another right wing white male goes on rampage of terrorism in colorado

why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?

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I've noticed a pattern from Colorado.

The water?

I dunno, but Fort Collins has four times the national suicide rate, very strange for such a hip, affluent town.

I used to joke about how the water makes people weird because there AREN'T minerals in it, but recently I've come to a far more sobering conclusion; the local area is inundated with naturally occurring radioactive material and the dust blows it everywhere. We have a suspiciously high local rate of certain cancers, gall bladder problems and thyroid issues, among others.

They want to open a uranium mine twenty miles from here and many thousands of homes in the area have radon mitigation systems (basement vents!) installed, so I honestly don't think this is just paranoia talking.
I dunno, but Fort Collins has four times the national suicide rate, very strange for such a hip, affluent town.

I used to joke about how the water makes people weird because there AREN'T minerals in it, but recently I've come to a far more sobering conclusion; the local area is inundated with naturally occurring radioactive material and the dust blows it everywhere. We have a suspiciously high local rate of certain cancers, gall bladder problems and thyroid issues, among others.

They want to open a uranium mine twenty miles from here and many thousands of homes in the area have radon mitigation systems (basement vents!) installed, so I honestly don't think this is just paranoia talking.
Republicans haven't been fiscally conservative since my father was in diapers. They went and sold themselves out to the ultra rich, who then directed them to shift the tax burden onto the middle class, enact mountains of subsidies and drain the public treasury dry- so they can then proclaim that there isn't any money for helping poor people.

The turn is coming and it's going to be a nasty whiplash for the conservative movement in this country. It's time we all stand up, discredit them and hold them accountable for their words and acts.
Former wife says Planned Parenthood terrorist is conservative, religious and anti-abortion

I, for one, am COMPLETELY shocked by this revelation.

Stop the presses, he was conservative? What a shocker?:bigjoint:o_O
4 times the national rate, that's strange..I wonder if they are transients who moved there or are homegrown.
Black lives matter thugs slammed by a black St. Louis woman a few months ago, shown on CNN. Here's a smart lady not afraid to say what needs to be parroted.

Soooooo can someone please tell me what LIBERALS like to go around shooting?

You can start with the thugs and liberal govts. in Chicago then proceed to St. Louis, Ferguson, Baltimore, Detroit........

Looting at the CVS's. Video showing black men looting more than 30 pharmacies and clinics, stealing prescription drugs which will create more gang turf wars as they sell the stolen pills on the streets.

"With April's looting, an extraordinary amount of drugs were stolen from pharmacies — more than initially believed, officials said Wednesday.

Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts on Wednesday said police were working with federal partners such as the Drug Enforcement Administration to seize more than 175,000 "units," or doses, of prescription drugs looted from 27 pharmacies and two methadone clinics when unrest erupted April 27, in the wake of the death of Freddie Gray from injuries sustained in police custody weeks earlier.

"There's enough narcotics on the streets of Baltimore to keep it intoxicated for a year," Batts said. "That amount of drugs has thrown off the balance on the streets of Baltimore."

Batts' comments came the same day that Rite Aid said looting at its locations included prescription drugs, as well as the theft of personal medical information."

Pieces of shit.
He keeps making these threads that are full of shit. He needs to do a little research before quoting fox news and tabloids.

It has nothing to with christains. It's greed and money and politics that's the problem. We need to get rid of the entire congress and Senate and replace them with a new generation of people.

Just for that jew comment I hope someone beats the shit out of you soon.

We don't need anymore Nazi bigots
I just read this again and continue to be disgusted by your lack of intelligence.
You can start with the thugs and liberal govts. in Chicago then proceed to St. Louis, Ferguson, Baltimore, Detroit........

Looting at the CVS's. Video showing black men looting more than 30 pharmacies and clinics, stealing prescription drugs which will create more gang turf wars as they sell the stolen pills on the streets.

"With April's looting, an extraordinary amount of drugs were stolen from pharmacies — more than initially believed, officials said Wednesday.

Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts on Wednesday said police were working with federal partners such as the Drug Enforcement Administration to seize more than 175,000 "units," or doses, of prescription drugs looted from 27 pharmacies and two methadone clinics when unrest erupted April 27, in the wake of the death of Freddie Gray from injuries sustained in police custody weeks earlier.

"There's enough narcotics on the streets of Baltimore to keep it intoxicated for a year," Batts said. "That amount of drugs has thrown off the balance on the streets of Baltimore."

Batts' comments came the same day that Rite Aid said looting at its locations included prescription drugs, as well as the theft of personal medical information."

Pieces of shit.
More blather from the hole in the ground.
I was going to say something smart assed about how the Crusades weren't terrorism, but I'm afraid our conservative friends would take me seriously.

After all, it isn't terrorism if WE'RE doing it to THEM! o_O
Christians really scare me. You never know what they're thinking or if they're even thinking at all. They come from the most barbaric tradition in history.
I was going to say something smart assed about how the Crusades weren't terrorism, but I'm afraid our conservative friends would take me seriously.

After all, it isn't terrorism if WE'RE doing it to THEM! o_O

You do know the crusades were an answer by the Byzantine government In response to Arab Muslim pirates off of North Africa and in the Mediterranean. The Islamic fundamentalist pirates used terrorism by sinking Roman and later Byzantine vessels without even looting them. They killed and beheaded the crews and sunk the boats full just to "strike a blow to the main artery of the beast" - that Muhamed guy...

Sooooo the crusades were for sure terror filled and insane but I wouldn't exactly call it terrorism per se.. It was more of an answer too terrorism by saying "whelp you've been poking us for 400 years... Time for payback"

The Byzantium rulers approached the Vatican and said "hey bro... These brown people be fucking up our banks and shit so we can't pay you guys good tithings... Sorry bro but unless you help us fight the Muslims... I can't pay no mo"

So the Vatican being the G's they are put on the dresses and the big hats and called up there Viking buddies and we're all like "so yo... You Varangians wanna go smash something?" And being of Viking decent they said "fuck ya bro lets roll!" And the rivers ran red with Arab blood....

Soooooo moral of the story.... Don't fuck with anyone who's got Vikings for security guards...
You do know the crusades were an answer by the Byzantine government In response to Arab Muslim pirates off of North Africa and in the Mediterranean. The Islamic fundamentalist pirates used terrorism by sinking Roman and later Byzantine vessels without even looting them. They killed and beheaded the crews and sunk the boats full just to "strike a blow to the main artery of the beast" - that Muhamed guy...

Sooooo the crusades were for sure terror filled and insane but I wouldn't exactly call it terrorism per se.. It was more of an answer too terrorism by saying "whelp you've been poking us for 400 years... Time for payback"

The Byzantium rulers approached the Vatican and said "hey bro... These brown people be fucking up our banks and shit so we can't pay you guys good tithings... Sorry bro but unless you help us fight the Muslims... I can't pay no mo"

So the Vatican being the G's they are put on the dresses and the big hats and called up there Viking buddies and we're all like "so yo... You Varangians wanna go smash something?" And being of Viking decent they said "fuck ya bro lets roll!" And the rivers ran red with Arab blood....

Soooooo moral of the story.... Don't fuck with anyone who's got Vikings for security guards...

Fascinating stuff! Yet, one side's freedom fighter is still another's terrorist. Unavoidable in war.

I know allllllll about Viking security guards. I got me some of them!