascism screaming diatribes right back at them with the same vitriol they bring to the 'discussion.'

You'll notice that he treats those with a mere difference of opinion with respect.
At what point does hate speech become incitement to violence?

I have an awful feeling that if black presidential candidates were advocating shooting up planned parenthood sites, they'd catch some serious charges.
I disagree. I think the conservativeness of shooting up planned parenthood would outweigh the blackness of a presidential candidate suggesting it

Like, if Obama came out and said "FUCK Planned Parenthood! Shoot that shit up and save the babies lives!", conservatives would support it, even though he's black, that's how fuckin' crazy and inconsistent they are
"This test has been modified very little from its inception in 1969 and the formulation is still good law in the United States. Only speech that poses an imminent danger of unlawful action, where the speaker has the intention to incite such action and there is the likelihood that this will be the consequence of his or her speech, may be restricted and punished by that law."

That's how they get away with it
I disagree. I think the conservativeness of shooting up planned parenthood would outweigh the blackness of a presidential candidate suggesting it

Like, if Obama came out and said "FUCK Planned Parenthood! Shoot that shit up and save the babies lives!", conservatives would support it, even though he's black, that's how fuckin' crazy and inconsistent they are

I have to disagree. Conservatives wouldn't support that shit. He is black. That will not happen. Actually if we wanted to get some actual funding, maybe Obama should say that. Congress would have a bill funding PP so fast. Only think that would go faster would be impeachment proceedings.
Lol right. And you know they could make a comeback. If republicans stayed conservative in the money area and not say shit about social things like gay marriage or abortion they would do better. I dont get how the gop doesn't get behind legalizing shit. Anything that makes money. Stop giving our money away to other countries. Lower taxes. Create new streams of revenue. I mean that used to be what they were about. Now its all abortions, muslims, blacks, jesus. WTF. Personally I blame Citizens United. I also think people like Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers are the most evil people in the world. If revolutions happens, ice them motherfuckers for sure.
Lol right. And you know they could make a comeback. If republicans stayed conservative in the money area and not say shit about social things like gay marriage or abortion they would do better. I dont get how the gop doesn't get behind legalizing shit. Anything that makes money. Stop giving our money away to other countries. Lower taxes. Create new streams of revenue. I mean that used to be what they were about. Now its all abortions, muslims, blacks, jesus. WTF. Personally I blame Citizens United. I also think people like Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers are the most evil people in the world. If revolutions happens, ice them motherfuckers for sure.

Republicans haven't been fiscally conservative since my father was in diapers. They went and sold themselves out to the ultra rich, who then directed them to shift the tax burden onto the middle class, enact mountains of subsidies and drain the public treasury dry- so they can then proclaim that there isn't any money for helping poor people.

The turn is coming and it's going to be a nasty whiplash for the conservative movement in this country. It's time we all stand up, discredit them and hold them accountable for their words and acts.
"No more baby parts!"

It is very clear at this point Mr. Dear was motivated by the videos produced by David Daleiden and by the rhetoric of republican presidential candidates

Mental illness obviously plays a role as it generally takes a lapse in mental judgment to murder someone, let alone 3 people and wound 9 others.. But for you to say his ideology, personal beliefs and influences from right wing media and politicians plays no role is beyond intellectually dishonest

Without those videos and without the GOP presidential candidates parroting right wing media talking points, this wouldn't have happened, and you know it.
I never said it didn't affect him. I never commented on him other than he was fucked in the head.